Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2564

Su Hao's body is bent and blood dyed red.

He became a blood man!

A bloody man who looks miserable!

After three a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his complexion became incredibly pale, and his breath had a faint trend of sluggishness.

"It's over." Someone in the field spat out two words.

It also spit out everyone's heartfelt voice, anyone can see that the current Su Hao has reached the limit.

The next sword, he will die!

In fact, the fourth sword of the Chi Heavenly Flame had already been raised, and a terrifying edge that surpassed all the previous ones burst out, and the enormous pressure surged away.

Before it falls, the void there is already surging, like waves in the vast ocean.

Even if anyone off the court looks at it, they can feel the terrifying of this sword, which makes people's body, mind and soul tremble uncontrollably.

"It's over, I feel extremely overbearing with this sword, that kid is already an arrow at the end of its flight, and he must die!" Fenghua sneered.

"That's right, Brother Chi Senior is also tired of playing. For a person who has completely lost his way, he disdains to continue playing." Bai Qi sneered.

"Damn him!" Qi Mount Tai and the others echoed without scruples, no longer afraid of being blamed, behind them was the foreign dean.

Compared to their pride, Dan Wushuang, Ling Xue, Mo Feng, and Gao Jiao's faces all turned hideous.

I can't wait to rush up immediately to block that sword.

Unfortunately, the dean of the outer court and the others are here, how could they be given a chance?

No chance!

They watched helplessly, the sword was pressed down a little bit, and every inch it moved down, there seemed to be a vast explosion of thunder.

This sword, let alone other people, even them, felt that they couldn't stop it.

Su Hao He...

"Boy, this sword, I send you off, when it comes to hell, remember, the person who killed you is called Chi Heavenly Flame!"

Chi Heavenly Flame shouted, in a victorious gesture, sentenced Su Hao to death.

Sword, faster!

The endless sword qi surging and dazzling edge has completely wrapped Su Hao.

"Boy, we are finished, in the next life, I hope to see you again." The Killing God Sword trembled, with more cracks, and could be broken at any time.

Ye Xiu's voice entered Su Hao's mind from the sword, and he was already desperate.

However, Su Hao took him back to God, and also killed Ye Xiu so that he could take revenge. Now that he is dead, it seems that it's worth it.

"Let's go, let's go." His laughter swayed in Su Hao's heart.

"no! ”

However, Su Hao shoots hideous, gnashing teeth in his eyes, immortal!

He still has a lot of unfinished business, Qinger didn't see it, Immortal World's parents, Xianxian, Bailing, and Yuer are all waiting for him.

Wait for him to go back!

He can't fall!


With a roar, Su Hao's body stood up in desperation, but when he stood up, he bent again, his knees almost touching the ground.

Too much pressure!

"Up to now, he still dares to struggle. I really don't know if he has any brains." Fenghua sneered, contempt to the extreme.

"The end is doomed, he must die!" Bai Qi waited for the verdict, no matter what happened to Su Hao, they all decided that he was dead.

At this time, ka-cha made a sound.

On the battle stage, there was a cracking sound. It was the Killing God Sword in Su Hao's hand, which was completely disconnected, and he could no longer block it.

Killing God Sword, break!

"hmph, do you still want to resist? The sword is broken, so what to resist?" The sneer sounded again, witnessing Su Hao's death, which met the expectations of many people.

"Hehe, let's go, there are so many of us here to send you off, you are worth dying for!"

"Look, next moment he will explode, peng sound, blood dyed red that battle stage!"

The sound of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, continued.


The extremely certain word of Chi Heavenly Flame also fell completely, the sword slashed down without any obstruction, and slashed towards Su Hao!

Everyone's spirits are tense.

Last minute.

Ling Xue, Mo Feng, so high above, almost cried.

Last second.

They gave Su Hao a deep look...


Of course!

"Get up!"

loudly shouted, when the sword had reached three feet above Su Hao's head, it suddenly sounded, Su Hao's body suddenly turned around, and his hands embraced him. The giant stone sword on the battle stage!

A thick stone sword stands on the battle stage!

"What is he going to do, to draw the stone sword? It's ridiculous, that sword has never been drawn."

"There is indeed a great good fortune in the sword, But it's not something that an existence like him can get, and it's ridiculous to try to block the red Heavenly Flame Senior Brother."

"What can I do if I crawl? ”

The crowd shook their heads, Su Hao is now desperate, pinning on the rumored sword.

Unfortunately, that's impossible!

The dean of the outer hospital has no worries.

Because, no one has done it!

Chi Heavenly Flame also showed a sneer, and he slashed down with a sword, and even paused, as if to give Su Hao another chance to try.

He must die under the most terrifying despair!

Of course!

"Get up!"

Su Hao shouted, his eyes were blood red, he hugged the thick stone sword with both hands, and drew towards the fiercely above.

This pull almost poured all of his energy, thoughts, and deep desire for life.

He, can't die, can't!


A terrifying shock came, and the battle stage seemed to tremble.


The second terrifying was turbulent, and above the battle stage, there were terrifying cracks and ka-cha ka-cha sounds.


The third vibration sounded. Above the battle stage, the cracks were thick and covered almost everywhere, and the source was the center.

The rift, from where the sword was!


immediately, everyone's eyes suddenly looked at them, and then they were all startled, and the thick stone sword actually moved upwards.

Su Hao, pull!

The only dísciple that can draw this sword!

"Kill him!"

The dean of the outer court shouted, and dare not wait any longer. There is a legend of terrifying in that sword, and he is afraid that Su Hao can really shake it.

However, after his voice fell, the sword of the red Heavenly Flame did not cut down.

Actually, it wasn't that he didn't want to. When the shock came, he couldn't wait to kill Su Hao immediately.

But the sword in his hand is not obeying orders!

At this time, he was holding the sword in both hands, but he couldn't go down, and the sword was still shaking violently.

It seems that he saw the Lord of Swords, and he couldn't help but be afraid and dare not continue to offend.

"Behead me!"

Red Heavenly Flame roared, his eyes were blood red, he used all his strength, and even squeezed his potential, but the sword still didn't move, even its The sword qi on the website is actually restrained.

All the best!

And at this time...

"Get up!"

Su Hao's shouted sounded again, the huge stone sword, bang, from the battle Under the stage, it is completely exposed.

Draw your sword!

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