Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2558

Red Heavenly Flame laughs playfully, looking like a clown, isn't it going to die, now I'll give you a chance, go?

"The temperature of this flame is very terrifying. As long as you jump into it, you will become a pile of ashes in a flash."

"Want to die, go?"

He continued to tease, looking down at him.

Ling Xue gritted her teeth, they really wanted to break through, but it wasn't a death-defying break-in method, this guy blocked their way.

"Why, don't you dare?" Chi Heavenly Flame sneered again, and then stepped out, under the shocked gaze of everyone, directly rushing towards the Purple Gold magic lotus fire.

At the same time, his cultivation base emanated, bursting with the most powerful terrifying, fighting with that flame.

Looking from a distance, it was a person who fought with purple's magic fire giant lotus, swaying boundless flames.

The sound of rumbling constantly exploded in the valley, and the sound made people feel shocked.

"The terrifying ah, this flame terrifying, even the eruption of the red Heavenly Flame Senior Brother can be stopped."

"Yes, it is horrible to see."

"Yes, it is horrible to see."

" p>

The people from the outside were terrified of discussing, and at the next moment, the red Heavenly Flame fought and retreated, drawing the battlefield closer to Ling Xue and the three of them.

This is intentional to pull the three of Ling Xue into it.

"Not good!"

Dan Wushuang clenched the sound of ka-cha in his fist, with infinite annoyance in his eyes, this bastard is really too shameless.

Ling Xue and the others also felt the terrifying, and quickly retreated, but in this brief moment, a layer of light waves appeared behind them, directly blocking the way.

"Hahaha, those three guys are scared, it's a pity, it's too late to step back."

"hmph, don't they know that this taboo Once the mountain test starts, within the specified time, you can enter and exit."

"I think they just want to pretend to be coercive.

"It's fun, it's fun."

The voices from the outside are getting louder and harsher, looking at the terrified three people, all with a strong sense of sarcasm .

Red Heavenly Flame is still shooting, fighting the demon Fire Lotus. He is in the seventh rank and ranks 23rd in the outer court. The battle strength is naturally terrifying.

But that's it, the magic Fire Lotus didn't disperse directly, on the contrary, it whistled and devoured rapidly.

At the end, it seemed that the Chi Heavenly Flame was not automatically retreating, but passively retreating, and he seemed unable to do anything about the flame.

Comparing the two, the Lingxue three, the gap between the cultivation base and the Chi Heavenly Flame is huge. It is conceivable that when the Purple Gold magic lotus fire is really close, what will be the result?

Almost in the blink of an eye, they were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

"Hehe, the test here is illuminated by the Golden Lotus in the inner courtyard, how can ordinary people stop it?" Feng Hua, Bai Qi, Qi Mount Tai, all showed a complacent and carefree expression. With a smile,

"oh!" Dan Wushuang sighed, An and those people said it well, the Golden Lotus in the inner courtyard has been illuminated here, and it is extremely terrifying.


The flames continued to surging, and seemed to become even more frenzied. They had reached Ling Xue and the three who could not retreat.

A deep crisis of death looms.

"Come on, at this point, there is no way to retreat. If we rush over, we may enter the inner courtyard." Ling Xue gritted her teeth.

Then the first one rushed forward, the cultivation base immediately radiated, the Spirit of Spiritual God swept through the body.

Spiritual God body, burst!


The vast aura burst forth, she sprinted forward close to the flame, and actually came into contact with the purple fire.

Also, after everyone looked at it, Ling Xue didn't go out directly in the flames, and persisted.

This shocked people from the outside world, widening their eyes, as if seeing a miracle.

How is this possible?

You know, that's the seventh-layer test of the right way. How can that woman do it?

This is simply extraordinary!

Fenghua, Bai Qi, etc., are all incredible, so it seems that if there is no Chi Heavenly Flame, she seems to have a chance to pass through here.


In fact, even the red Heavenly Flame showed a hint of surprise.

next moment, the corner of his mouth twitched, his breath emanated again, and even a scarlet dive rune appeared between his eyebrows.

With the emergence of this dive rune, the purple flames seemed to become even more terrifying.

"Damn!" Dan Wushuang roared, this red Heavenly Flame, blessed by Spiritual God, carved a scarlet flame divine rune between his eyebrows.

Blooming at this time, releasing a more powerful aura, causing the flames to become more violent.

Sure enough!


Ling Xue flew out upside down, and some terrifying burns could be seen on her body.

Although she is a Spiritual God body, her current cultivation base is still too weak to stop the more terrifying flames, so she is passively flying backwards,

"There is no way, this The flames are getting more and more terrifying, we can only fight to the death, but there is a 90% chance, death!" Ling Xue said very seriously.

Mo Feng, Gao Gao Shang gritted his teeth and strode forward. Now there is no other way, he can only work together to fight the flames!

Or die!


The three roared.


But at this moment, a shouted roared up, and with the sound, everyone lifted the head and looked over there, a dark silhouette. , passing quickly.

That speed, like meteor lightning, plunged directly into the valley, and directly blocked in front of the three people, terrifying fists, detonated forward.

This fist, a huge sound wave, and the Purple Gold ink lotus fire actually trembled.

Suddenly, the audience was shocked.


"Su Hao (big brother)."

Ling Xue, Mo Feng, looked at them immediately, and then they were overjoyed, although Su Hao was dark all over, even his face was the same, but that The familiar breath, no matter when it arrives, they can clearly identify it.

This person is... Su Hao!

"Su Hao? He's not dead?

"Damn, he's not dead? ”

The outside world is in chaos, the noise is surging, and the two major natural phenomena caused by Su Hao in the outer courtyard have led to his fame, already like thunder piercing the ear.

And, He was taken away by the female Supreme, known as Asura in the inner courtyard, and threatened to be refined into the pill furnace.

Never expected, he was still alive and came out.

Dan Wushuang was stunned, followed by a surprise, but after the surprise, it was turned pale in fright, and they are still in the testing ground.

"Be careful! "A roar, with incomparable worry, came into Su Hao's ears.

Su Hao terrifying, when the Purple Gold magic lotus fire was no joke, it was illuminated by the inner courtyard's dao light, the Golden Lotus. Yes, unimaginable terrifying.

"You are that Su Hao who summons Dapeng and the stars? Chi Heavenly Flame also looked over, and then there was a playful taste in the corner of his mouth: "It doesn't look like much, doesn't it?" "

"Since you came out alive, then I'll give you another ride!" "

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