Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2547

Thunder alarmed, countless dísciples in the outer courtyard were attracted here, and everyone was shocked when they saw the terrifying in front.

That's the thunder of azure, only the top ten of the outer court are eligible for the summon.

Who is it?


thunder galloping, without the slightest weakening, seems to be more overbearing.

It's still growing.

"What's the matter with him, isn't it going to weaken, how did he become stronger?" After citing Palace Lord, Dan Wushuang cursed: "Is this Leishan crazy?"

Huo Lielie was also shocked and said: "I guess, did he...summon have two green thunders?"

Dan Wushuang looked at it carefully, it seemed that it was really interesting. Otherwise, the thunder will gradually weaken.

"One of your ancestors is not enough, why are you still two, why are you so powerful?" He was about to cry.

No, he's already crying.

Su Hao terrifying.

More terrifying than he imagined.

summon produced two green thunders.

Outside Court is unparalleled!

However, his cultivation base has not been able to achieve that level yet, and he cannot bear such baptism.

As these words came out, the shock of all around was even more.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Not one, but... two?

Those later dísciples were even more stunned. They asked around, who was the one who entered, and the summon came out with two green thunders?

So domineering?

"Su Hao, that person's name is Su Hao, I heard that he joined Dao Palace not long ago, is it a day, two days, or a few days?"

"What, just joined the Dao Palace. Dao Palace for a few days, is it so terrifying?"

"Su Hao, that Su Hao, I know, he is outside the reception hall, enough terrifying, the road monument shines for him, purple light lingers Thirty zhang!"

"What, thirty zhang, is it so terrifying?"

The stele is one zhang and one grade, and thirty zhang is absolutely rare.

"Also, his cultivation base is just... condensing the Tao!"

"What, it's not a joint Tao?" Surprised even more, those people's hearts were beating peng peng , as if listening to Heavenly Book.

It's really terrifying!

"So, he's in this azure thunder..." Some people realized something after realizing it, no wonder the few people in front were so nervous.

"Yeah, Ning Dao, that azure thunder, don't let him..." Someone opened his mouth, but before he could spit out the rest of the words, someone had already covered his mouth.

"Don't say it, don't say it, can you see Fenghua in front of you? When you talk about it casually, your mouth will be smashed."

The person who spoke was nodded, and immediately He closed his mouth, after all, Fenghua was the 100th in the outer courtyard, he was beaten, and he was even worse.

He was shocked, looking at the mountains covered with azure thunder.

In the Thunder Sea, Su Hao was helpless, why didn't he retreat, he consumed tens of thousands of medicine pills.

Divine Crystal nearly one million.

divine grass is innumerable.

Essence is enough to fill a treasure trove.

Under this massive amount of essence, his fleshy body was broken but not destroyed, barely maintaining it, but after so long, the thunder was still there.

Even, more terrifying!

According to experience, Ling Xue's purple thunder should have been extinguished long ago.

"That, Su Hao, I think you've summed up another thunder..." Ye Xiu's voice sounded, shocking and helpless.

"Playing with me?" Su Hao felt that this was to kill him.

He seems to have returned to the lower realm. At that time, the robbery and punishment he summon sent out, each of which surpassed the same realm several times, and pitted him to death.

This is the beginning again...

In fact, it's not just the beginning, when Su Hao complains here, the azure Thunder Sea seems to be exuberant again, and the thunder is boundless.

"This, third?" Ye Xiu cried, really cried, this is to make them completely perish here.


Su Hao was about to scold when suddenly, he felt something was wrong. This azure thunder was indeed terrifying, and it was overbearing.

But in this thunder, there seems to be a special energy.

"Ling Xue said, there is a special energy in this thunder, is it these substances? She broke through directly with this substance."

Su Hao secretly plotted against , At this time, the special substance condensed, and it was rapidly evolving with vitality.

Possible to reverse.

In the midst of extreme destruction, the most terrifying Life Power can be born!

Su Hao had such an idea, but in the blink of an eye, those special substances, emitting golden brilliance, turned out to be a fierce bird.

Furthermore, it is gradually getting bigger and bigger, exuding a vast aura, that form, it seems to be... a big roc!

"What is this, shouldn't it be, thunder is not enough, ominous beast come together? Play me and give me no life?"

Su Hao was angry, completely angry.

But when golden's Dapeng roared and wrapped him directly, Su Hao couldn't resist.

It doesn't hurt, though.

It was instead...


Dapeng wrapped Su Hao, carried him, and charged directly over the Thunder Sea.

At this time, in the outside world, the shock of those watching has reached an indescribable level, and the azure thunder is still galloping.

"It's his grandma's, isn't it... third?" The Palace Lord cursed, two were terrifying enough, and three were just unreasonable.

Too unreasonable!

"There is no chance, you must die." Huo Lilie had given up, three azure thunder, Su Hao's cultivation base, impossible to resist.

In fact, no one at the scene thought that Su Hao could resist.

Feng Hua, Feng Zheng, Bai Qi and Qi Mount Tai all laughed coldly.

But Ye Hong gritted his teeth, this damn guy died on the mountain, will those treasures also disappear...

In the end, those things still couldn't fall. into his hands.

He was so annoyed that he could not wait to curse.

But at this time!


The sound is simply Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Under the sound wave, the void exploded. People go backwards.

It was completely driven backwards by the vast aftermath.

Everyone was astonished, and when they looked forward again, they found that there was a dazzling golden light in the thunder of Azure.

The golden light seemed to be a huge bird.

next moment, the bird rushed out of the sea of thunder, swayed above it, and hit the sky!

"What's the situation?"

"How come there is a golden Divine Bird in the sea of thunder?"

"It seems to be a roc."

"Could it be..."

Some people also guessed something. There is an ancient book in this outer court that records the situation of terrifying, but they have never seen it.

Receiving Palace Lord and Huo Lilie, with bright eyes, they looked at each other, no longer frightened, but excited.

Then the two looked towards the front again, golden's Divine Bird, slammed into the sky, and swayed above it. If you want to break the limit, you must climb up for three days!

"Natural phenomenon: Dapeng goes straight to 90,000 miles!"

The Palace Lord shouted, hoarse, exerted all his strength, and then laughed up to the sky, the laughter shook the whole Outer courtyard.

Thunder Mountain natural phenomenon

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