Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2543

"hmph, you're screwed, kid!" Feng Hua sneered, already having the upper hand, and winning.

Bai Qi stood aside indifferently. He already knew this ending.

Qi Mount Tai, Ye Hong, Feng Zheng, all revealing the evil taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, now it seems that this Su Hao has nowhere to go.

"Boy, run." Picking up Palace Lord sound transmission, he can't beat the fire, Su Hao is too dangerous here.

However, when his voice fell, he found that Su Hao not only did not step back, but also took a few steps forward and said, "You will not kill me."

"Su Hao" Hao!" The Palace Lord's tone became serious, Huo Lielie had no reason to say that, unless there was a huge benefit.

This fiery, greedy man is notorious for being greedy for money. If grandson views Fenghua, it's not because the Feng Family has given him enough benefits.

Everything is for profit.

However, those benefits are indeed appealing, and the Feng Family is willing to spend a lot of money, even if he is the Palace Lord, he can't compare.

"Hahaha." Huo Lie Lie raised his head and laughed loudly, and said, "So, are you going to beg me to let you go?"

"Old Ancestor, absolutely No, this kid is extremely treacherous and almost killed me!" Feng Hua said immediately, impossible letting Su Hao go.

"He, damn it!" Bai Qi said, he and Su Hao had no grudges at all, just because plot against Su Hao failed to achieve the desired effect, he had a murderous intention against him.

That kind of temperament is very ruthless than Fenghua!

"The old man said that he would kill, and even if he knelt down and begged me, I wanted him to die!" Huo Lie Lie said firmly, not kind.

However, with the same smile on Su Hao's face, he said, "Actually, I'm not going to beg you, and, I think, you will beg me!"

These words As soon as it fell, the audience was stunned.

"Su Hao!" The Palace Lord was sweating anxiously. Did this kid take the wrong medicine and talk nonsense here.

Even Mo Feng and Ling Xue thought so at this moment. Su Hao's actions made people feel ridiculous.

They were very worried.

Compared with their worries, the people on the opposite side, after being stunned for a while, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, he really laughed at me. He said that Huo Lie didn't kill him, but he still begged him?" Feng Hua smiled and leaned back and forth.

"ignorant." Bai Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, looking like a clown.

As for Qi Mount Tai, Ye Hong, and Feng Zheng, their stomachs are already twitching when they laugh.

Especially Feng Zheng, laughing loudly, his voice was harsh, and in the end, he himself had to cry with laughter.

Is this kid a fool?

Why didn't you realize that he has potential in this area?

boasted shamelessly!

And Huolilie stared at Su Hao with incomparable playfulness, next moment, raised his palm directly, and the colorful flames moved with his heart.

Suddenly, a more terrifying temperature radiated, and radiated straight to Su Hao, as if to melt him.

"Let's go now!" He led Palace Lord forward, blocking the terrifying temperature, while staring at the front, and said: "Since you want to fight, then fight!"

He looked Firmly and firmly stood in front of Su Hao, but it made Su Hao feel a little bit more favorable towards this old fogey.

At this time, it is really good to be able to protect him so desperately.

"That's good..." Huo Lielie naturally didn't talk nonsense. He also planned to have a good fight with Palace Lord and Dan Wushuang.

Three years ago, he ended in a draw with Dan Wushuang.

He was brooding about this.

He can win!

"no!" Su Hao said: "Dan Wushuang Elder is best at pill concocting, you and him, why not choose pill concocting?"

"Nonsense, The old man is still good at refining, why doesn't he dare to compete with me?" Huo Lielie thought it was ridiculous, this kid is a fool.

Everyone has their own specialties. He dare not compete with Dan Wushuang in pill concocting, and Dan Wushuang will not compete with him.

"Okay, let's compare the refining equipment!" Su Hao said.

"Crazy you!" The Palace Lord scolded him, he might have a better chance of fighting Huo Lie Lie than the Refiner.

"It's not you, it's me, I'm comparing with him!" Su Hao said again.

It's really amazing!

"You, compared with me, what are you..." The fiery anger was about to swear, who is he?

Artifact Refining Master!

In this outer court, he is the second, who dares to be the first?

A hairless brat, qualified to compare with him?

However, before his voice fell, Su Hao shook his hand, and a jade slip had already landed in front of Huolilie.

Let the latter swept away Divine Soul, his eyes narrowed suddenly!

"Can I?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

Fire's eyes flickered, but the murderous aura didn't recede.

Su Hao smiled and tossed his palm again. The second jade slip appeared and arrived in front of Huo Lielie. He swept it and exploded directly.

Only a few of the messages entered his mind, and the rest dissipated.

But even those few had brightened his eyes.

“What about this time?” Su Hao asked again.

Fire is silent, eyes dark with murderous intention.

Su Hao took the opportunity to go up, and the third jade slip appeared, with only four words on it: dao fruit kind of fire!

With a flash, it exploded as well.

Then, Su Hao stepped forward and said, "Since it's a match, let's start, I'll have a good fight with you!"

"Crazy, this kid is really It's crazy, he wants to compete with Old Ancestor's tester, what's the big international joke?"

"hmph, I think he's talking in his sleep, Elder Huo's forger level is so high, and he has it. Qualification mention on equal terms?"

"Is he really going to laugh at me?"

Fenghua couldn't help sneering, looking at Su Hao, more playful.

It seems that this kid is also merely this, in this desperate situation, he is already in a mess.


"You are very good!"

Four words.

With the sound, let Fenghua and the others, the voice stopped abruptly, the smile on his face receded at an extremely fast speed, and was replaced by a thick incredible.

These four words come from Huo Lie.

And, with the sound of the sound, the breath on his body actually converged, the terrifying flames were disappeared, and there was no murderous aura left.

It's over.

And this is not the end, after finishing his hands, Huo Lie Lie looked at Su Hao and continued: "Gan down!"


Thunderbolts sounded in everyone's minds!


Fire elder, naturally not as good as that...hairless brat?

"What the hell happened?" Fenghua's pupils burst open, puzzled.

As a matter of fact, even the Palace Lord, Mo Feng, Ling Xue, and Gao Zao Shang were all stunned.

What does this mean?

The one who shouted and killed before, just under a few jade slips of Su Hao, is about to stop?

Is this a fiery character?

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