Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2541

Fenghua took out the medicine pill and glanced at Su Hao coldly again. The flames in his eyes seemed to burst out, burning the people in front of him.

However, under his anger, Su Hao remained calm. After Fenghua took out a medicine pill, he slapped the storage bag.

Suddenly, inside the storage bag, the dive light radiated everywhere, and dozens of medicine pills roared out, gathered together, and landed in Su Hao's hands.

A lot!

This scene made the eyes of the people around him widen suddenly, and they were going to eat the beauty of the medicine pill, and their eyes were straight.

He owns a Heaven Grade Dao Pill.

And Su Hao, have one!

When they were shocked, Su Hao put a large amount of medicine pill into his mouth, ka beng bang, and chewed it directly.

A handful of Heaven Grade Dao Pill, eat in one bite!

This isn't the end, as he ate it, he hit again, and another handful flew out.

And, it seems, the level is higher.

next moment, under the gaze of everyone dumbfounded, the second rubbed down, the essence of the medicine pill quickly melted in the body.

"Come on, keep fighting!"

After taking the medicine pill, Su Hao's body is full of energy terrifying.

In fact, on the mountain, the wine and soup he drank had already stored in his body a thick and boundless energy.

Now, it's almost time to self-destruct.

He has to shoot!

If these energies are not shot out, they will burn themselves!


As a word fell, Su Hao moved, and the people in front were still stunned, until Su Hao's sword shot, he reacted immediately .

The wind just swishes and ran away. Now Su Hao feels too terrifying. His cultivation base can't stop him at all.

However, the 105th Qi Mount Tai and the 108th Ye Hong, but Fiercely gritted his teeth, fully used the remaining divine power, and blasted out.

Especially Ye Hong, gnashing teeth, is more certain that Su Hao got Ye Xiu's treasure, otherwise, where did so many Dao Pills come from?

Those things, in his heart, are his own.

Su Hao reckless waste of natural resources!

Unfortunately, they are not as good as Fenghua, and their strength has already been exhausted.

At this time, Su Hao ate a lot of medicine pills, and his supernatural power was immense.

They don't make much sense at all!


Two blood columns sprayed out at the same time, and the bodies of the two suddenly flew upside down at a terrifying speed.

The subsequent elegance was even more unavoidable. When he was about to take a medicine pill, he was directly knocked out.

Blood sprayed again!

The people around were wide-eyed and horrified. This Su Hao has good ability and rich heritage, and they all ate a lot of medicine pills.

And it's still... celestial pole!

Where did this little ancestor come from?

What terrifying backers are there?

Su Hao didn't wait, and after a sword, he shot again, sword light said, madly beheading, taking advantage of your illness and killing you.

His god slashed, and his formidable power was powerful. With the venting, the essence in the body was absorbed, and the cultivation base increased rapidly.

The cultivation base is powerful, and the divine slash is even more terrifying.

Su Hao at this time, the more fights the more brave is, a sword is stronger than a sword!

The blood was spilled again and again, and the screams were repeated. The injuries of Fenghua and the others became more and more serious.

And Su Hao, still going.

It goes on like this.

They really die!

Until now, they knew about Su Hao's plan. All that happened before was not a joke, but to find a suitable reason to kill them!

You come to kill me, I will endure, you still kill me, I will endure, you kill me for the third time, then I will kill you, as it should be! |

No one can blame me!

"What a treacherous kid!"

Those three thought in their hearts, and their hatred reached boundless bounds.

It's really embarrassing to die like this.

However, they didn't die. In fact, Su Hao's sure-kill sword never came to them at all.

In front of the three, a white clothed man appeared.

He is handsome and handsome.

A picturesque face.

The temperament is very dusty.

It seems that the exiled immortal came out of the flower scroll.

"Bai Qi!"

Fenghua's eyes brightened.

Ye Hong, Qi Mount Tai wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long breath.

The expressions of the surrounding people changed drastically again, their bodies were shaking, and this guy was here.

This is the 80th existence in the outer court.

It's much more terrifying than its elegance.

"This is the end of the matter." Bai Qi stood in front of him, snapped off Su Hao's sword light, smiled casually, lightly saying.

I didn't even take a look at Su Hao.

Indifferent tone.

But not a negotiation at all.

It's a command!

However, Su Hao didn't stop at all, the sword in his hand slashed out again, even if Bai Qi blocked in front, he never took a step back.

Bai Qi smiled faintly, and after the sword light arrived, he flicked his fingers again, this time, that sword light turned into three, but all of them still exploded.

Bai Qi is in the top 80, and his cultivation base is extremely proven. No matter how strong Su Hao battle strength is, it is impossible to cross the chasm and fight against him.

"I'll give you a second chance, cherish it." He then fired off Su Hao's sword light and said indifferently.

It's just that Su Hao is like a madman. The third shot, this time has five sword lights, whizzing away, sharp and boundless.

Bai Qi narrowed his eyes, swept his palms, and with the faint breeze rippling, Su Hao's sword light actually drifted away silently.

This gap is not that big.

"I gave you three chances, and if you want to kill me, then I can only fight back." Bai Qi's face also turned cold, and his breath burst out.

At this moment, everyone felt a terrifying depression, and at the same time, they understood Bai Qi's plan.

Return to him in his own way!

Su Hao plot against Fenghua, he came to plot against Su Hao.

Fenghua looked overjoyed, with evil smiles on their faces, and looked at Su Hao. This time, the situation was completely reversed.

"Stop playing."

However, in this brief moment, Su Hao put away the Killing God Sword, let out a long breath, the energy in his body, and all the excess. out.

By the way, his cultivation base has also made great progress, and it is not far from the Eighth Layer.

"Don't play anymore?" Bai Qi said with a corner of his mouth: "When you were proud, did you ever give others a chance not to play? Now, if you tell me not to play, will I agree?"

"Boy, have you got water in your head? Do you think this is your home."

"After you beat someone, don't play if you don't want to play?"

"Baiqi Senior Brother gave you a chance, you don't cherish it, now, you want a chance, no one will give it, wait to die!"

Fenghua and several people immediately cursed.

Looking at Su Hao, he really is a clown!

"I can say no to play, but you can't!" Su Hao calm and collected, never took a second look at Bai Qi's place, and moved towards the courtyard very quickly.


Bai Qi's complexion greatly changed, looking fierce.


"This is the end of the day, let's go away." An old voice sounded, leading Palace Lord and walking towards him.

Waves his hand, casually dropped a sentence, then followed behind Su Hao, moved towards the courtyard.

Bai Qi stood there blankly, wanting to say something, but he didn't give him a chance to pick up Palace Lord and didn't even look at him.

Faced with picking up Palace Lord, he didn't dare to shoot at will.

Su Hao played with Fenghua and a few others, and they played very smartly and beautifully, but when it came time for them to collect debts, they didn't play anymore.

And really can not play!

I thought that plot against everything, I could knead Su Hao's Bai Qi at will, but at this time I felt like I was holding a fire in my chest!

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