Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2539

"Palace Lord, didn't you say that this thing is not clean, it will damage the cultivation base and Dao Body?" Gao Gao teased: "Don't eat it, this thing is really not very good, it will easily affect the realm , this crime, I will take it for you."

"He also said that our Dao Heart is unstable and we can't help our appetite, and the cultivation base will definitely progress slowly in the future." Ling Xue indifferently said .

"Elder, how does this taste, do you want another bowl?" Mo Feng smiled, but his smile was a little playful.

"That, hahaha, the old man is saying, it's too boring for you to eat like this, I have two gourds of good wine here, let's go together."

Introducing Palace Lord Embarrassed, blushing, and being teased by these little fellows is really shameless.

But I still found a step for myself.

For that soup.

I can't help it.

The bottle gourd he took out was very high level, made of pure purple gold, the bottle gourd mouth opened, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out of it.

In addition, these wine aromas, like Su Hao's soup, have no impurities, contain a strong essence, and are very attractive.

That's right.

Su Hao's soup, no dross!

After eating Palace Lord, I immediately felt the difference. It was not worse than the medicine pill, and it tasted much better than the medicine pill.

It's really unbearable!

As long as you are a "human", you can't help it!

Maybe the animals can't help it.

"Let's go together." The three of them smiled, and the Palace Lord's old face turned red again, but they approached quickly and ate together with everyone.

As for his wine, everyone only gave a small half bowl: "It's not old fogey, I'm digging, my wine contains too much essence, you drink too much, you will be directly drunk."


"Also, even this small half bowl should be drunk slowly. Don't be greedy for the cup, otherwise..."

Su Hao drank it before he could finish speaking. , the wine bowl was still in front of him, and he said, "Be generous and give me a big bowl."

He is slandered in the heart and heart, this old fogey, also said that it is not stingy, making excuses!

He imitated Su Hao, drank it all in one go, put the wine bowl in front of Palace Lord, and said, "Bring it to me..."

"pu pass!"


Before he finished speaking, he fell down, and hu hu fell asleep.

Mo Feng and Ling Xue, who had planned to follow Su Hao's example, immediately stopped their actions.

Instead of taking a sip, this wine is really good, but it's also really... powerful!

"What about mine?" Su Hao looked at the Palace Lord.

"You, this is... good." The Palace Lord was surprised and poured a small half bowl for Su Hao again, but Su Hao drank it in one gulp and said, "I don't taste it, be generous. ."

The Palace Lord was completely stunned, this kid is different!

Next, he realized what it means to be distressed. Su Hao drank a full five bowls back and forth, and nothing happened.

Also, while drinking and drinking soup, this kid looks down the mountain, and judges the guys who are fighting for their lives.

"You see, it's wrong, it's wrong again, the next layer of the great formation has to be opened."

"This, I really don't know what to say, that formation. Does the devil really have the ability, can't see through this little trick?"

"Can he really do it?"

Take the Palace Lord, put away the bottle gourd, no Dare to be exposed in front of Su Hao again, and said at the same time: "That guy's Formation attainments are not simple, but unfortunately, he met the wrong person."

He was really impressed, this kid has great ability, I really don't know if he is the reincarnation of a Spiritual God.

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked to the side, took out the half-colored Golden Lotus, added some of his own treasure, and refined a medicine pill.

This medicine pill is colorful and emits a strong Dao light.

Mo Feng ate at the invitation of Palace Lord, and suddenly, the whole person felt that he was going to be sublimated.


The cultivation base is incredibly powerful.

And the curse that exists in the body is like Canxue encountering the blazing sun, and it quickly melts away.

Just a few blinks.

Mo Feng became more relaxed than ever.

Curse, completely crack!

Even, the cultivation base went directly to the 5th layer of Condensation Road!

"Material that can be made." The Palace Lord spit out a few words. Although this kid is not as good as Su Hao, his innate talent is not simple.

The future can also do something.

"It's not easy to be with this kid." The Palace Lord said secretly.

Su Hao is extraordinary, Mo Feng is not simple, as for Ling Xue, he can't see through it, but he can feel that the woman's aptitude is extremely rare.

There is no easy master!

Su Hao leisurely ate wine, drank soup, and looked down at the mountain. He didn't care at all about picking up Palace Lord.

Until the soup in the pill furnace completely disappeared, he stood up and said, "It's almost there, go down and have a look."

"Lord Palace, you are so high above. Drunk, the impact of this wine on his Divine Soul is not small, do you mind?"

Su Hao looked towards the Palace Lord with a smile.

That drink contains countless essences, which is extremely terrifying, and has a terrifying enlightenment, which has a huge impact on Divine Soul.

Ordinary people, if they are drunk, not only is there no benefit, the impact on Divine Soul is incomparable gigantic, accidentally, and may be abolished.

"Okay." Picking up Palace Lord

Nodding, he knew it was Su Hao who didn't let him go down the mountain, it seemed that this kid had a plan.

He stayed on the mountain, pressing his palm on his forehead, and the powerful Divine Soul rushed into his body, stabilizing his Divine Soul essence.

At the same time, he stared at the foot of the mountain, Su Hao and the others, had already walked towards the courtyard.

"Continue to strikes." The magic array is still in command, this is already the seventh layer of defense, and the seven ninety-ninth layer is quite large and superimposed, which is really extraordinary.

But now, he feels that the distance should be open soon.

As for Fenghua and the others, they were completely exhausted and paralyzed. They even ate a lot of medicine pills, and there really wasn't much energy left.

At this moment...

"You guys, what are you doing?" A sudden voice suddenly sounded, and those people looked at the voice.

And when they saw the person who came, Feng Zheng and Ye Hong were all stunned for a moment, blinked their eyes, and looked at them again, still stunned.

The two looked at each other, looked at each other again, and were stunned for the third time.

Isn't this Su Hao?

Isn't he in the hospital?

How come here?

When did it come out?

Why don't you say anything?

Fenghua also got Su Hao's information from Ye Hong and Fengzheng. At this time, the whole person is stupid, this kid, is not at home all the time?

Then they, they are so exhausted that they are about to vomit blood, what are they for?

How about playing?

"Well, I just came back, I really don't know, what are you doing? Looking for me?" Su Hao spoke again.

These words are very plain and innocent, but they make Fenghua and the others almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Your ancestors, you are not at home, what Formation is arranged?


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