Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2533

Fengzheng's cultivation base is just the entry into the 2nd layer of Hedao, because everyone sees his brother's humility to him, which gives him the illusion that he can fight the 3rd-layer of Hedao.

At this time, with Su Hao's gentle movements, the sword light exploded, making him fiercely tremble, turned pale in fright.

"didn't expect ah, you have such terrifying strength, but I'm careless." He complexion changed: "But you can't think of it, I can terrify more."

"I told you to finish, you must finish!"

He loudly shouted, rushed forward, his body was filled with brilliant Purple Gold light, pulling the wind extremely, giving people a powerful feeling .

"This is my Purple Gold treasure, this Young Master Heaven Blessed Genius, which can block a blow from the 4th layer of the road!" Feng Zheng was boasted shamelessly, without self-awareness, although Feng Hua told him many times , those things can't be done, but he is always complacent.

His Purple Gold body can block the 4th layer of the road!


Arriving in front of Su Hao, he was covered in Purple Gold light, raised his fist, exploded the dragon's roar, and punched down like an open sky.



It's still that finger, click it at will, the mighty and domineering fist, and it stops abruptly, unable to move half a minute.

Stalemate for a moment.

The wind is inexplicably frightened.

This guy is so terrifying.

More in the next moment, Su Hao's fingers are slightly hard, peng sound, hit vigorously, Feng Zheng's fist sheds blood, and with the help of the recoil force, he quickly goes away.

"terrifying, terrifying, his battle strength, he can fight the 4th layer of Hedao!" He looked terrified, did not dare to stop, and went straight to Fenghua Mountain.

He couldn't solve this matter, he had to ask his big brother to do it.

"Is he sick?" Su Hao looked at the silhouette who had gone away, shook his head and said.

He thinks he can be bragging sometimes, but compared to that guy, he's still not that much worse.

Beginning with the 2nd layer of trifling, how dare you compare to the 4th layer of the road?

Are you that?

Gao Zao Shang was completely stunned. Su Hao's strength was inevitable in his heart, and he even felt that he could surpass himself.

He was afraid of Su Hao.

Fear is the best way to make a person surrender. It is much better than respect and respect.


While Su Hao was about to turn around and continue diagnosing Mo Feng, an old man laughed in outside the hospital.

When the Palace Lord arrived, he walked towards Su Hao with a smile and said, "Yes, yes, this battle strength is also super strong."

The more he looked at Su Hao, the more Like, such a proud dísciple is really extremely rare, and he doesn't want to miss this great opportunity.

"Elder, stop joking, I really have a Master, and I don't plan to continue my apprenticeship." Su Hao said with a smile.

"Three times of scouring a well produces good water, and a person learns from the three masters of martial arts." The Palace Lord said with a smile: "I know this common saying."

Su Hao shook his head and said: "Elder, please take a seat, you come to drink tea, I welcome you at any time, apprenticeship, then forget it."

The Palace Lord is not in a hurry, said with a smile: "You don't have to drink tea, I know you're in trouble, and I came here to help you."

"oh?" Su Hao squinted.

"The curse on his body is known as the three-day life and death formula. Within three days, the medicine pill that has not been relieved will definitely die!" The Palace Lord looked towards Mo Feng and said, "And the old man happened to be If you know a formula, you can get rid of his curse, how about that?"

"Take this as a condition, you are always taking advantage of others' danger, base and shameless." Su Hao said with a smile .

"You brat has a great mouth." The Palace Lord said: "I have a recipe, but I don't have a pill. In fact, if you want to make a pill, you still need the main medicine, so let's go with me. Get it?"

Su Hao looked at the Palace Lord, the wily old fox's lead, and felt that he must have set a trap.

But this old man is really not hostile to him, and even if the cover is given to him, it will not pose any threat to Su Hao.

He said with a smile: "Then let Elder lead the way."

After finishing speaking, Su Hao threw down the bead, the beads melted in the courtyard, and an outsider could not see it The light film shrouded the entire Haoxueyuan.

This is an array!

Those treasures from Ye Xiu.

"That's right, the defensive power of this array is extremely strong, and it can block any strikes in the seventh round of the road." He cited Palace Lord laughed, led Su Hao and a few others, and went straight away.

At this time, Feng Zheng had already appeared on Fenghua Mountain in a hurry, and a few servants hiding in the dark immediately greeted him.

"Young Lord, what's the matter?" They asked impatiently, and even kept sweeping towards the wind behind him, but the man didn't bring it back.

Feng Zheng's face was extremely ugly. Looking at these people, he slapped him in the face.

naked eye Visible, those people's faces all exploded, drenched with blood, terrible to see!

"You can't even see the rubbish, that kid is the 4th layer of Hedao, do you want to kill me?" Feng Zheng gritted his teeth.

And these words fell, those servants did not care about the pain, the shivered spirit trembled, that Su Hao, the 4th layer?

So terrifying?


The wind was coldly snorted, the figure continued to climb, and went straight to the top of the mountain.

At this time, on the mountain peak, an open space has been selected, and tables and chairs have been placed, all kinds of rare treasures, and divide fruit, placed on the bar table.

Fenghua is in the top 100 of the outer courtyard, and has a strong backing. There are many people who give him face. Even if it is not the dísciple in the top 80, some people come.

This party is very grand.

"big brother."

Feng Hua, who was chatting with a few people in front of him, turned his eyes slightly when he heard the voice, and when he saw Feng Zheng, his eyes narrowed.

His expression was embarrassed, the colorful clothes were stained with blood, and the drooping fists could see bloodstains horrible to see at this time.

Fenghua stood up and said, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Kite said: "Big brother Su Hao refused your invitation, stole Mo Feng, and broke the foot of the mountain. The hands and feet of those slaves, even me, have been plotted against."

He said that he was extremely wronged.

"How is this possible, that Su Hao innate talent is really good, but the cultivation base is not in the right way, how can it hurt Junior Brother you?" Another person stood up, frowned, it was Ye Hong, also It was he and Fenghua who said those things, which led the latter to take action.

Besides, although this wind is rateless, it is also a dignified Second Layer. It stands to reason that winning Su Hao is already with no difficulty.

"Not in the right way? Senior Brother Ye, you probably don't know, that kid is hiding very deep, playing the pig to eat the tiger!" Feng Zheng annoyed Fire Dao: "His true strength , enough to reach the 4th layer of Hedao!"

"What?" Ye Hong was shocked, how is this possible? Did he see it wrong?

Fenghua stood up and said, "How about the 4th layer of Hedao? I gave him a face, but he slapped me in the face and didn't put my Fenghua in his eyes!"

"Okay. A daring boy, he is so irrespective of the law and of natural morality when he first entered Dao Palace, he can't tell good from bad!"

"hmph, Senior Brother, don't worry, I'll bring him here Apologize." The sturdy man ranked 105 stood up and said coldly.

Fenghua waved his hands and said, "No need!"

He walked to the top of the mountain, spread his palms, and a large black bow appeared in his hands, exuding a great pressure.

"If he doesn't come, I'll force him to come!"

The bow and arrow exploded, and the light arrow was placed on the string, aiming at the direction of Haoxueyuan.

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