Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2524

Fifth Mountain Number One Person's shooting speed is too fast. He Dao First Layer Peak cultivation base, burst out to the greatest extent.

Suddenly, many people were shocked.

In the seventh mountain, the complexion greatly changed.

He looked icy cold.

But still completely unstoppable.

This palm, witnessed by their own eyes, pressed Su Hao under the palm print, and the terrifying force made the void tremble.

"Let's die." Qin Yuanling narrowed his eyes. Spiritual God was difficult to obtain, but if this guy died, it would be a good choice.

It's just...


The palm of the hand fell completely, and the scene of flesh and blood exploded in the imagination did not appear, Su Hao was intact standing there.

In fact, that palm never hit him at all.

Half a meter above his head has stopped.

Accurately speaking, it was blocked by Su Hao's right fist.

His fist was raised at will, and his palm was directly frozen.

This scene made the people at the scene tremble again, with a deep sense of inconceivable and unimaginable shock in their eyes.

Even the Fifth Mountain Number One Person had his eyes wide open, and Su Hao's fist, the force of the punch, made him tremble.

Actually, this shock is just the beginning, next moment, Su Hao glanced at him, his fist was hard, and with a bang, his palm exploded!

Flesh and blood!

Fifth Mountain Number One Person complexion greatly changed, the pain of his palms exploding made him sweat instantly on his forehead and his body trembled violently.

But it was only for a moment, as the palm exploded, Su Hao moved forward again, moved towards him with a grin, and said, "I send you off!"

As the voice fell , On the fist he punched, the golden light was prosperous, a force that surpassed the first level of harmony, surging.

"This, ah..." Fifth Mountain Number One Person was inexplicably terrified. This power was really terrifying, completely crushing him, leaving him powerless to fight back.


The Lord of Fifth Mountain shouted, his expression shocked and equally hideous, he felt that this fist had a terrifying murderous intention.

It was just that when his voice fell, Su Hao's fist had been completely knocked down. Under the horrified gaze of everyone, a body banged and exploded on the spot.

blood energy radiates everywhere!

Fifth Mountain Number One Person, fry!


The Lord of Fifth Mountain's eyes were blood red, and when he stepped on the soles of his feet, like Heaven and Earth turning upside down, an extremely terrifying coercion enveloped Su Hao.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded: "You dare to touch him, I want your whole family to shatter!"

The voice is arrogant and hideous, making the Lord of Fifth Mountain, Gritting his teeth, he immediately stopped and stepped back helplessly.

"He's a high-ranking man, he has such a big temper. Since you want to keep him, then I must kill him." Lou Huanyue stood up.

"Try it." The high body flickered, appearing directly in front of Su Hao, above the body, burning dazzling bloody flames.

The flames galloped, and the shape of dragon and tiger appeared faintly, hiding the sky and covering the earth with a ferocious aura.

At the same time, Senior Brother Zheng and several others flashed out, standing high in front of the upper body, above the body, the blood energy was soaring, and they all burned.

Lou Hangyue narrowed her eyes and scolded: "A madman, for such a not worth mentioning kid, you want to die with me."

Lou Hangyue said : "I'm not in the mood to play with you here, but when I get to the academy, I must die!"

He took a step back and said no more. Array, even if he wins, he has to pay an extremely miserable price.

It's not worth mentioning for a wild boy who is not worth mentioning.

Gao Zaoshang secretly exhaled a long breath, pulled Su Hao and said, "Let's go, go straight to the Holy Dao Palace with me, you will be my superior person in the future."

There are too many accidents in Qingyun Divine Sect, so it is better to go directly to the Holy Dao Palace, at least there, Su Hao's safety can be guaranteed for the time being.

His injury also has a chance.

Su Hao did not refuse, saying: "I was going to the Holy Dao Palace too, but I can't worry about the seventh mountain here."

Gao Zaoshang naturally understood his Meaning, looked towards Qin Yuanling ice-cold saying: "I'm very disappointed, if I continue to be disappointed, even if I die, I can kill you guys!"

These words are very threatening, making Qin Yuan Ling's eyes flickered, and the last said with a smile: "Gao Virtuous nephew is joking, I am a Divine Sect of Qingyun, I'm sorry for the most holy Dao Palace."

"The seventh mountain is the top three, and the overall Ranked 1st , get all the rewards of this Secret Realm grand competition, from today onwards, the seventh mountain is the backbone of my Divine Sect."


Gao Zaishang coldly snorted , looked towards Su Hao and said: "Is it alright now?"

nodded, Su Hao stepped forward, grabbed Ling Xue, looked at Han Mo and sounded transmission: "Don't worry, I will be back. ."

Without unnecessary nonsense, he followed the superior and left directly, heading to the virtual God World Peak, one of the most terrifying forces, the Holy Dao Palace!

"Is there any room for relief from my injury?" Gao Zaoshang asked impatiently while sitting cross-legged on the flying Dao Item Horse chestnut.

Su Hao took out a medicine pill.

Gao Zaishang squinted his eyes, the medicine pill turned out to be an Earth Grade medicine pill.

"You play with me?" He looked annoyed, and Senior Brother Zheng and the others also looked at him coldly, they only obeyed the orders of the superior.

Gao Zao Shang said to protect Su Hao, they are desperate, Gao Zao Shang said to kill Su Hao, they are bound to do it.

"You won't know if you eat it?" Su Hao didn't talk nonsense, and chatted with Ling Xue, imagining what the most holy Dao Palace looked like.

And, Su Hao's Golden Lotus, probably came from that place.

If it is true, it is possible to find the foundation and see if his lotus flower can continue to upgrade and grow.

The lotus is his root, and if the lotus is strong, he is stronger!

The high above, his eyes flickered again, he ate the medicine pill suspiciously, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.

After all, his poison had cost a lot of Heaven Grade medicine pills, and none of those medicine pills had much effect.

A trifling Earth Grade medicine pill...


After taking the medicine pill, my upper body trembled and my chest flashed. A warm current, those toxins, actually resolved one point.

He looked towards Su Hao sharply, with flames in his eyes.

"My lord, I killed him." Senior Brother Zheng gritted his teeth and was about to shoot immediately, looking like he was annoyed.

"Stop it."

Who knows, Gao Zai Shang blocked it and said, "I'm excited, his medicine pill actually works."

"The medicine is not good, but the essence. It is very important to prescribe the right medicine." Su Hao said lightly.

Nodded at the top, and said: "Your medicine pill is indeed effective for me, but it is impossible to treat it thoroughly."

"My life and life and Death Battle is imminent, do you have a quick fix?"

"I will satisfy you when you arrive at Dao Palace." Su Hao was still indifferent, from the root, he simply did not trust this superior.

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