Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2518

The Tianmen Array is the assessment metric for the Secret Realm grand competition.

When Su Hao and the others arrived here, it was already the third day, and there was a tall black iron gate in front, standing quietly, exuding a vast atmosphere.

In front of the iron gate, there are already quite a few dísciples standing, and the main dísciples in each mountain have already arrived here.

"en?" Those people looked surprised. They never thought that Su Hao could come here. After all, Xu Zhanyi was looking for him all over the Secret Realm. Once encountered, execute without any mercy.

In fact, not only Xu Zhanyi, but also the dísciple of the third mountain is also frantically looking for it. The Number One Person and the second person have already been dispatched.

"This guy is really lucky, so many people wanted to kill him, but he escaped and came here."

"Yeah, if you meet Xu Zhan Yi, if you run over with one finger, this kid will surely die."

"hmph, so what, you don't really think that with his cultivation base, what will happen here? "

"Yes, how dangerous the Tianmen Formation is. With his cultivation base, he may not even be able to pass through a portal, let alone three in advance."

frigid irony and scorching The satire, with the arrival of Su Hao, immediately spread among the crowd, attracting more dísciple and looking at it with contempt.

And among them, a man with a mask twitched the corners of his mouth, also looking at it playfully.

Nie Qingtian!

He is not disappointed, but excited. In fact, he is also looking for Su Hao and Ling Xue. After all, they have the terrifying Spiritual God fortune.

It's just that I haven't found it yet.

I thought he had been killed by Xu Zhanyi.

didn't expect to be safe here.

It's like sending it to his bowl.

travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily.

"Very good." He was proud and his eyes were sharp, and after Su Hao stepped towards the black iron gate, he immediately followed.

In the Formation, there are many dangers, but his cultivation base has now completely stepped into the joint road, and under the advice of the Lord of Fifth Mountain, he has become familiar with this place.

Enter the formation method, he occupies an absolutely advantageous position compared to Su Hao, killing him is very simple!

Of course, his purpose is not to kill Su Hao, but to make him surrender and get good luck.

"Boy, this place is not simple, enter it, nine deaths and still alive, with your cultivation base, I'm afraid ten deaths without life, of course, if you get my help..." Nie Qingtian hands behind ones back, said with a smile.

Just before he finished speaking, Su Hao had already stepped forward and approached the iron gate. The iron gate opened silently, and there was a vast breath.

Behind the iron gate is the Tianmen Array, the first checkpoint.

Nie Qingtian looked at Su Hao's actions, narrowed his eyes, and then sneered, this kid really can't tell good from bad.

"Boy, our Senior Brother Nie's advice to you, but for your own good, don't tell good from bad."

"Yeah, people are more valuable than self-knowledge. , you should have a clear understanding of your own virtues."

Fifth Mountain's dísciple, frigid irony and scorching satire.

"junior brother Nie is kind, don't let it go, be careful to play yourself dead."

Even the Number One Person of Fifth Mountain stood up for Nie When Qingtian spoke, there was no lack of flattery in his words.

On Fifth Mountain, Nie Qingtian is now the Chief Eldest disciple of the Mountain Lord, and has been cultivated by the Mountain Lord with all his strength, and his status is like the Crown Prince of Fifth Mountain.

In addition, before entering, the mountain master has clearly stated that he will gather the power of the whole mountain to protect Nie Qingtian.

Although this is very unfair to them, relatively speaking, the reward given by the mountain master makes these people even more excited.

As long as Nie Qingtian is safe and gets what he wants, the reward given by the mountain master will be much more than if they competed for the place themselves.

However, Su Hao still chose to ignore their sarcasm and continued to move forward, calm and calm.

Ling Xue and Lin Yan and Hong Luo from the Seventh Mountain followed behind him and moved towards the iron gate step by step.

"Cannot tell good from bad!"

Nie Qingtian's face also darkened completely. As Su Hao approached, he took the lead and stepped into the iron gate.

As you step in, all kinds of dive lights immediately appear in the great formation, turning into knives and swords, and slashing in an extremely turbulent manner.

The dísciple behind them was shocked. Although they knew about the Formation terrifying, they were still involuntarily surprised as Nie Qingtian entered and saw it clearly.

However, this surprise was only short-lived. As Nie Qingtian entered completely, the aura from his body erupted violently.

next moment, the seven fist lights strike out at the same time, hitting different positions in the Formation.

Suddenly, there was a big shudder, and with a bang, all the Sword God lights in it all collapsed.

Nie Qingtian strode in, first test, broken!


The sound of suck in a cold breath sounded from behind, and countless people were shocked, even the chief elder disciple of the major mountain peaks, with wide-eyed eyes and a blank expression.

It's no wonder that this guy can be valued by the Lord of Fifth Mountain. It really is terrifying.

"Boy, do you know now, you and Senior Brother Nie are incomparable at all. In entering the formation, Senior Brother Nie can harass and harass you at will."

"It's not about whether you can break the formation, it's about whether he allows you to break the formation!"

"Boy, a wise man submits to circumstances, kneel and surrender now, and we Senior Brothers Nie says something luxurious, you still have a chance."

"The chance is only this time, see if you know how to cherish it."

"You are such a waste, you dare to be there Senior Brother Nie dares to make mistakes in front of him, and he doesn't pee to see his own virtues."

Fifth Mountain's dísciple sneered again, his words became more and more harsh, and his voice was even more harsh, as if he was calling Su Hao See it to the extreme.

Nie Qingtian looked back, with a playful smile on his lips, and said, "Submit to me, I will guarantee you the top three, reject me, I will definitely let you..."

Su Hao still didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he didn't even glance at him, and he stepped on the soles of his feet and entered the big formation.

Nie Qingtian's face was completely gloomy, and countless people behind him showed deep annoyance and cursed.

This voice, as Su Hao's feet completely fell, and after a great tremor, suddenly disappeared.

In the imagination, the large formation erupted, and the sight of the arrival of various blade lights did not appear.

Accurately speaking, it wasn't that it didn't appear, but that it couldn't appear. It trembled, and the energy seemed to be suppressed.


Su Hao dropped one word, Ling Xue, Hong Luo, and Lin Ran behind him entered first, and as they entered, Su Hao moved.

He also lifted his footsteps, and after his body passed the range of the first test, the big formation burst out loudly, and all kinds of dive lights rose up brightly.

Suddenly, everyone outside was shocked, dumbfounded, and looked blank.

This is too terrifying.

Even Nie Qingtian's expression was terrifying. This guy, that kick... suppressed the formation?

He broke the formation, and under the advice of the Lord of Fifth Mountain, he paid all the cultivation base to break through at the fastest speed.

And Su Hao, one step ahead!

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