Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2507

Qin Yuanling's expression was icy cold, and flames shot out from his eyes. Whether it was true or false, he looked very terrifying at this time, and could not wait to smash Su Hao to pieces immediately.

However, Su Hao calmly and collected, said: "There are indeed rules on both sides, but I want to ask, if one side breaks the rules, does the other side still abide by the rules?"

"Naturally I don't need it." Qin Yuanling said: "You broke the rules now, even if Golden Cauldron killed you, I would not care, death cannot wipe out the crimes!"

" Good!" Su Hao smiled even brighter, and said: "Sect Master Qin is really clear about public and private, righteousness is awe-inspiring, and dísciple admires."

"hmph!" Qin Yuanling flung his palm and ignored Su Hao compliment.

I don't know, Su Hao has no humility on his face, and continues: "Then if the other party breaks the rules, if I kill them, will I be exempted from punishment?"

"What did you say, it was you who killed, but you still want to defend yourself?" Golden Cauldron's dísciple coldly shouted, but his eyes were flustered.

"Yeah, I killed, but why did I kill?" Su Hao said with a smile: "Everything has a priority, you are the first year of the first year, I will be the fifteenth, you bully me, I can't do anything Don't say it, I'll let you bully it?"

"You slapped me, and I scolded you twice?"

These words made Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciple Even more panic, that Li Daoren also saw some clues, these guys have ghosts in their hearts.

In fact, Qin Yuanling also saw it, he was a Sect's Master, who had never seen it before, and at a glance, he could see that those guys were flustered, there must be something tricky.

However, at this time, he was impossible to decide for Su Hao, coldly scolding: "Beast, killing people, how dare you be so arrogant?"

"Kneel down immediately, admit your mistake, Fufa!"

"Okay." Su Hao turned his head sharply and said, "It seems that the dísciple of Qingyun Divine Sect can only be bullied when going out, not fight back."

" When you go out in the future, even if you are beaten, scolded, humiliated, or humiliated by your sect controller, or scolded his ancestor, remember, you must never fight back, if you can't fight back, let me suffer!"

Qingyun Divine Sect controller is not Qin Yuanling, Su Hao refers to Sang scolding Huai, he can scold his ancestors when he goes out, others can scold him casually.

The fire in Qin Yuanling's heart was like a hundred thousand volcanoes exploding. This kid's mouth was so powerful that he couldn't resist.

At this time, Ling Xue stood up and said, "I'll make it clear to me."

"Su Hao and I accidentally fell into the land of good fortune and took off a lot of red blood. Xia divide fruit, this is the good fortune we got."

"But when I went down the mountain with Su Hao, I met the Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciple who blocked it, arguing, not only for good fortune, but also threatening me and Su Hao."

"We tolerated it again and again, but we couldn't change it to be polite. In the end, it was the other party who took the first shot and attacked Su Hao."

"May I ask if Su Hao can fight back at this time?"

"Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciple is not his opponent and was seriously injured, who is to blame?"

Ling Xue looked at the audience and said, "Su Hao hurt people, but didn't kill people. , after all, we have a friendly relationship and stay on the line."


She turned around and looked at the direction of the Golden Cauldron, ice-cold saying : "These Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciples do not give up. An Elder of the Golden Cauldron Divine Sect, disregarding morality, bullied the weak, and the shot is the ultimate move. Su Hao die without a burial site."

"It's a pity." Ling Xue sneered and said, "The Elder of the dignified Golden Cauldron was beaten to death by Su Hao."

"To be honest, we also didn't expect, he couldn't help fighting."

"To sum up, they bully intolerably, they shot first, they wanted to kill, but they were killed."

"Now, may I ask Whose fault is it?"

After speaking, the whole place was silent, this little girl looked weak, and her mouth was unforgiving, even more powerful than Su Hao.

Not only proved for Su Hao, but also fiercely humiliated Golden Cauldron, the dignified Elder, but couldn't block Su Hao's punch.

"What nonsense!" Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciple blushed and said: "I send just and honorable, I won't be so shameless, it's you who distort the facts, you are dirty shameless, I send Elder, it's because of you They plotted to kill."

Qin Yuanling said: "How can I believe your one-sided words?"

Ling Xue shook her head, what a god, she didn't speak for herself. The dísciple calls the shots, but avenges others, amazing!

However, Su Hao had already guessed all of this, he smiled faintly, and said, "Okay, I have a record of jade slip here, I'll publish it for everyone to see clearly."

"The two sects are good friends and refuse to kill each other, but you are overbearing. I will take out the truth now. Let's see for yourself whether it is true or false."

"I see, you too Knowing what the Golden Cauldron gate is, you base and shameless guys, kill them all!"

He swept away the perjured Golden Cauldron Divine Sect's disciples, then held up the jade slip, Pinch to crush.


Those dísciples were frightened, they stepped back continuously, and looked at Elder Xiang for help. The matter was exposed, and for the sake of face, Elder wanted to kill them.

Seeing this, Elder, complexion ashen, these bastards really have the handle to fall into the hands of others, and they are firmly suppressed by them.

"This matter is my Golden Cauldron, and I don't have to ask for any compensation, just to say, we two sects are on good terms, and we should sit down and discuss any conflicts, and don't fight."


"This matter has been revealed. In the future, I, Golden Cauldron Shenmen and Qingyun Divine Sect, are still allies and grow together."

As soon as these words came out, the audience laughed and felt guilty.

Things are self-evident.

Su Hao said with disdain at the corner of his mouth: "That's not good, I have been wronged, and this matter must be given a reasonable explanation."

"When you are wronged, come here I'm here to ask for guilt and to make amends. I've been wronged, so I just want to die ends all one's troubles?"

"I'm not convinced."

Su Hao raised the jade slip, frightened. Got the Elder and the dísciple, all sweating on their foreheads, and said, "When the matter is over, I won't say more."

"This is a misunderstanding, we shouldn't misunderstand you, these Divine Crystals are considered old man reckless Some compensation."

"You are a junior, I am an elder, and I shouldn't care about you."

He threw away a bag of Divine Crystal, and Su Hao picked it up. In his hand, he glanced at the tens of thousands of dollars. He smiled with satisfaction and said, "You have a good attitude. I forgive you." His face was furious, he stepped forward, and just about to stop it, he found that the jade slip exploded, and it was empty.

This jade slip doesn't record anything at all, and the so-called evidence does not exist at all.

Stunned for a moment, Li Dao's popular head was on fire, his chest was heaving, and his expression was hideous. He was actually plot against.

Still a hairless brat plot against.

having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it.

"I've ruined the evidence, we don't owe each other." Su Hao showed his snow-white teeth, and he was so cheap that he was so hated that he wanted to smash his face!

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