Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2500

In the twelve islands, Su Hao and Ling Xue were the first to come to the bottom of the mountain, looking at the purple fruit on the top of the mountain, their eyes shot with intense fire.

This kind of diving medicine, which takes five hundred years of gestation to barely mature, is extremely rare, and the essence contained in it can be called terrifying.

However, when Su Hao was about to climb the mountain and take it off, the sound of the wind suddenly rose, and the masked man fell quickly.

As he stepped on the ground, a vast breath surged out, and the air wave swept away towards Su Hao, surging vigorously.

Under the force like a surging wave, Su Hao was forced to retreat, and only after a full tens of meters did he stabilize.

It has to be said that when it comes to cultivation base and battle strength, there is still a big gap between him and this Geshigu War God.

"Boy, just look at it, this creation belongs to me." Nie Qingtian's voice was cold, his eyes staring at Su Hao with murderous intention.

"Please." Su Hao didn't compete with him. At this time, it was less than half a point to compete with him.

The cultivation base is poor, but it is poor. If you are not as good as others, you are not as good as others. Find a way to strengthen yourself, and then find your way back.

The corner of Nie Qingtian's mouth twitched, as if he was very satisfied with Su Hao's wisdom, he stepped towards the mountain, and his eyes were also very hot.

"Let's go." Su Hao stepped back, stared at Ling Xue, and said with some guilt: "I can't give you this thing, let's find another good fortune."

"Don't worry, I don't think this mountain is simple, he may not be able to get that good fortune." Ling Xue sounded a transmission, staring at the mountain with brilliance.

Su Hao squinted.

"Su Hao, listen to the girl, she is Spiritual God body, we can't detect many things, but she can detect it very clearly."

"Also, I also feel, This mountain is a little different from when I came here." Ye Xiu's voice sounded in the heart.

Su Hao stopped and looked towards the mountain again. Nie Qingtian, who had already arrived at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the purple fruit and let out a smug laugh.

This kind of laughter is loud, domineering, and superior.

People from the outside world gritted their teeth, and some people coldly said: "There are really many people who act recklessly. I think he is also courting death."

"hmph, the creation of adults aloof and remote , whoever dares to touch it, ask him to die without a burial site."

"Don't worry, they can't get it, you see..." Someone sneered, and his fingers moved towards the mirror.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, condensed in one area of the mirror, next moment, one after another sneered proudly resounded.

"Senior Brother Zheng is here, those guys, there is an impossible opportunity."

"That is, we Senior Brother Zheng, but the celebrity in front of aloof and remote adults, cultivation The base is even more terrifying, and is invincible."

The people outside are no longer worried, and all show the look of watching a play. Those who want to meddle in the creation are met by Senior Brother Zheng, Absolutely no good ending.

In fact, as they expected, when the Senior Brother Zheng arrived, a terrifying thunderball had already condensed in his hand.

This thunder ball golden, as he threw it forward, made a rolling thunder, and exploded in front of Nie Qingtian at an extremely fast speed.

The terrifying thunder and waves were turbulent, and Nie Qingtian's steps forward, retracted at a very fast speed, and quickly retreated.

At the same time, he turned around sharply, his fist moved towards the fiercely behind him, and slammed with the Senior Brother Zheng who was catching up.

This is a real battle of great experts in the right way, with a full-strength collision, a roaring roar, a huge rush in the void, and the waves setting off a thousand zhang highs.

Under this huge momentum, Nie Qingtian was groaned, and his body quickly flew backwards, and a red bloodstain dripped from the corner of his mouth covered by the mask.

As for the coming Senior Brother Zheng, just shaking his body, he stabilized his body, and his aura was still majestic and domineering.

"Okay, Senior Brother Zheng mighty!"

"hmph, and we Senior Brother Zheng hands-on, is simply overestimate one's capabilities."

Outside people Sneer, no surprise to this ending.

The Elder was shocked again. That Senior Brother Zheng was only a follower of Lord aloof and remote, but he was already enough to compete with the direct disciple personally selected by the Lord of Fifth Mountain, and had the absolute upper hand.

unimaginable, how terrifying is that aloof and remote lord?

Supreme Path Holy Palace, worthy of the overlord of the virtual God World!

"This good fortune, you can't move." Senior Brother Zheng blasted back Nie Qingtian, fell to the ground, and stood under the mountain.

"Amazing." Nie Qingtian did not refute, he was not qualified to move if he wanted to, the battle strength of the person in front of him was superior to him.

Senior Brother Zheng faintly smiled, no longer paid attention to Nie Qingtian, he hands behind ones back, moved towards that mountain and strode forward, staring straight at the purple fruit on the top of the mountain.

Sir aloof and remote, stay in Qingyun Divine Sect for three months, in order to wait for Ziyue Divine Fruit to mature and refine a wonderful medicine pill.

"I can finally leave this place, Qingyun Divine Sect, whether it is resources or good fortune, it is almost thousands of miles worse than the Holy Dao Palace."

Senior Brother Zheng With a smile on their faces, they picked the purple moon fruit, and they were successfully accomplished, but they could leave this small sect that had already disgusted him.



He stepped on the soles of his feet and touched the mountain, but his expression changed suddenly, and he rushed down from the top of the mountain. A terrifying torrent of power.

This torrent is invisible, invisible, intangible, and that terrifying pressure is clearly noticeable and violent.

Even Senior Brother Zheng didn't dare to stop him. After a flash in his eyes, he quickly retreated, far away from the mountain.

"What's the matter, the purple moon divide fruit has matured, why didn't Senior Brother Zheng go to the peak to pick it?"

"Yes, get the fruit and give it to aloof and Lord Remote, we will merit Perfection, and we can leave this barren land."

The outsiders were surprised and didn't know why, but the voices just fell, and the expressions of those people changed again.

On that mountain, I don't know when, a statue appeared, standing on the top of the mountain, the color is pitch black.

The statue can't see the specific face, but it gives people a sense of incomparable stalwart.

Even, next moment, the mirror made the sound of ka-cha, and there were fine cracks because of the appearance of the statue.

This scene made the outsiders look shocked.

The statue seems to overpower everything.

"So terrifying, is that statue a statue of Spiritual God?"

"How can there be a statue of Spiritual God in the little Blue Profound Sect?"

The outside world is in chaos, and everyone's face is full of horror. Spiritual God aloof and remote, even in the most holy Dao Palace, is extremely rare.

Nothing related to Spiritual God is simple.

"In my Qingyun Divine Sect, there is Spiritual God's good fortune. This is simply incredible." The Dodo Guardian also widened his eyes, he was unheard-of, unprecedented.

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