Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2457

That person was very terrifying, all his breath was hidden, he really appeared and disappeared unpredictably, making Su Hao suffer a lot.

"Su Hao." Ling Xue was worried and looked anxious, but her Divine Soul was scattered, and she couldn't detect the person in the dark.

Su Hao has a cold light in his eyes, the poison on his claws is nothing, the twelve Evil God orders can be absorbed directly.

But the man couldn't be found, and he kept shooting, which could cause a fatal blow to him sooner or later.

People can hurt him at will, and he can't even find their traces. This feeling is very aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Su Hao, who was used to being in control, in this brief moment, suffered a huge blow.


The claws reappeared with a grotesque laugh, this time, very ruthless, went straight to Su Hao's head fiercely and grabbed it.

"Su Hao!"

Ling Xue shouted, her body flew up and she stopped Su Hao at the critical moment with her fleshy body.

Her body flew upside down directly under the palm of her hand, and blood splattered from her mouth.

"Your uncle's!"

Su Hao cursed, his eyes blood red to the extreme.

"Boy, hand it over, and I will spare you from the night soul." The person in the dark sneered, proud and hideous.

"Ye Xiu, help me find him, I'm going to chop him up!" Su Hao was really angry, his chest was burning like fire.

"Okay, Lao Tzu has also fought hard. If this goes on, he will kill him." Ye Xiu made a harsh voice and said, "I will fall asleep immediately when this method is used. Find the treasure of strong soul and wake me up, otherwise, I'm really finished."

After a quick sentence, Ye Xiu shouted: "Soul Harmony Dafa!"

His soul plunged into In Su Hao's body, it was perfectly integrated with Su Hao, making Su Hao's Divine Soul instantly stronger.

This kind of power is not a simple one plus one, but a multiple surge, making Su Hao's induction power several grades stronger.


A Divine Soul enveloped, and immediately, in front of Su Hao, a black clothed silhouette appeared, approaching with a cold smile.

And instead of approaching Su Hao, he rushed towards Ling Xue. He could see that the toxin was ineffective against Su Hao, and only threatened Ling Xue.

Also, Su Hao cares about that woman very much, and if he catches this man, he can blackmail him.


Five meters.

Three meters.

Two meters.


Yehun's smile became more and more hideous, with a strong playfulness. He was invisible in the dark, act wilfully, and controlled everything.

This kind of feeling is very good, he can hurt others at will, and those fools can't even touch his shadow.

It's really cat and mouse.


There was more playfulness in his eyes, he was already close, the woman fell to the ground, blood was flowing, toxins entered her body, she was very weak.

It is easy to control.

"Come on."

He laughed, his claws shrouded fiercely, in his eyes, the woman's miserable howl would be even more mournful, life is better than death.



Under the claws, it was like hitting on gold and iron, a palm, one step ahead of him appeared there and blocked him.

He was shocked, surprised, and before he could see clearly, his fist with golden light moved towards his face with great precision, and strikes came.


The blood spilled out, he howled miserably, his body slammed back, and he fell from the void, but his expression changed drastically, and he quickly disappeared.



It was another punch, as if seeing through everything about him, chasing the soul, and falling fiercely, hitting him on the chest.

The huge impact caused his blood to surge, spitting out blood foam from his mouth, and his hidden body was exposed again.

"Your uncle's!"

Su Hao cursed, Divine Soul glanced at everything, locked onto that person tightly, and stepped forward, flying like a flight, and arriving in the blink of an eye.

Without waiting for the other party's reaction, Su Hao's soles of feet had already been raised, exuding terrifying divine power, and then stepped down heavily.


The piercing sound of the skeleton breaking sounded clearly, the night soul wailed, and the painful cold sweat was profusely flowing, looking at Su Hao in horror.

With the tragic howl, his blood spurted out of his mouth, and his injuries, in an instant, were extremely serious.


The howl was mournful, like crying at midnight, like a thousand ghosts wailing, and he had endless doubts in his heart, not knowing why the other party could accurately target him.

Night Soul has the secret soul method, everything is hidden, let alone a trifling condensate 4th layer, even if condensate Peak, it is difficult to find him.

But now, what he thought was completely broken, and Su Hao was so precise that he found his hiding place.


The sole of the foot stepped down again, and with a ka-cha sound, his bones shattered even more, and the huge force made his five internal organs twisted, spit blood more.


Su Hao cursed, stepping on the soles of his feet, one, two, three, one after another, each foot falling like a mountain.

Heavy and powerful.

His hatred, endless vent!

The night soul howled miserably and was boundless. At the end, the entire chest was smashed, drenched with blood, and the flesh was blurred.

"Don't, don't step on it, I'm convinced." He immediately said, Su Hao's power terrifying, surpassed him, lost his ability to hide, and reached the Sixth Layer, he couldn't stop him at all. .

In fact, in his opinion, even if it is the seventh level of Condensation Dao, it is definitely not Su Hao's opponent.

This guy who looks like a 4th layer has super strong battle strength!

"You're convinced, I haven't had a good time yet." Su Hao burst into a drink, stepping on and crushing with the soles of his feet. If he didn't kill him, his life would be worse than death.

"puff puff puff!"

Blood after mouthful, the pain surpassed one at a time, Yehun really realized that life was better than death, and he was going to be trampled to death.

"Stop it, stop it!" He uttered the words with difficulty, his face was extremely ugly and gloomy, and he wanted to explode.


Su Hao was very decisive, stepping on it with one foot, twisting his face, shattering his teeth, and exploding his skeleton, completely devoid of human appearance.

The sound disappeared, and the night soul was completely unable to make any sound. All the pain could only be mourned silently, which was extremely miserable.

At the end, he couldn't move, except for the head, the rest of the place was almost crushed.

Su Hao squatted down, took off his storage bag, and said some medicine pills from it. After careful defense, he found the antidote.

Yehun's claws, with poison, were not a threat to him, but they were a big threat to Ling Xue.

He took the antidote and took it for Ling Xue. By the way, he sprinkled some healing medicine powder on her wound to make the wound heal quickly.

After doing all this, Su Hao turned around, but the complexion changed, and the night soul, who was almost crushed by him, disappeared.

"This God's law, it is indeed a profound mystery, many things I have never seen before, well, very good, I feel the challenge again!"

Su Hao's eyes were hot, In this God, he is no longer the strongest, and he is no longer the winner, he needs to face challenges.

And this challenge made his blood boil.

"If you want to die, then come, come one by one!"

A new beginning, he, Su Hao, will step forward again and ascend to the most peak with the momentum of kingship!

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