Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2453

Under the mountain, a voice sounded, with a cold wind, making Long Xingyun's fist stop temporarily, and looked down playfully.

"Pretty boy, are you talking to me?" His voice was contemptuous, not taking Su Hao seriously at all.

His eyes are very arrogant, the kind of eyes from the superior looking down at the inferior, looking at Su Hao as if looking at an ant.

Just kidding.

In fact, he has heard some of Yu Zhen's words before. This kid is a son-in-law who comes to the house, and a useless waste who eats soft rice. What ability can he have?

If you really have the ability, even if it's the slightest, you shouldn't live on a woman.

"Junior Brother Yun, he is very difficult to deal with, and anyone who can be a son-in-law is not simple." Yu Zhen shouted at the foot of the mountain.

Anyone can hear the sarcasm in his words. In fact, Su Hao's status as a pretty boy is indeed sneering.

Many people at the foot of the mountain despised him. A man died of poverty, starvation, and waste. He shouldn't let go of his dignity, but he was the son-in-law who came to the house.

This is disgraceful.

Not to mention the cultivator.

"Oh? It seems that Yu Senior Brother Zhen's evaluation of you is very good, you should be not simple, you are an expert?"

"If you have an idea, you can come up and fight ?" He shouted loudly, then laughed loudly, moved towards Su Hao and shook his fist, as if saying again, one fist is enough to kill you!

"Put her down." Su Hao said coldly, but didn't move.

He absorbed the demonic energy, and at the critical moment, he couldn't move at all.

I have to admit that this demonic energy is not simple, and even Su Hao might suffer with the twelve Ancient God orders.

At this moment, he has reached a critical moment, and a large amount of demonic energy is stored in his body, like a bomb, it will explode if there is a slight error.

"Boy, don't be impulsive, just be patient, soon." Ye Xiu comforted, really afraid that Su Hao's temper would come up, desperate.

This kid is really crazy. He even put his death aside. Ye Xiu didn't want to continue following him. Nine deaths and still alive.

"humph." Long Xingyun sneered and despised more, he played with his taste: "If you have a handle, come up and fight me, as long as you can block my punch, I will naturally let go. She goes down."

Between the words, he showed a strong disdain, in his opinion, Su Hao simply didn't have the guts to fight him.

In fact, maybe he simply couldn't come up, otherwise, he wouldn't have stayed at the bottom of the mountain without taking the Second Step.

He's not the only one who thinks like this, almost everyone at the foot of the mountain is like this, this pretty boy is a no-brainer.

He hasn't moved since he came here. The only explanation is that he doesn't dare!

I was shocked by Dao Jieshan's terrifying.

"Aiya, what a waste, watching his wife, being forced on the mountain, but indifferent, it's better to die."

"Cowardly like a mouse, A man who is greedy for life and afraid of death is the most useless, and living is a waste of air."

"If my wife encounters such a situation, as a man, even if I die, I will rush to one. Zhan,"

"Don't talk too much, I heard that the marriage contract that your family made for you was called off by the woman? You didn't give a shit?"

As soon as the man's words fell, someone broke the stage and said with a smile: "You and he are jackals of the same tribe, and they are both useless big trash."

"Lin Yuan, you give Be careful what I say, the female devil is half-stepped, won't you let me see?" The man blushed in defense.

"Go, be brave, go up, at worst will die." Their petty fights here did not affect the attitude of the people around them, and they continued to target Su Hao.

Yu Zhen looked playfully, held his arms and waited for the play, laughed and said, "My brother is born with a tendon. If you don't go up, he is absolutely impossible to let him go."

He despised Su Hao again, maybe it's just good luck in Ling Family, in fact, he's nothing at all.

Otherwise, how can you not climb Daojie Mountain?

"Definitely don't let it go!" Long Xingyun echoed, and punched again, forcing Ling Xue to continue retreating towards the mountain peak.

The pressure is like a mountain, her flesh and bones are shaking, her silver teeth are clenched, and blood is flowing down slowly.

Apparently, she was too far beyond her limits.

In fact, after clenching her teeth, her skeleton made a ka-cha sound, and her body was already bent, feeling like she was about to explode.

"Less!" Long Xingyun teased a few words again, and found that Su Hao was indifferent, and cursed a few times with contempt.

Afterwards, he turned his head again and looked at Ling Xue, who had been bent very terrifying and had blood stains on his body, said with a smile: "Promise, forget it, your man is a coward, and he doesn't dare to rescue him at all. You, what do you want him for?"

"In fact, you followed me, Senior Brother Yu, and will be Elder's granddaughter-in-law in the future, in this Divine Sect, aloof and remote."


"I will call you sister-in-law in the future."

He continued to intimidate, exuding his own cultivation base, aggravating Ling Xue's pressure. until surrender.

"No...but...maybe!" Ling Xue spit out three words intermittently, her eyes were cold, and her expression was boundless pain.

With three simple words, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and at the same time as she fell, her body also collapsed on the mountain.

Unable to battle strength,

Too much pressure.

What's more, Long Xingyun is still exerting pressure to increase her weight.

She felt like she was going to explode here.

"Boy, at this point, you still haven't made a move? Do you really want to watch your wife and be crushed to death in front of you?"

"Are you a jerk? At what point, at this time, a man always has to say a few words, right?"

The sneer, insult, and sarcasm of those people sounded again, devaluing Su Hao as worthless and trash to the extreme.

Yu Zhen was laughing all the time, these insults to Su Hao, he sounded very pleasant, that bastard should be so.

As for Yu Tianhua, she stood on the side lightly, looking like a matter of no concern to oneself.

He wanted Su Hao to be cornered and into a desperate situation. At that time, he might be able to talk to him about the conditions and get the treasure first.


"courting death!"

Su Hao, who was full of anger and said nothing, finally spoke, and stepped out with the soles of his feet.

The demonic energy in his body has absorbed most of it, at least allowing him to regain his mobility.

"It's moving, this kid is a bit bloody."

"There's a fart, if I hadn't waited for such stimulation, would he have moved all of a sudden?"


"Actually, how can he move, does he still want to climb the mountain? Does he have that ability?"

The ridicule did not diminish because of Su Hao's movement, even those people I feel that he should be useless to the end, at least not to die in vain.

After all, he didn't climb the mountain for a long time, which made people think that he couldn't go up at all, and that he was just going to die if he tried to climb the mountain.

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