Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2450

Ling Family matter, Su Hao took Ling Xue directly, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, rushing towards the direction of Qingyun Divine Sect.

"why on earth?" Ling Xue is also curious now, she really doesn't know what this person has done, why Yu Tianhua is so afraid of him.

"I have great talent and can help him." Su Hao said with a smile, speeding up and rushing to Qingyun Divine Sect, he was going to hunt for treasure.

Ye Xiu's treasures are all in the Qingyun Divine Sect, but those people are full of searches in the world.

Actually, the most dangerous place is the safest.

No one would have thought that Ye Xiu would keep the treasure in the sect.

"You're different, I can't see you right now." Ling Xue spoke again, Su Hao became mysterious in her eyes.

"I doubt, what did you get in the mountain?" Ling Xue stared at Su Hao and said slowly, that day he went to the mountain, died, then lived again, and then it was different.

"Am I better now, or better than I was before?" Su Hao didn't answer directly, and he couldn't say or explain some things.

"I don't know, I used to hate you, I admit, it was related to your face, but I have to say, you were very simple back then."

"Now You, you have become very good, but I think you are very complicated, and you don't have the obvious at a glance."

Ling Xue said: "I don't know, what I want is the old you or the current one. You are very contradictory."

Su Hao laughed, it's normal, he is full of secrets, Ling Xue may feel insecure, which takes time to adapt.

The two were silent and walked all the way to Qingyun Divine Sect. Not far from them, Yu Tianhua and Yu Zhen followed, neither fast nor slow.

"grandfather, what the hell are you thinking, he hit me and almost killed me, how can you accept him, does he have any secrets?"

Yu Zhen Very unhappy, he was subjected to extraordinary shame and humiliation today, and his murderous intentions towards Su Hao can't be relieved by anyone, wishing he would die immediately.


Yutianhua has only one word, he can't tell grandson about those things, this kid's mouth is too fast, and he will be exposed if he doesn't keep his balance.

"However, it's okay to teach him a lesson." Instead, he narrowed his eyes again and said, "Just don't kill him."

He believed Su Hao I won't expose that, Ye Xiu was a sinner in Qingyun Divine Sect, and everyone was thinking about those treasures.

Su Hao dares to say that the whole sect is his enemy.

Besides, he will speed up, it is impossible for Su Hao to lead him by the nose.

"oh?" Yu Zhen's eyes shined, and his eyes reappeared with cold light. Since that's the case, then he doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

At Qingyun Divine Sect, he can use it to the fullest. That kid is like a turtle in a urn. Although he can't kill him, it is absolutely impossible to make him feel good.

Soon, the huge mountain gate was exposed in front of the eyes. Compared with the sect that Su Hao saw in Immortal World, it was much more imposing.

Western universities are the most brilliant sect buildings that Su Hao has seen in Immortal World, but compared to the Divine Sect in front of him, they are nothing but nothing.

Qingyun Shenmen, built around the mountain, in all directions of the sect, stands eight peaks, the center is like a basin, it belongs to the general dísciple residence.

Behind these peaks and basins, there is a huge mountain peaked into the sky. From a distance, you can also feel the majesty of the mountain.

That's First Peak, the place where the Lord of God lives.

Apart from this, in the entire Qingyun Divine Sect, there is a thick layer of Dao Qi, the essence is extremely pure, and the feng shui is excellent.

Cultivation here, twice the results for half the effort, wrapped in essence all day.

"Boy, we have arrived at the Divine Sect now, can we say it?" Yutianhua approached and asked outside the mountain gate.

"Not yet when the time comes, at least it can't be opened yet. When the time comes, I will find you." Su Hao replied coldly.

This made Yu Tianhua's eyes narrow, but, as he expected, this kid is impossible to say so easily.

"How long?" But he thought of a countermeasure, he could wait, but there was always a time limit, couldn't let him wait endlessly for ten or eight years, right?

"Three months at the latest." Su Hao stared at him and said that this time was the answer he had discussed with Ye Xiu.

This is not nonsense either, why are you in a hurry to come back?

It's not yet his treasured land. It's almost time to open it, and he doesn't have much time to waste.

In three months, Su Hao can't get the treasure, that thing will be announced to the world and can't continue to hide.

When the time comes, the entire Divine Sect will find out that the Lord of God will go out, what else is there to do with him?


Yutianhua nodded, I can't be in a hurry now, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

I took Su Hao into the sect and came directly to the bottom of a black mountain. The breath of the mountain made people feel depressed.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a lacquered Blackstone Tablet with the height of one person. Three scarlet characters are written on the stone tablet: Dao Jie Mountain!

“Entering the Divine Sect and ascending the Dao Jie Mountain for the first time, knowing how strict my Divine Sect commandments are, the person who touches it will die! Apart from this, this place is also the place to test the dísciple innate talent, you go.”

Yu Tianhua put Su Hao and Ling Xue here, then stepped aside and watched quietly.

Under the mountain, there were also some dísciples. After Yu Tianhua arrived, he immediately retreated. For the Elder, these dísciples were afraid.

Then the eyes of those people all looked towards Su Hao. Today is not the day that Divine Sect recruits dísciple. Elder brought people, it must be a special move.

And those who are specially recruited generally have excellent innate talent.

Qingyun Divine Sect, in the virtual God World can't be considered Peak, but it is also one of the few Great Sects, not everyone who wants to enter the Divine Sect can.

There is absolutely no innate talent, absolutely not.

Especially the special recruits.

Su Hao walked towards the mountain under the watchful eyes of those people.

Ling Xue beside him was more obvious than he felt, his body was trembling constantly, the pressure on the mountain was huge, and the murderous aura was gushing.

When people get close to this place, fear immediately arises in their hearts, such as facing the Great Desolate Giant Beast, their courage will be suppressed by most of them.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound entered her ears, Ling Xue suddenly woke up, Dao Heart, who had been suppressed, immediately recovered, and she looked at Su Hao in shock.

It was Su Hao who woke her up, as if in her heart, a bold color was forced into her heart, making her dare to look directly here.


Gritting her teeth, Ling Xue's face returned to indifference and frost, her long legs stretched out, her divine power was running, and she stepped towards the mountain.


Step down one step, from the top of the mountain, a great pressure swoops down, the grandiose, like a giant beast slaughtered, makes people dead All take.

Ling Xue's body trembled immediately, a groaning sound came from her mouth, and she almost fell while shaking, but in her heart, the courage given by Su Hao played a huge role, her body stood up, and she stabilized her body. .

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