Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2425

The face is covered with red tumors, and it is impossible to see the original appearance. Such a person fell from the mountain and fell in front of Su Hao.

"It seems that he is going to the sacred mountain to pick divide fruit, but unfortunately it fails, and the vitality will soon be completely dissipated." Su Hao nods.

This person is very simple, and his cultivation base is low. Even in the place of God, he cannot be regarded as a qualified cultivator.

Being able to climb the mountain is really courageous enough.

At this moment, he took his last breath and stared at Su Hao with wide eyes. There was a lot of unwillingness in it, and there seemed to be a lot of regrets.

"Quick, Su Hao, before he dies, body possession of him, I have Dafa, I can get rid of the Great Commander's killing intent."

Ye Xiu said quickly, this is A chance, the only chance, by rebirth, body possession of this dying person.

Su Hao is embarrassed, body possession of this thing, he doesn't want to use it, and once this happens, this person will not even have the chance to be reincarnated.

It's true that the soul flew away and scattered, between Heaven and Earth.

However, the dying man, staring at him, moved his finger and wrote a word on the ground.

Words with blood.

Su Hao doesn't know these ancient scripts, it communicates with the Immortal World language, but the font is not the same at all.


Ye Xiu read it out and said, "He wants you to help him, occupy him, you can live and make up for his regrets, Su Hao , it's too late."

"His vitality will be completely gone."

"If he dies, he will have no chance."

Ye Xiu Urgent, anxious.

Su Hao stared at the man, and suddenly, he raised his bloody hand, grabbed the corner of Su Hao's clothes, stared with wide eyes, opened his mouth, and spat out two words with great difficulty: " Help me..."

"Su Hao, don't hesitate, soon, he will be completely gone." Ye Xiu said, "Do you have the heart to live up to the dying wish of a dying person?"


"You meet him, it's fate, he asks you for help before he dies, it's cause and effect, promise him."

Ye Xiu hopes that Su Hao will take action immediately, if he waits until this person dies , that's all too late.

"Go in and have a look, the stowaways can't live." The voice of the outside world shook, and the chasing people arrived, striding towards the black area.

The youngsters who were talking in the distance were all shocked. These people were full of breath, killing intent and terrifying.

They approached Black Sacred Mountain. Suddenly, they saw a light and shadow, jumped up, and rushed straight to the mountain.

"You're so brave, you dare to enter the sacred mountain." The leader of the chase, with a cold expression, looked at the body that was constantly climbing.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded, and the glowing body exploded in the mountain of God, completely turning into ashes.

"hmph, the sacred mountain terrifying, is a forbidden area. If you dare to step into it, you will surely die." Someone sneered.

“Carefully examine, don’t miss it, the stowaways there are not simple, especially the one whose killing intent is covered by the Great Commander, even more not simple.”

“In case he was caught by him If you survive, the virtual God World will be polluted."

"Hurry up, there are more than one stowaways, chaos in the Divine Prison, Great Commander secluded cultivation, unable to make a full effort, some criminals escaped there, Several other stowaways also successfully left."

"After checking this place, let's go after the others."

The leader was careful, and led a few people behind him wearing clothes. The armored cultivator approached again, hundreds of meters away from the mountain.

They were standing here, unfolding the gods, and suddenly they saw a person lying down on the mountain, wearing a black jacket and drenched with blood.

"Come on!"

The leader's eyes narrowed, and separated hundreds of meters, turned into a big hand with Power of God, and grabbed the fallen man out.

He swept away, and immediately gave birth to a deep disgust.

This is a youngster wearing a black jacket, full of tumors, extremely ugly, worst than a pig.

"My lord, that very ugly person is a notorious waste from Tianli City. Today, I came to Shenshan to hit the big luck. It seems that he has failed."

"Sir Be careful, he has been infected with a curse, and his face has been covered with tumors since he was a child. It can't be cured by treatment, so be careful to be infected."

"Yes, we are from Tianlicheng, no one is there. I'd like to be close to that very ugly person."

Among the youngsters in the distance, there were teasing noises, which made the leader look even more disgusted.

But he still unfolded Divine Soul and carefully checked the very ugly person in his hand, but he didn't find any strange aura, so he threw him away.

"The stowaways are dead, go!"

Leaving a sentence, the leader led the people behind to leave here quickly, there are still many things to do.

At this time, a few people came up, but unfortunately the remaining few people have not been contaminated with murderous aura, and it is difficult to find their whereabouts.

But no matter how difficult it is to find, those people are not qualified to stay in the virtual God World.

When those people completely left, the youngsters in the distance approached cautiously and stared at the veiled man on the ground.

"Is this guy dead already?"

"I think he must be dead."

"Cannot tell good from bad, he is also qualified to go. If he succeeds, he will not even be a dog."

"Yeah, he is notoriously unlucky, and he wants to get his hands on the luck?"

Those people ridicule, tease, have no pity for the dead, some are just taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

It seems that his death is very heartwarming.


Suddenly, a torch lights up in the distance, and someone rushes, headed by a beautiful woman with peerless grace and elegance.

She is tall and picturesque, but her face is as cold as ice.

"Lingchen, you did a good job." The cold and proud woman swept towards the leader among the youngsters, her voice annoyed.

"Ai, Sister Ling Xue, this has nothing to do with us. What does it have to do with us when he wants to come to the mountain?" white clothed Ling Chen coldly said.

"What does he know? You deliberately lead him to the sacred mountain, don't you want to watch him die?" Ling Xuebing scolded coldly.

"Ling Xue, don't spit on people. He got kicked by a donkey in his head. He insisted on courting death. Blame it on me?"

white clothed man Ling Chen was also a little annoyed Then, with a flick of his sleeve robe, he said, "Let's go, go back to the Ling Family, and tell grandma."

After finishing speaking, they strode away, constantly coming out with all kinds of dirty words and sneering. .

Ling Xue clenched the palm of her sleeve tightly, the frost on her face was even thicker, those bastards were really abominable.

But she lowered her head and looked towards the ugly man. She also had no choice but toshook the head. These things can't be blamed on others, it's his own disappointing.

She paused and sighed: "Although I despise you, you and I have already worshipped Heaven and Earth after all. You are my Husband, and I will not let you riot in the wilderness."

"Take him back and bury him in a glorious way."

She flicked her sleeves and turned her head away. The rest of the people picked up the man on the ground and followed Behind her, went to Tianli City.

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