Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2423

The terrifying palm print is condensed in the sky, thick and boundless, as if the sky is covered by the whole.

A boundless and vast coercion was suppressed, and the ground below was constantly collapsing.

Before the palm print came down, Su Hao and Ye Xiu had already shouted, their bodies and souls were shaking, and the sense of crisis was too terrifying.

"spare no effort, the last blow!" Ye Xiu shouted, Su Hao burned, endless Art and Dao, rushing towards the big palm print.

Now I have nowhere to go, and I have been completely covered by the big palm print.


The cliff trembled violently, making a rumbling sound, the ground continuously crumbled, blood was sprayed endlessly, and the big palm print was crushed everything.

Everything that Su Hao and Ye Xiu did, was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, it didn't work half way, there was no strength to contend at all.


Su Hao’s fleshy body collapsed, and he of Divine Physique Great Accomplishment couldn’t resist the palm pressure at all, blood spilled, Mo Feng hidden in his body Yu Bing Qing'er spilled out immediately, and his body trembled violently.

"Not good!"

Su Hao's blood spilled back quickly, gathered his fleshy body again, his eyes were blood red, and shouted in the direction of the two at the same time.

The cultivation base of those two is too weak, and it is already very dangerous to enter the gods. Under this terrifying palm print, they cannot live for a second.

However, in the next moment, Su Hao was shocked. They were exposed, but they didn't explode. Mo Feng's eyebrows were shining, and the atmospheric luck beads actually blocked the coercion.

The bead appeared from between the eyebrows, radiating brilliance, dazzling, like a small sun, covering Mo Feng and Bing Qinger.

"This thing is not simple, it actually exudes a dive spiritual aura." Ye Xiu was suddenly shocked, didn't expect to have such a terrifying thing.

"Approached immediately, this bead may block it." Ye Xiu yelled.

Su Hao moved without hesitation, and all of them approached Mo Feng.

The beads between his eyebrows, the divine light is dazzling and incomparable, bursting out under the pressure of the palm print, giving birth to the power of resistance.

Perhaps aware of this resistance, the Great Commander's palm print suddenly trembled and was about to explode.

"Fuck, let's go, let's go, it's going to explode." Ye Xiu went crazy, wrapped Su Hao with his sword, and held Mofen and Bing Qinger at the same time.



The big palm print pressed down, trembled, and exploded with a bang. It was like Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the void of God was stable, and silk appeared at this time Filament cracks.

An endless gust of wind swept through, like a big vortex, hula, Su Hao and several people all entered the vortex and were carried forward by the gust of wind.

They couldn't resist at all, the wind was too terrifying, the tearing force was boundless, and no matter how hard they tried, it was difficult to get rid of them.


The huge wind swept through the forest, and the endless rocks and ancient trees were all shattered, and the mountain peaks were collapsing violently.

Fortunately, this mountain forest is sparsely populated. Otherwise, it will definitely cause a huge panic. This tornado is really too spectacular.

And soon it was no longer one, the tornado turned into several as it moved forward, swept away in all directions.

I don't know how long it took before Su Hao felt the gust of wind disperse completely. He grabbed the Killing God Sword and fell from it.

At this time, the blood on his body was innumerable, constantly flowing, and the bones were visible, which was extremely miserable.

"Hu Chi, it's dangerous, it's dangerous." In the sword, Ye Xiu almost fainted, and they were completely shattered with just one drop.

Fortunately, the Great Commander is in the dead end, and the exposed cultivation base is not all.

Even so, his Divine Soul was battered by the gust of wind, weakening to the extreme, Su Hao's fleshy body was exploding, and blood was spraying endlessly.

"Damn, you are stained with his murderous aura, even if you don't blow it up, you will leave his mark, someone will find us."

Ye Xiu Ningmu, in the past, he was a great expert in Hedao, not the Great Commander who was terrifying, and he knew a lot.

This murderous aura is constantly destroying Su Hao's body, even if it doesn't kill him in a short time, it's equal to set a position for him, and someone will come to kill him at any time.

Su Hao also stared, and at this moment Mo Feng and Bing Qing'er were gone, the strong wind separated them and went their separate ways, I don't know what happened to them.

"Don't worry, that kid's beads exude the aura of Spiritual God, very terrifying, they will never die together." Ye Xiu said.

God's condensing and combining is just the beginning, it is called Deity, and further up is Spiritual God, Spiritual God terrifying incomparably, under God's Three Realms, Void God World, Blue Divine Domain, Xuan God World, is definitely another character on the Overlord level.

Mo Feng's beads have the breath of Spiritual God, surpassing Hedao, even if he can't exert his full strength to block the palm of Hedao Great Commander, it is not a full-strength palm, and it is definitely more than enough.

"I'm not worried about this. I'm worried that they will be exposed and found to be stowaways. It will definitely be the end." Su Hao said solemnly.

They are people from Immortal World, they are not allowed to log in to God, they belong to stowaways. Once discovered, they will definitely be killed by the world.

The two were no longer by Su Hao's side, and he always felt uneasy.

"Don't worry, God Spirit Treasure is here, their aura can definitely block most people's exploration and will not be easily exposed."

"No one will believe that in In the isolated Immortal World, there is the Spiritual Artifact of God."

"Also, we can't take care of that much now. You are infected with killing intent, and you can't get rid of the Great Commander's induction." Ye This is what cultivation is worried about.

Su Hao is the most dangerous, that murderous aura can be sensed.

It was already dark, they were in the mountains and forests, and they didn't know where they were. The Great Commander's killing intent couldn't get rid of them, and someone came to kill them soon.

It's dangerous now.

In fact, the next moment, the danger has come, the killing intent on Su Hao is surging, and someone is approaching here.


Ye Xiu yelled, and they left the place immediately, running wildly in the same direction, but Su Hao's killing intent always shined.

No matter how hard he tried, the Great Good Fortune Secret Art and the Twelve Ancient God decrees were all used, and it was difficult to swallow up this killing intent and could not cover it up.

"This is like a beacon that guides the way. No matter where we go, those people can hunt down." Ye Xiu was anxious.

In fact, it is true, Su Hao is running wild in the mountains, no matter where he goes, the sense of crisis is always there.

Those who chase him have a clear goal, Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, and they can also turn Su Hao out.

"Damn it, isn't there any way to get rid of it?" Su Hao was also anxious. If this goes on, he will be chased by those people sooner or later.

Once so, he will die without a burial site.

"No!" Ye Xiu replied decisively. He has no realm now, and he can't display the ability to cooperate, and he can't help Su Hao get rid of the shackles of the Great Commander.

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