Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2106

The appearance of Yuanfeng made Dongya completely panic. This former madman was extremely terrifying in battle strength. At the peak period, even the Emperor Yin was extremely afraid.

Actually, it wasn't the power of the Yin Emperor that was able to win Yuanfeng at the beginning, but the formation of a number of great experts and the design of entrapment, which suppressed Yuanfeng.

Even so, several great characters died.

Dong Ya was very clear about that battle back then, the terrifying, the madness of Yuanfeng, and he still remembers it now, having one's hair stand on end.

Even though Yuan Feng has only recovered three points of power now, he can still be on par with him, and even faintly puts him in a state of repression.

This kind of terrifying character, given time, will surely recover quickly. At that time, Extreme Yin Church is afraid that it will suffer a catastrophic disaster.

"Yuanfeng recovers, you and I are all finished." Dongya shouted again, with endless madness, he was really scared, this person absolutely cannot survive.

His voice passed into the Blood Emperor, into the ears of heavenly thunder Venerable, and even the dark Free and Unfettered Palace, the great character of Jiuyang Peak, all narrowed their eyes.

Even, the great character of Free and Unfettered Palace took a step forward secretly, as if to join the battlefield and participate in the team that rounded up Yuanfeng.

"Supreme Elder, no, that defiant cultivator is the one who gave me Small World, and he shouldn't hurt us."

"Also, I am Free and Unfettered. When the Palace killed the Demon Emperor, it never really killed their core, so there is no need for us to carry this debt."

In the Free and Unfettered Palace, an old man stood up and unexpectedly It was the pharaoh, who was an Auctioneer, who got a lot of good things from Su Hao.

Mainly, in the end, Su Hao also robbed the Small World from the Blood Sword Sect and gave it to the Nine Sun Peaks where Free and Unfettered Palace and Ye Immortal King are located.

The great character of Free and Unfettered Palace narrowed his eyes and looked towards the Supreme Elder of Jiuyang Peak at the same time. The two looked at each other, and the immortal strength that had been running was extinguished again.

In those days, Jiuyang Peak and Free and Unfettered Palace also participated in the battle against Demon Palace.

But they really didn't go to kill the core, and they contributed very little in it, and the grudge with Demon Palace was far less than the other three overlords.

Yuanfeng will not be the first to find them, and will not even contradict them.

"Even if Yuanfeng can live, it may be good for us. The three overlords will pay a huge price for this." Supreme Elder sound transmission of Jiuyang Peak.

"You're right, the five hegemons, open strife and veiled struggle, at this moment we just watch the battle quietly, maybe we can get a lot of benefits from it."

Free and Unfettered Palace's great character twitched, they were at this level, they wouldn't care about Su Hao's favor, but their dominance was extremely important.

If Yuanfeng really recovered back then, the three major overlords would definitely suffer heavy casualties. In the end, wouldn't they be benefiting from it.

The two smiled at each other and looked towards the sky again.

At this time, Yuan Feng took Su Hao and swept away, Dongya, Blood Emperor, heavenly thunder Venerable, showed everything, and quickly chased after him.

In the end, they disappeared into the sky, but the terrifying fluctuations can still be clearly felt here, and it is clear that the war has begun.

"We wait, no matter who wins or loses, it's good for us." Free and Unfettered Palace and the great character of Jiuyang Peak, walking to a mountain, sitting cross-legged on the spot, looking at the sky .

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically. A terrifying essence rushed out from there, and it condensed into an incomparably thick beam of light that shot directly into the sky.

"There is a treasure, super not simple!"

The Supreme Elder of Free and Unfettered Palace stood up suddenly, body flashed, pierced through the air, the great character of Jiuyang Peak, Naturally without hesitation.

On that day, it was just beyond the Divine Fire Mountain range, above the sky, when a war broke out.

As for Su Hao, he fused the sword qi key with his own blood, and smashed it directly into the mountain. The flames turned into a Fire River and rolled toward the sky.

And in this Fire River, there is endless essence, from a distance, this is not a fire, but a thick and incomparably thick beam of essence.

"This it there?" Rou Qingsi, who was in the battle, also immediately looked at her, with an incomparable look of shock in her eyes.

"Little Earth Palace, the little Earth Palace controlled by Xie Yue, didn't expect it to be here." She was loudly roared, her eyes were bright, and she was extremely excited.

It is precisely because of this small Earth Palace that she begged Xieyue many times to no avail, so she ruthlessly murdered and buried it.

"The little Earth Palace? It turned out to be the Demon Emperor's treasure chest! It is said that the Demon Emperor has countless treasures in his life, and they are in the hands of different people."

"Those people, each of them He holds a small Earth Palace in his hands, and each small Earth Palace is filled with massive treasures, which is comparable to the overlord's heritage!"

"This evil moon is one of the Demon Emperor's most trusted people. One, the treasure he masters is definitely the one with the greatest weight."

heavenly thunder Venerable also brightened his eyes.

East Cliff even gave up the fight and rushed there quickly to get a small Earth Palace.

Even, in the small Earth Palace, there may still be the Demon Emperor's law. They shout and kill the Demon Emperor, but they are also extremely greedy for his law.

As everyone knows, the Demon Emperor's method is the top of the Immortal World, and his battle strength can be called invincible among the Immortal Emperor!


Su Hao laid down the key with all his strength, and the sword qi followed, and the sword qi got into the seal of Earth Palace, carrying Su Hao's blood, Immediately let the seal tremble.

Suddenly, the essence radiated even more terrifying, the treasure among them was definitely unimaginable.

"sword qi, this is the sword qi of my Heavenly Immortal sword, could it be..." Suddenly, Rou Qingsi's eyes widened, incredulous.

"That's right, Xie Yue gave you the key back then and left it in your sword qi. If you didn't kill him, maybe this little Earth Palace would have already arrived in your hands."


Su Hao shouted, with a lot of hatred, Yuan Feng also returned, the guard was beside him, his eyes were blood red, Xie Yue was really blind back then!

"Ah!" Rou Qingsi shouted fiercely, the little Earth Palace she had been looking forward to was actually in her hands all the time.

In the past few years, she didn't know how much she paid in order to find this good fortune, didn't expect, didn't expect, Xie Yue had already handed it over to her?

"Damn, he ****!" She roared frantically and rushed forward with all her strength.

The evil moon pits her!

The treasure was clearly in her hands, allowing her to guard the endless years, but she didn't know what to say, and finally let her give away the treasure in vain.

If she had known earlier, why would she have made such a fuss, she would come alone and collect all the treasures, and her status could compare with Overlord!

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