Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2095

How arrogant Su Hao's words are, give you a chance, even if you call someone.

This made Xue Wanli and Chu Nanlong's faces extremely cold. How could his Divine Sect be so run on, they were like ants.

Dignified One Great Sect, Number One Influence of the nearby Nine Sects Alliance, was pressed and beaten by a youngster, even threatened and humiliated.

This is simply unimaginable.

"Boy, if we really fight, we won't win, but the people behind you don't know how much to lose. Are you sure you want to fight?"

Chu Nanlong reprimand.


Su Hao looked casual, two words came out, and the Immortal Sect dísciple behind him all returned to their positions, in an instant, the Immortal Platform was arranged, blood-colored The lotus flower exudes a vast breath.

Xue Wanli and Chu Nanlong's expressions changed drastically. The aura emanating from the Formation was boundless and boundless, like an iron barrel. break in.

People are already invincible, and if they really fight, maybe they will not lose a single cent.

"I'll give you a chance and call someone right away." Su Hao planned to make a big fuss, and would never take a step back. Today is to be arrogant to the end.


Xue Wanli's angry gnashing teeth, the anger in his eyes, like a volcano erupting, anger me too!

"Brother Wanli, I heard that your Divine Sect was smashed by someone?" At this moment, a shouted sounded, and a long rainbow came from the sky.

As they approached, the long rainbow spread out, and a purple-robed old man walked out of it. The cultivation base reached the terrifying level of the Immortal Sovereign First Layer, and the breath was expansive.

At the same time, second's body arrived, and his breath was still grand. A middle-aged man in golden robes, his eyes seemed to be golden lamps, and coldly illuminated where Su Hao was.

"Brother Zijian, Brother Jin Xiao, you came just in time!" Xue Wanli was overjoyed immediately, these two people are also two Great Sect Masters, and he is an ally.

The cultivation bases are all Immortal Sovereign levels, and each has its own secret technique. Once it erupts, the battle strength is not as good as his, but it's not much different.

"hmph, a trifling brat, dare to come to my Nine Sects League, act recklessly!" The golden robe man, his voice scolded coldly.

The Nine Great Sects in the vicinity are combined into allies and support each other. Although they are not as good as overlords, they are not weaker than the general Major Sects, which is the main reason why they can exist safely.

In Eastern Wilderness, people eat people, power engulfs power, everywhere, you are weak, you can be eaten at any time.

In order to develop themselves, some Major Sects look for weak forces everywhere, suppress them, and then engulf them to become their own slaves.

Every year they contribute countless treasures.

Lei Divine Sect and others have encountered similar things. In the end, the nine Great Influences combined to become the Nine Sects Alliance, which made those Major Sects jealous.

"Let's go together and kill him." The old man in purple robe didn't talk nonsense. With a breath of air, he rushed towards Su Hao's location.

It's impossible to do anything good because of this. The only solution is to fall down.

As soon as he shot, the golden robed man, Xue Wanli, and Chu Nanlong shot at the same time, four powerful auras, strikes towards Su Hao.

Four Immortal Sovereign Level experts, kill Su Hao together!

However, within that, Su Hao's body ten thousand zhang surging with golden light, turned into a golden sun again, and in a flash, four terrifying attacks exploded in the void.

At the same time, he, like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, has already appeared in front of the purple-robed old man, coldly said: "You are the first to shoot, then it starts with you!"

At the same time as the sound fell, Su Hao's fist raised, and the immortal art moved, with shocking force, and it came across the sky.


The purple-robed old man’s expression changed greatly, he felt like a huge meteor was hitting, he displayed the most terrifying magic resistance, purple light soaring Get up.

However, Immortal Sovereign First Layer cultivation base, doomed the gap between him and Su Hao. After Su Hao's fist fell, all the obstacles seemed fragile and disintegrated instantly.


After the purple light was completely dimmed, the explosion sounded violently, with a tragic howl, followed by a surge of blood, and the purple-robed old man disappeared. .

One punch, kill!

At this moment, the remaining three attacked again, but it was too late, Su Hao flashed and left again.

The expressions of the three people changed greatly, especially the golden robed man, who was extremely shocked. The simple ordinary punch killed Mr. Zi, who is this kid?

He immediately gave birth to the heart of retreat.

I even have deep regrets in my heart.

If I had known this earlier, I should never have come.

Nine Sects seems to be the same qi, connected branch.

It's a pity that his thoughts flashed like this, and he was panicked again. Su Hao flashed continuously, and he was already in front of him without him noticing.

"Be careful!"

Xue Wanli and Chu Nanlong were drinking at the same time, the golden robed man had already moved, golden light surged all over his body, and a huge mountain appeared in front of him.

The mountains are tall and majestic, with ten thousand zhang of golden light, and the rocks and trees above them are lifelike, giving people an illusion of real existence.

This is a method summed up by golden robed man according to Mountain Holding Seal, called Jinshan Seal!


With a loud roar, he looked ferocious, holding the golden mountain, ramming forward, the void was under the mountain, rumbling and trembling, constantly collapsing.

That kind of terrifying momentum makes people look at it from a distance and tremble for a while. It is indeed an Immortal Sovereign expert. There is no simple one.



Su Hao’s fist is still slamming down, the opponent is not simple, he is not simple, the power of the fist is boundless, the golden peak is under the fist, immediately trembling.

next moment, the mountain made a ka-cha sound at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, the entire mountain was densely covered, and then it exploded with a bang.

Countless golden rocks spread out in the void. Among the rocks, the golden robed man's eyes were splitting, his body was numb in shock, too terrifying.

It was also just a time for a single thought, the purple haired man arrived, and in front of him, his fists collided violently like a meteorite falling from the sky.


With a miserable howl, the body of the golden robed man fell from the sky to the ground, and as he passed along the way, the void rubbed out raging flames.

The man's body slammed into the ground with a bang, causing a full ten thousand zhang to collapse, and countless buildings and mountains were destroyed.

Mushroom-like smoke rose from the ground, and there was not even a trace of blood in the smoke.

It wasn't that the golden robed man escaped, but he plunged into the ground for an unknown distance, and then it exploded, and the blood couldn't scatter.

After doing all this, Su Hao turned around, looked towards the stunned Xue Wanli and Chu Nanlong, and continued: "Keep calling someone, come one, and I'll kill one!"

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