Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2086

The golden light is the Dao light from above. This thing is not related to Su Hao, but has the same origin, and is almost exactly similar to him.

He entered it, and immediately assimilated golden light, the powerful golden lotus, not only without danger, but also huge benefits.

Even, Su Hao is in the golden light, and the Golden Lotus aura is shrouded in it, no matter how many people he protects, there is no problem.

He took the four daughters and walked under the second golden peach tree. Someone was sprinting desperately, but obviously he couldn't enter it. Although he was not dead, his arm disappeared directly.

The cultivator was so frightened that his forehead was sweating, and his eyes were filled with incomparable fear, and he said in horror: "You can't go, you mustn't go, the golden light is too terrifying, I just wiped a tiny bit of it and lost it directly. I lost an arm, and I don't even know how the arm was lost."

"The terrifying of this golden evil monster!"

"If I enter it, 100% will definitely die. !"

In fact, without him saying that, the people around are also afraid, what happened fifty years ago, many people know in their hearts, and before this dísciple, someone has already died.

Who dares to take risks so easily?

However, in the midst of everyone's caution, a purple-haired man with four women swaggered into it, drowning directly under the golden light.

But without waiting for everyone to discuss, the purple haired man came out again, and even the four daughters behind him were all unscathed and safe.

Everyone was stunned. When they looked forward again, they were completely dumbfounded. The golden peach tree was disappeared.

A large dirt hole appeared below.

It was removed directly.

Those dumbfounded people all turned around and looked at the purple-haired man who had already walked towards Lihuocheng. They didn't know how to describe it.

The golden light that is extremely dangerous to others, under their hands, is so simple that even the peach trees are pulled up.

This is incredible.

"This seat is here."

Suddenly, a shouted sounded, and a black light shot down from the sky, smashing into the ground with a bang, turning into a black clothed old man, majestic looking forward.

"Xue Wanli!"

Someone's expression suddenly condensed, and then he showed fear and quickly stepped back. This person is the Sect Master of a Great Sect, with a strong cultivation base.

His dísciple is still the expert on the Battle Dragon List, Ranked 1st 187th!

The dísciple of the Battle Dragon List is not only in the Major Sect, but also some ordinary sects, most of which are cultivated by great characters such as the headmaster.

These dísciples are the hope of the sect and the reliance on the future, and they have been designated as successors by default.

This old man cultivates a terrifying existence.

Xue Wanli fell to the ground, and the terrifying breath caused the earth to explode. He coldly said: "Old man, come to pick peaches, for my discipline baptism."

He has already Reaching the limit, even if he gets the golden peach, there will not be much progress, but his enchanting dísciple is not ordinary, and he can get the golden peach for thousands of miles in a day.

With that dísciple there, his future can be regarded as a backer.


It’s just that when he looked forward, he was suddenly surprised. The news that was sent back was clearly here. What about the golden peach tree?

Accidentally, his body rushed up and went straight to the second place, where there was also a peach tree.

However, when he got there, except for a hole in the ground, where was the good fortune, the golden peach tree?

"Sect Leader Xue, you came a step late." Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked out of the crowd and said, "The peach tree here was taken away."

" Take it away?" Xue Wanli was a little stunned, he was very clear about the terrifying of the golden peach, if it wasn't for making the dísciple stronger and getting more benefits when entering the Cang Yuntian ladder, he absolutely wouldn't take this risk. .

Even so, he felt that nine deaths and still alive, it was a great blessing to be lucky enough to get a golden peach, since ancient times, it is very rare to get a peach.

And now, someone told him that the peach tree was taken away?

Seeing to see Xue Wanli's doubts, the middle-aged man continued: "A purple haired man brought four women into it, and they were all unscathed, and they ate the golden peach. , even the peach tree was pulled away, moved towards that direction and left."

Xue Wanli's eyes were suddenly startled, and with the four daughters, he entered it safe and sound, and was able to pull up the peach tree. , this is super abnormal.

"Does that kid have any secret technique that can resist the golden light, otherwise, how can he bring people into it, be safe, and pull up the peach tree?"

He The thought flashed in his heart, he immediately flew away, and hurried away along the direction of the middle-aged finger. If the guess is true, this is a great creation.

If you can resist the golden light, you can find this kind of good fortune indefinitely. Entering the Cang Yuntian ladder, you will definitely get more benefits.

"Although my Divine Sect is tyrannical, compared with the Major Sect, it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth, and compared with the five hegemons, it is millions miles apart."

"For the sect to go further, we must cultivate a strong enough person. My dísciple, Chu Nanlong, has this potential."

"As long as he becomes stronger, the sect can grow stronger and stronger, and even he Entering the Cang Yuntian ladder to get enough benefits, maybe the future is comparable to the Lord of the Major Sect."

Thinking of this, his speed is faster, this news will spread soon, when the time comes countless people To find that purple hair.

Therefore, he must find that person as soon as possible, before those people, clearly understand the secret that can resist the golden light.

It's about the future.

Suddenly, he swept down, and there was a man with purple hair and four girls, talking and laughing in the mountains and forests, as if going on a scenic tour.

"purple haired man, and four daughters, it should be him." Xue Wanli's eyes flashed, and it turned into a black lightning, whizzing down.


"Su Hao, you are amazing, those people were scared by you, and even the peach trees were pulled up." Meng Xianxian blinked brightly. big eyes.

Su Hao smiled faintly, the peach tree won't last long if he is not taken away, except for him, almost no one can breed in this Immortal World.

He didn't do too much.

And according to his inspection, among those people, very few, only a limited number of them can enter the golden light.

Those people with a weak cultivation base may not dare to go.

Su Hao uprooted the peach tree and saved those people from taking risks, when the time comes blood flowing into a river.


As he was thinking, a huge breath suddenly surged in front of him, and a black clothed old man fell directly, his breath was as domineering as thunder.

In fact, he is surrounded by a layer of black brilliance, which is a kind of black Power of Thunder, destructive power extremely terrifying.

"The golden peach tree is the creation of the Eastern Wilderness. You are too selfish to uproot the peach tree." Xue Wanli's voice was cold.

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