Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2084

The outside world is a mountain range, and in the mountain range, a directional flame rises into the sky, there is the Divine Fire Mountain, and the small Earth Palace of the evil moon is there.

There are countless treasures hidden in the Earth Palace. Although the Immortal Sect is powerful enough, the law it possesses is far worse than that of the Demon Emperor of the past.

After all, in the Immortal Mansion, there is no Immortal Emperor fortune at all, how could it be comparable to the Demon Emperor's treasure?


Su Hao glanced there, then turned his eyes away and looked towards the city in the distance, which was Lihuocheng.

"Let's go."

Su Hao led a few girls and rode the clouds, like a loose cultivator wandering Heaven and Earth, carefree, heading towards Lihuo Divine City And go.

"Su Hao, look."

Suddenly, Meng Xianxian pointed downwards, there was a dazzling golden light, Su Hao Divine Eyes looked, it turned out to be a golden peach tree.

On the peach tree, there are ten golden peaches, and the rippling essence is as pure as Daoguang.

"Daoguang, comes from above..." Su Hao looked shocked, the golden peach was the Daoguang, and it was similar to his lotus aura.

Although it is not as pure and rich as his, it should be certain that it comes from above God.

"Brother, where are you looking?" Yu'er suddenly opened her mouth and pointed to another direction, where the golden brilliance also appeared, and it turned out to be a Daoguang peach tree.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes, "What's going on? How could the light from above be scattered here?"

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, thinking of One possibility: "Could it be that the Cang Yuntian ladder is about to appear, and the Mysterious Great World is about to open?"

Su Hao naturally understands the existence of the Cang Yuntian ladder. In the Demon Emperor's memory, there are incomparably detailed 's records.

Above the ladder of Cang Yuntian, the light of the gods is sprinkled, and it is hoped that dao fruit will be obtained, and the creation will be infinite.

However, the Demon Emperor has only entered once, and he didn't even have the luck to meet dao fruit.

The Mysterious Great World where the Cang Yuntian ladder is located is related to the cultivation base and requires the cultivation base under the Immortal Sovereign, and cannot exceed the Immortal Sovereign First Layer day at most.

The Demon Emperor entered once, and when he opened it the second time, he had already reached the terrifying level of the Immortal Sovereign Third Heavenly Layer, and naturally he couldn't go.

"If that's the case, I'm going to bring some people in and snatch some dao fruit." Su Hao squinted his eyes, and in a flash, the clouds descended.

As several people appeared, the people gathered outside a peach tree three thousand times zhang glanced at them and were immediately attracted.

Originally, there were too many cultivators looking for the taste. At first, only three people found the peach tree. Now there are more than 3,000 people. The appearance of Su Hao should not have caused any attention. .

But the four girls beside Su Hao were so amazing that it was hard to look away.

Of course, more cultivators still pay attention to the peach trees, where there is a lot of good fortune.

"The Mysterious Great World is about to appear, the Cang Yuntian ladder is opened, and, this time is very similar to the one fifty years ago, there is a light overflowing."

An old man The cultivator said: "Fifty years ago, the Cang Yuntian ladder appeared, and there was also a Dao light leak, which led to the appearance of mysterious golden peach near the entrance. Lucky cultivator got it, ascending to the skies with a single leap, and now they are all listed. I'm on the Dragon List."

"So terrifying, I must pick this peach!" A young cultivator next to him was excited, fighting on the Dragon List, that was his dream.

Once you board it, it's Heaven's Chosen. Countless Great Sects are rushing to get you, and the treatment given is unimaginable.

"Little fellow, don't hold out too much hope, this peach tree is there, why no one goes there, they all know that the good fortune is huge, why not pick it?"

The old cultivator sneered, once this great good fortune appeared, it would definitely be a bloodbath, but now it is very quiet.

The young cultivator frowned and said, "Is there any restriction?"

He is under fifty years old this year. The Cang Yuntian ladder opened fifty years ago. Didn't get a chance to see it.

"It's more than a restriction, it's a disaster. Fifty years ago, in order to get a golden peach, Heaven's Chosen died, I am afraid there were nearly 10,000 people."

years The old cultivator said: "Among them, there are many people who are already on the Dragon List!"

"What?" Said: "Wouldn't it be so terrifying, the Gedai Heaven's Chosen of the Battle Dragon List are all dead?"

"humph." The old cultivator coldly snorted.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and this person rushed towards the golden peach tree with mad eyes.

"I don't care. I must pick the golden peach, and my hope is here."

Everyone stared at him.



The cultivator that entered, no sound, a strand of blood flowed out directly and sprinkled on the ground .

Silently, everything was annihilated, only a strand of blood with impurities drifted out.

This scene made everyone in the middle of the world look hot, and a basin of cold water was suddenly poured. It was as dangerous as before.


The young cultivator took a deep breath, and his eyes widened in shock, revealing a deep look of fear.

"Old Mister, many thanks to remind me, otherwise, my end will not be better." He was immediately grateful, sweat was already pouring out of his forehead, he really planned to go before.

The old cultivator shook his head and said, "This is a great creation, but it is very strange. Daoguang seems to choose the master. No matter how strong the cultivation base is, the unlucky person will surely die if he enters it. The key is that everyone does not I know what conditions are needed to enter it."

"Also, this peach only appears for three hours. If you don't pick it, it will quickly fall, rot, and waste the sky. Great good fortune."

He sighed, his expression also filled with disappointment, he didn't dare to go in either, he could only watch the fortune lost in front of his eyes.

"Su Hao, let's try it out, the peaches look delicious." Meng Xianxian blinked her big eyes, her foodie nature remains the same.

"Sister Xianxian, it's very dangerous there, let's take a look, brother, what do you think?" Yu'er stopped immediately, Jin Guang was different, and it was dangerous to enter it.

She turned to look at Su Hao, Bai Ling and Miao Ruyan also looked over and stared at him.

faintly smiled, Su Hao said, "Do you want to eat it?"

"Isn't this nonsense, those peaches are so fragrant and golden, they must be delicious. "Meng Xianxian is eager to have a try, and the corners of her mouth are a little sparkling.

"Okay." Su Hao nodded with a smile and picked it up if he wanted to eat it.

The people around look at it immediately, are they going?

Suddenly, sneers sounded one after another.

And amid such doubts, Su Hao's tone was indifferent and continued to smile: "Let's go together."

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