Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2082

Outside, the blood-colored lotus flower is erected at the entrance of the Immortal Mansion, and all the dísciples of the Immortal Sect are on guard, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

"Why hasn't Brother Su Hao come back?" Yu'er was a little worried, there was also a big danger in the depths of Immortal Mansion, she went to investigate, but she couldn't get in at all.

Brother Su Hao won't be in any trouble, will he?

"Don't worry, that guy is very smart, there will be no problem." Here, Meng Xianxian is not worried, Su Hao is smart.


Just as everyone was calculating, a terrifying wave suddenly came, and the world outside Immortal Mansion suddenly collapsed, revealing several silhouettes.

Those people stood on the sky, with boundless energy and blood, terrifying and dazzling fairy lights surging from their bodies, as if rounds of great suns were hanging there.

Just a simple glance gives a feeling of terrifying depression that can't be breathed.

"Vigilance, full vigilance, expert is coming."

"Running a big array, fast, speed!"

"Sect Master is coming, everyone spare no effort, must block for a moment!"

Hao Immortal Sect's dísciple, all his expressions became solemn, and the huge blood-colored lotus began to rotate. Lu Tianya and Yan Nanfeng worked together to control the formation, replacing Su Hao's Location.

"Lu Tianya, you are also an old man in the teaching, don't you know the consequences of betraying the Extreme Yin Church?" Dong Ya said indifferently, standing at the front.

"hmph!" Lu Tianya coldly snorted, said: "How much effort have I put into the Major Sect, and in the end, who cares if I live or die?"

"Even collusion Outsiders, if you want my granddaughter's life, I'd rather die!"

"Why should I, Lu Tianya, care about such a cold and ruthless sect?"

Lu Tianya is true Completely disappointed. Originally, he still felt some guilt, but when he went back to the teaching, he saw that his mountain was smashed, all his savings were taken away, and there was no one person is him. At that time, he gave up completely, Even if it is broken, it is impossible to go back.


Dong Ya faintly spit out a word, and stepped forward with a step forward. Suddenly, this space collapsed rapidly, and an incomparable depression enveloped each and every one of them. on a person.

“terrifying, too terrifying, what kind of cultivation base is this guy, he hasn’t stepped down yet, it gives me a better feeling than Immortal Sovereign Third Layer terrifying.”

“It is indeed terrifying. , terrifying is boundless, but we must insist, wait for the Sect Master, he is here, everything can be solved."

"Yes, waiting for the Sect Master!"

Everyone's heart There is a firm belief that as long as their Sect Master comes, any trouble is not trouble.


Dongya's voice was faint, and the soles of his feet stepped down again, and this step reached the top of the big formation, and suddenly, it was like a blue sky pressing down.

Among the blood-colored lotus flowers, countless people were screaming and spitting blood.

The soles of the other party's feet are really not too heavy. They really fall down. There is no doubt that the big formation will fly ashes immediately, and everyone will die.

In fact, under their thoughts, the foot had already stepped down, and immediately, the Immortal Platform collapsed, and everyone disappeared without a trace.

As if completely crushed.

"en?" Dong Ya narrowed his eyes, and when he stepped down, although he did it at will, he still felt it, as if he didn't step on any flesh.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and called the head again, it was just a group of ants, stepping on his feet, he really shouldn't feel anything.

Put away the vast cultivation base, Dong Ya lightly fell to the ground, and said, "Go, find that kid, the old man will crush him personally."

In the grand formation In the middle, he did not see the purple hair, that person was the one he had to take down, these ants were just killed.


Tai Profound Immortal Emperor, Jian Changming and the others, all followed and returned, fell to the ground, and with a sneer, rushed into Immortal Mansion again, looking for Su Hao, destroy it.


Suddenly, a female voice sounded, the soft blue silk with stunning appearance fell down, swept it frowned, and said, "There is something abnormal here."

"Blood Emperor, you are too cautious, trifling juniors, even if they set up a terrifying Formation, what's the point of me waiting at my feet?"

Dongya smiled casually. If he can't take a hairless brat, then his cultivation for so many years is like feeding the dog.

"Dong Ya, the soft Divine Soul, is the most powerful among us. You and I are much worse. She may have really found something."

The young-looking, blond-haired heavenly thunder Venerable said.

Free and Unfettered Palace, the old man of Jiuyang Peak, stood at the back, carefully looking at the Immortal Mansion world.

Suddenly, they raised their heads suddenly, their expressions changed, and said, "There is really a problem, Immortal Mansion world is blurring, and it seems to disappear."

"en? ”

Dongya also immediately looked at it, the mountain peaks, boulders, and lush ancient trees that were in front of them disappeared at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Before this, he had carefully sensed those existences, and they were very real, and even the alien beasts in the mountains and forests could make him perceive blood energy.

How can it disappear?

Everything is fake?

"This is the phantom of the world. It doesn't exist here in the first place, but an illusory formation. However, this formation is really terrifying, and I have only found a faint hint of it."

Rou Qingsi was shocked, the person who arranged this formation, above the Formation, can accomplish all the good fortune.

"Rourou is more powerful." heavenly thunder Venerable smiled, proudly looking towards Dongya.


Dong Ya's face was so ugly that he could drop ice slag. In Extreme Yin Church, he was deceived by that kid several times.

Here, is it still the same?

Shame, the shame of Chi Guoguo!

"I want is better than death!" He clenched his fists, his eyes shot lightning, waved his sleeves, and said, "Check immediately and find where those people are!"

Arrived Now, he also understands why he stepped on the soles of his feet, there is no sense of flesh and blood, those people should be fake, they are not here.

Actually, he didn't know that this place was not a grand formation, but a world phantom, and those people also existed, but when the soles of his feet fell, they were directly inhaled by a grain of dust. went in.


Inhaling these people, the incomparably hard dust and sand that can block the strong suppression of the East Cliffs, has drifted out of the Immortal Mansion with the breeze, and then fell into the big river, rushing with the river, and finally turned into a bird, like a bird. Lightning, straight to Eastern Wilderness.

In the flying bird, a blood-colored lotus flower is placed here, and the person on it, with blood-red eyes, is waiting for the foot of the East Cliff to arrive.

It's just, for a long time, that foot didn't fall, lifts the head again, the sky is clear blue sky, there is no danger...

"What's the situation?"

Everyone is stunned.

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