Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2079

The appearance of the world fruit makes Su Hao look excited. This thing has great energy, but what is more terrifying is the appearance of what he represents.

Heart of the world!

"didn't expect, this Immortal Mansion is really born with the heart of the world, if you get it..." Su Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and he was extremely excited.

The heart of the world is extremely difficult to appear, and it is even rarer to be discovered. The Demon Emperor has only seen it once or twice.

But never really won.

To control the heart of a world is to have control of a world and become a terrifying existence similar to the World Lord.


Su Hao directly put the world result in his mouth into his mouth without hesitation.

Absorbing the fruit of the world, with the help of the aura of this thing, he went forward, and there was Cursed Land in front of him, which could no longer stop his pace.

There are stone statues, each of which is ancient terrifying, and among these stone statues, Su Hao once again got a world fruit.

The two world fruits made his perception of the world's heart clearer.

That thing really exists!

The heart of the world of Immortal Mansion is definitely in this area.


Suddenly, Su Hao's expression changed and he felt a special aura, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, and the void there exploded immediately, Immediately, a terrifying swallowing force appeared.

In a flash, Su Hao disappeared.

However, after entering, Su Hao found that he was still in the Immortal Mansion, still in the original position, and it seemed that he had not moved at all.

At that moment, it was just an illusion.

"Continue to search."

Su Hao's eyes flashed and he moved forward again, but as he stepped down, it seemed that a mysterious power shrouded him, and he didn't feel that he had crossed the infinite space. , appeared on top of a mountain.

"Well, there is a void formation?" He frowned, and he took another step, one step is thousands of miles away, and he couldn't tell the direction.

At the same time as he fell, immediately, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the huge dark green mountain with a thousand feet in the distance moved unexpectedly.

"Boom, boom."

The speed of the mountain is not slow, and it is approaching Su Hao.

Su Hao stared, and he was certain that he had entered the mysterious land, and there was a great formation that enveloped him and moved with him.

He stared at the vast mountain in front of him that was moving towards him, and suddenly his face became solemn. Wherever the mountain was, it was clearly a giant beast!

The beast was incomparably tall, with a huge body, occupying a space of no less than fifty miles, and it looked like the ancient Tyrant Dragon.

A Tyrant Dragon is coming.


And after Su Hao looked at it, the Tyrant Dragon suddenly raised its huge head and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. The teeth in the mouth are white, sharp as a sword, and the breath is terrifying to the extreme.

After a loud roar, a dark green lightning spewed out from his mouth, forming a thick terrifying beam of light that came towards Su Hao strikes.

The dark green beam of light has incomparably formidable power. Wherever he passed, layers of void exploded, making Su Hao aware of a strong sense of danger.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and immortal strength roared out of his body, and an equally thick golden brilliance exploded forward.

But as soon as he shot, Su Hao realized that it was abnormal, and the dark green lightning beam of Tyrant Dragon caused the void to explode, collapse, and rumble.

And the attack he made actually only made the void tremble for a while, unable to tear a single cent apart.

This is exactly similar to the Immortal Mansion within the realm. It seems to have extremely terrifying laws, so that his immortal strength cannot have the same formidable power here.

With a flash in his eyes, he quickly retreated, the beam of light from dark green arrived, and the mountain where Su Hao stood before exploded, turning into fly ash in a flash.

"It's not simple here." Su Hao murmured in his heart, and then stepped back again, but unfortunately, he never left again and was still there.

It seems that someone is secretly manipulating the Void Great Array, wanting him to travel through Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move immediately, and when in danger, he will no longer be allowed to move.

"Damn." Su Hao cursed loudly, his body flew up, and behind him, the Tyrant Dragon terrifying and huge body, rumbled and chased, the speed was not slow, and he kept spewing dark green lightning.

Su Hao continued to move forward, and in front of him, a big tree in the sky moved directly, and on that branch, countless branches pierced through the void like a lance.

Here, even Su Hao can't smash the void, but that branch can tear the void apart. It can be expected that the attack power is really terrifying.


Su Hao dodged away, but after falling, another terrifying attack came, not far away, some rocks, vegetation, all moved, Like a terrifying expert, kill Su Hao.

"I know, this is like a mirror image world, it is illusory, no... Maybe, the Immortal Mansion where we were originally was illusory, and this is the real one."

"There is already the heart of the world here. The world has its own will, laws, and can control anything to attack and kill me."

"Find the heart of the world!"

Now Su Hao can only control everything here and become the World Lord of this place if he finds the heart of the world and controls this world.

Otherwise, there will be endless attacks.


Outside the northern immortal domain, above a mountain range, the fluctuations are extremely unstable, and many people have gathered around this unstable place.


The void flashed, and Dongya stepped out, swept towards it, and said, "Yes, the gate of the world is really going to open, great good fortune is coming, The Cang Yuntian ladder reappears in the world."

Rou Qingsi walked out behind him, looked ahead with a smile, and said, "It is rumored that it comes from the creation of the gods, I wonder what surprises will be coming this year?"


"Rourou." Suddenly, a numb voice sounded, chaotically, a silhouette came suddenly, it turned out to be a young man.

However, this young man looks young, but he has endless vicissitudes in his eyes. He has beautiful long hair full of golden, and looks outstanding.

"heavenly thunder Venerable, we are not that familiar." Rou Qingsi showed a hint of disgust, glanced at the chaos, and went straight to the north immortal domain.

The old monster who looks young, but is actually unimaginable old, heavenly thunder Venerable, but doesn't care at all, laughed, followed along.

"That little fellow in the northern immortal domain killed Heaven's Chosen in my Eastern Imperial Mansion, and I will also go to see it."

Dongya sneered, for a woman, this heavenly thunder Venerable has lost the Dao Heart he deserves, and I am afraid that he will not be able to enter the realm of the emperor in this life.

"The world where the Cang Yuntian ladder is located will take some time to open. Let's go, we also follow, I heard that the cultivator in the northern immortal domain has caused the three overlords to suffer a big loss."

"The old man is also more curious, and the cultivator is against fate. How far is the terrifying? Is it more terrifying than my first Holy Son in Jiuyang Peak?"

Free and Unfettered Palace and Old Guy of Jiuyang Peak are also heading towards Northern Domain...

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