Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2065

A silhouette appeared directly and stood in front of Xiaodouzi and Ergouzi. The two demons laughed and stood up, holding their necks arrogantly.

"Boy, you are finished." Ergouzi stared at Huangfu Yijian and said with certainty.

"Cut off his right hand first." Little Douzi gave the result directly, it would not be an accident.

Here comes the man and it's all set.

"You?" Huangfu Yijian narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Hao unexpectedly. Isn't this person Heaven's Chosen from Extreme Yin Church, why is he standing there?

"Accident?" Su Hao smiled, staring at Huangfu Yijian.

“who the hell are you?”

Huangfu clenched his teeth with a sword, the sword in his hand exuded a dazzling cold glow, and the sword qi whistled, giving people a very terrifying feeling .

Su Hao smiled without saying a word, stepped forward, his face changed suddenly, revealing his original appearance, a delicious and pretty handsome face.

And such a face immediately made Huangfu turn pale in fright with a sword.

"Aren't you going to slash me with a sword, come on?" Su Hao exposed his true body, with a playful smile on his lips, and strode forward.

"It's you, you turned out to be a cultivator!" Huangfu's sword was extremely shocked. This guy was by their side, but they never found out.

Not only him, but also Lu Tianya was extremely shocked, didn't expect, that cultivator turned out to be Elder Su, he is that Su Hao!

Lu Qianqian showed the appearance of as it should be by rights. Brother Su Hao, it really is this Su Hao!

"It turned out to be you, kill!" Huangfu's sword showed an extremely fierce look, and the broad sword in his hand was fiercely beheaded.

Su Hao raised his fist, concussed terrifying immortal strength, blasted everything, and the big sword light exploded in front of him, A leaf didn't touched body.

He has reached the Immortal King Eighth Layer, drinking the wine of the East Cliff, the cultivation base is constantly increasing, and the Immortal Sovereign Second Layer is nothing under his hands.

This so-called big Heaven's Chosen, he never paid attention to.

"Sword, annihilation, heaven!"

Huangfu narrowed his eyes with a sword, never thinking that this guy was so terrifying, he cast a terrifying sword, spare no effort beheading go down.

And Su Hao meandered, the sword light exploded beside him, the sword qi did not disperse, he grabbed it with both hands, controlled it in the palm of his hand, and sealed the sword qi.

"hmph, have the ability to draw a sword, you and I are both sword cultivators, let me see your sword, how terrifying your sword heart is?" Huangfu stared at the sword, he was the Great Heaven's Chosen , Even if he sensed danger at the moment, he still didn't panic.

What's more, he has an extraordinary position in the Eastern Emperor's Mansion, how could he have no way of preventing his life?

No matter how dangerous it is, he can exit safely.

"Do you want to see my sword?" Su Hao smiled faintly, the sword qi in his hand was crushed in the palm of his hand, but his hand was unscathed.

"sword cultivator, fight with the sword!" Huangfu stood with a sword in hand, he admitted that Su Hao terrifying, the opponent's battle strength was not lower than him, and even surpassed it!

But he wanted to see the opponent's sword even more. When he left the Divine Fire Mountain, he evoked the meaning of the Great Flame Sword. What was the opponent's sword dao accomplishment and sword heart achievement?

"My sword is out, you can only look at it." Su Hao said with a smile.

"hmph! Use your sword!" Huangfu's eyes showed annoyance. Su Hao's words and his expression made it easy to guess the meaning.

But as Heaven's Chosen, sword dao genius, sword heart clear terrifying existence, he thinks it is a fantasy story.

Even the terrifying existence of Sword-Heart Illumination, it is impossible to kill him with a sword, not to mention, he has the treasure of life protection.


Su Hao smiled.

"Let's use the sword." Huangfu spared no effort with his sword, and suddenly his expression changed drastically. In front of him, the sword light suddenly became vast, and the sword arrived.

Furthermore, it was extremely sharp and stunning, flashed in front of my eyes and disappeared.

Huangfu Yijian stood on the spot, a blood line appeared on the neck, in his body, the sword qi was already gushing out, and the terrifying sword qi suppressed everything.

"Sword...terrifying, sword heart...Supreme!" Huangfu spit out a few words with difficulty, the head rushing up, blood spraying.

He saw, Su Hao's sword, very amazing, the sword qi that entered the body, with sword intent, let him know clearly before death, the other party's sword heart... Supreme!

The most terrifying sword heart!

next moment, sword qi came from his body, with a bang, his fleshy body, blood, fairy core, everything, everything was annihilated.

There was only one black ring that fell into Su Hao's hands.

That sword was too fast, the formidable power was too great, the thunder force suppressed Huangfu's sword, and even his life-saving magic weapon was too late to move.

It can be said that even the storage ring has not been opened.

Really, only one glance!

"You shouldn't hurt innocent people. What's wrong with those people in that city?" Su Hao turned indifferently, turning around indifferently.

And Lu Tianya and Lu Qianqian were trembling uncontrollably. That sword was amazing!

Even when that sword died in Huangfu's sword, they just saw the formidable power.

Su Hao drew his sword, and they didn't even notice.

"It turns out that he is so terrifying!" Lu Tianya felt his throat was extremely hot, and now it seems that he really knew the Elder Su.

Su Hao, the cultivator against fate!

One sword kills Heaven's Chosen!

"Little mouse, didn't I tell you to cut off his right arm? Why did you kill him directly? It's boring." Xiaodouzi was extremely dissatisfied.

“dong!” Su Hao snapped his fingers, and Xiaodouzi flew out: “You can also bark a little mouse? Are you itchy?”

“Su Hao "..." Xiaodouzi gritted his teeth, stared at him, his breath was fierce, and he killed the world.

Lu Tianya and Lu Qianqian immediately came forward to persuade them. After all, there are many tough guys out there, so it's not good to fight infighting here.

However, before speaking, Xiaodouzi spit out three words: "I've taken it!"

Lu Tianya and Lu Qianqian, when they were about to open their mouths, directly held it in their throats , The whole person is stupid, this change of face is too fast?

The moment before, I had to live and die, in the blink of an eye, are you scared?

Su Hao is indifferent, what kind of virtue is Xiaodouzi, who else is more familiar with him?

"Take his storage magic and leave immediately. You leave with them and enter the Immortal Mansion." Su Hao threw the ring over.

I didn't intend to give him a chance to kill Huangfu with one sword. Heaven's Chosen, who is so terrifying, must have a magic weapon to protect his life. Giving him a chance will cause great changes.

Xiaodouzi raised her eyebrows with a smile, not a little annoyed, wearing a storage ring, pulled Lu Qianqian, and said, "How many sister-in-law should this be? Leave him alone, little sister-in-law. , let's go."

Su Hao blushed and almost exploded.

Lu Qianqian had disappeared before she could say anything.

Su Hao stepped out, and the cage just exploded. Although the Baxuan Palace was terrifying, the experts who came were all extraordinary, too Profound Immortal Emperor, Meishan Old Ancestor, Xue Lie, Huangfu Mountain, and even Jian Changming, Xue Tianya, Shen Bijun, etc. are all experts at the Great Immortal Sovereign level.

This Formation can only trap them for a while.

"Dead, Huangfu Yijian... dead?" As soon as he appeared, Huangfu Shan felt Huangfu Yijian's Life Aura disappeared, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red.

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