Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2058

Drinking a Supreme Elder away, or running away despite his promise, this is definitely a "feat", surprising and shocking.

Su Hao looked as usual, fell to the ground, and under the terrified gaze of everyone, he exhaled and spit out a big mouthful of alcohol, which burned directly in the void.

The nectar liquor is indeed surging in essence, and the energy is also very irritable. Drinking it into the belly is like a large group of terrifying Heavenly Fire burning.

This is also Su Hao, and there is still Supreme Heavenly Demon Art, twelve Ancient God orders to assist, otherwise, it is impossible to drink ten pounds.

Ordinary people drink ten pounds, even if it is an Immortal Sovereign expert, there will be a threat of terrifying, and it will be directly blown to pieces.

Energy too terrifying!

"It's much more comfortable to burp wine."

Su Hao spit out a mouthful of fire and felt a lot more comfortable in his body. All the essence of the wine was stored in the twelve Ancient God orders .

He approached Lu Tianya's grandfather and grandson, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled. Only the three of them could understand the meaning.

Before I left, I took a good look at Supreme Elder, and it was still a hundred catties of nectar. The value of it was unimaginable.

And when the guy knew that he had paid for these precious drinks, or for the enemy, he didn't know how wonderful his face was?

I don't know if it will be a mouthful of blood spurting out into the sky in depression?

Dongya has always been known for being cautious. In front of him, no matter who he is, he has almost nothing to hide, and he can keenly detect the slightest flaws.

As for Elder Su, several times, he was safe and sound under his hands, and he also got the attention in his heart.

It can be said that Su Hao has come a few times and he has helped a lot.

Without his support, Su Hao would have violated the law long ago and received a certain punishment.

All of this, when he learned that it was all "crime", how great was the annoyance and depression in his heart?


Suddenly, there was a huge wave in the east. As soon as this wave appeared, Heaven and Earth seemed to be shaking at the same time, and the pressure was incomparable gigantic.

Everyone was shocked. Immediately looking there, they saw an incomparably thick sword qi rising from below the ground.

The pure gold color of the sword qi formed a thick sword light, like a sword piercing the sky, piercing the sky directly, and the huge vortex scrolled wildly.

With the appearance of sword qi, several dozen li in the radius and radius seem to have turned into sword qi world, everyone has one's hair stand on end, and even looking there, they feel that their body and mind are shaking, and they can't stop trembling!

It seems that the sword is right in front of you, and if you move it, you will smash yourself to pieces.

"It's a terrifying sword qi, and the Sword Domain covers several dozen li, but it's just naturally distributed. If his master wants to, I'm afraid it will cover several hundred li."

"Yeah, this sword qi is boundless, and under this sword, my cultivation base of Immortal King Ninth Layer feels solidified."

"Sword, is it that guy?"

Everyone was noisy.

The Profound Immortal Emperor and Meishan Old Ancestor moved towards that direction, and immediately narrowed their eyes, Dongya Supreme Elder actually sent this person.

Going to a small northern immortal domain, is it worth it?

The northern immortal domain didn't even have a fancy Immortal Sovereign. They felt that it was superfluous to go there. They sent a few Earth Grade Elders and swept them directly.


In shock, the huge sword light that inserted into the sky suddenly shattered. In the sword light, a black clothed The man appeared suddenly.

The terrifying sword light before was only caused by his cultivation base.

terrifying, terrifying!

The black clothed man flashed across the sky, approached like a sword, and landed in front of the crowd, his expression indifferent like ice that would never melt for ten thousand years. Has a long sword inserted in a black scabbard.

Everyone trembled suddenly, keep quiet out of fear, this person stood here, his breath was flat, but when everyone looked at it, it seemed like he was looking at a Heavenly Sword that was unimaginably sharp.

The man and the sword are integrated, it seems that he is a sword in shape.

"Elder Su." Lu Tianya immediately approached Su Hao with a very solemn expression, his palms under his sleeves were clenched nervously, this person brought him great fear.

Even Lu Qianqian pulled on Su Hao's sleeve nervously. The man obviously didn't look at her, and he didn't target her, but she just felt threatened, scared witless.

Su Hao's expression was flat, but he was also shocked. This person was indeed terrifying, and he was completely unsure now.

Extreme Yin Church is really well prepared.

"Let's go."

The black clothed man fell to the ground, spit out a word coldly, and didn't look at everyone, not even the Profound Immortal Emperor and Meishan Old Ancestor, who didn't even glance at them. Go straight ahead.

Incomparable arrogance.

"The fifth person, the sword, the sword grows loudly!" Someone looked at the back of the black clothed man and lost his voice. It turned out to be this person who came out of the mountain. The extent of his terrifying is simply unimaginable.

This person ranked fifth, much stronger than the eighth person Xuanshan, and even Meishan Old Ancestor, too Profound Immortal, squinted his eyes, and an uncontrollable appearance appeared in the depths of his eyes. A trace of apprehension.

This person is the son of the sword dao, the peerless Great Demon.

In fact, in the entire Eastern Wilderness, there were definitely no more than 200 people in the same generation who blocked his sword.

He's No. 200 on the Eastern Wilderness Dragon List!

And this is three years ago.

In the past three years, Jian Changming has continued to retreat, and he has never appeared once. It is impossible to imagine how powerful he is.

Even the Profound Immortal Emperor and Meishan Old Ancestor may not be able to obtain half a cent of the bargain from this person.


breathes deeply, the two of them looked at each other, and both felt that this time to go to the northern immortal domain is extremely not simple, it seems that it is not just suppressing there.

They kept up with the indifferent man in front, and greeted some dísciple and Elder at the same time, and their eyes also passed over the purple hair.

Su Hao smiled, he had to find a reason to go along with him, didn't expect Dongya didn't wait for him to say, just arranged it directly, which naturally met his requirements.

He took Lu Tianya grandson and directly followed along.

At the same time, in the distance, a woman fell down, walked with Wuyou Immortal King, and caught up with everyone in front.

Shen Bijun.

The reincarnation of Queen Bi Luo.

She will also go with her.

In fact, she had been looking forward to this event for a long time. In the past, she was in Taicang Mountain and was suppressed in many ways, and finally fled in despair.

This time when she goes back, she will take back everything from the past, so that those people will know what kind of revenge they will get for their contempt for her and her ruthlessness.

Her dignified generation Immortal Sovereign was reincarnated, but it was not officially recognized. Those guys in Tai Cang Mountain, Yan Nanfeng's so-called hero Sect Master, how blind.

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