Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2046

100,000 arrows, like a wall of arrows, squeezed from all directions.

As the arrow shot down, there was a rumbling explosion. The sound of the explosion lasted for dozens of breaths, and the central void was completely shattered.

Such a huge movement has attracted more people. In the Divine Arrow Imperial Court, in addition to the Xu Family, there are also Zhang Family, Li Family, Chen Family, Zhao Family, and so on.

Among those families, many people came to watch the fun. The Xu Family opened a 100,000 arrow formation. Is this to shoot the Immortal Sovereign?

"The Immortal Sovereign in the center, who is the Immortal Sovereign, who is making trouble in my Divine Court?"

"You can't see it, under a hundred thousand arrows, Immortal Sovereign It will also explode and shatter its bones."

"Yeah, with such a terrifying array of arrows, the average Immortal Sovereign cannot survive."

Those watching the show shook their heads, discussing, There is almost no hope that the people in the center will survive.

Xu Shu, Xu Heavenly Eye and the others also sneered, people are already dead, they are all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, these people can't see that the people among them are not Immortal Sovereign.



The earth shook, and the momentum of the arrows blasting has not been completely extinguished, and even surging like a big wave , One of them came out again, with purple hair and extraordinary Qi Yu.

"He, he... is alive." Xu Heavenly Eye, Xu Shu, only felt like he had seen a ghost, a hundred thousand arrows, and he was still alive.

It came out intact.

How is this possible?

You must know that he is just the Immortal King. The 100,000 arrows are the big formation that shot the Immortal Sovereign, but they couldn't kill the Immortal King?

This is simply unimaginable.

None of them have heard of it.

"He's alive, he's alive." Those who were watching the show were shocked that they were able to get out of the 100,000 arrow formation, which was extremely not simple.

"I'm afraid it's an unusual Immortal Sovereign, and it's not an Immortal Sovereign First Layer." Some people speculate that, after all, the Immortal Sovereign First Layer never survived.

"Yes, definitely not."

Many people agreed.

Looking forward.

However, in this brief moment, Su Hao stepped down and breathed out, blocking the momentum of the explosion all over his body, but exposed his entire cultivation base.

"That breath... Immortal King, he's Immortal King, and I promise, not Immortal King Peak, or Immortal King Eighth Layer or so."

"Yes, absolutely That's right, I'm the Divine Arrow Imperial Court, all of which are Divine Arrow hands, the fleshy body may not be as strong as outsiders, but the spirit is very strong, and I can't sense it wrong."

Those people stared wide. Eyes, majoring in Divine Arrow, the spirit is extremely strong, Divine Soul is far more than ordinary people, the induction is very clear.

An Immortal King, not yet Immortal King Peak, actually survived from the 100,000 arrows?

This scene looks as incredible as a dream.

"Okay, okay, Xu Family, you guys are really bold. You dare to break the rules set by the Emperor Arrow?"

"hmph, Do you really think your Xu Family can ignore everything and the rules of the imperial court once you have a dísciple that is valued by the Emperor Arrow?"

"I must sue you, since you released a How arrogant the dísciple, which is valued by the Emperor Arrow, has become so arrogant that it doesn't take us seriously? I see how you can do this time!"

Many people sneered, the Xu Family has been so rampant recently, regardless of the law and of natural morality , they are also cold to them, do you really think that you are the first family?

To deal with the Immortal King, open a hundred thousand arrows, this is a broken rule.

The rules set by the Arrow Emperor.

I don't know how many people, holding their breath, waiting to find trouble with the Xu Family, but they brought it to the door this time.

"Boy, come with me, I will testify for you." An old man even stood up and pointed at Su Hao, and he was quite friendly.

"Yes, yes, let's all testify, the Xu Family ignores the Arrow Emperor, regardless of the law and of natural morality." More people agreed, all hoping to kill the Xu Family's spirit.

Xu Heavenly Eye, Xu Shu and the others, their faces changed, this matter became a big one, and they couldn't avoid punishment, even being punished down the mountain.

That kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

divine arrow Imperial Court, majoring in Divine Soul, punishing the mountain, is also the punishment of tormenting Divine Soul, it is simply a test of life worse than death.

"Damn, how could he be alive?" Xu Heavenly Eye secretly clenched his fists and cursed in his heart. It's all the boy's fault. If he's dead, won't he be fine?


Su Hao ignored the comments of those people and said, "Call Luo Lianfeng out, and say that someone from the past came to see you."

"An old friend? Judging by his age, he shouldn't be too old. How could he be an old friend of Emperor Arrow, bragging?" A junior said secretly.

"Could it be the younger generation of Emperor Arrow's old friend?" Some people also speculated.

"However, his attitude is too bad. He calls the Emperor Arrow by his name, and he doesn't have the slightest sense of respect. He doesn't take my imperial court in his eyes?"

Many people are dissatisfied , The person who was going to stand up for Su Hao immediately blamed him.

Arrow Emperor Luo Lianfeng, single-handedly created the Divine Arrow Imperial Court, bestowed countless Divine Arrow Laws, Luo Lianfeng is the sky of the entire Divine Arrow Imperial Court.

No matter how fierce the internal struggle is, no one dares to covet the position of Luo Lianfeng, nor has the intention to covet it.

That person was very good and helpful to the Great Family. The ancestors came down from generation to generation, and they all relied on Luo Lianfeng, and they all respected him as the emperor.

"Impudent, boy, you are so courageous!" Xu Shu's eyes moved, and he immediately reprimanded: "If it weren't for your disrespect to the Emperor of Arrows, I wouldn't have opened a hundred thousand arrows to shoot them. You, although you were lucky enough to survive, this is not your capital to continue impudent."

"Everyone, this person calls the Emperor Arrow by his name, and he has no respect, I want to kill him, Is there something wrong?" He looked towards the people around him.

Those people are quite resentful towards the Xu Family, but they dare to be disrespectful to the Emperor Arrow, these little things are nothing, Zifa really deserves to die.

"Let Luo Lianfeng come out." Su Hao continued.

"Impudent, it's so daring!"

"You dare to disrespect the Arrow Emperor, you should be smashed to pieces!"

Countless people cursed.

At this moment, a silhouette with great breath came from the air, and the whole person was wrapped in the scarlet's dive light.

If someone goes to investigate, they can be shocked to find that the people among them are like the great sun, with vigorous energy and blood, Divine Soul like the sky, and extremely terrifying.

"Who is looking for my Master?"

The voice came from the scarlet divine light, with incomparable majesty.

"The Emperor Arrow will dísciple, Xu Chen!"

Everyone looked at them with a trace of envy and envy, this is the person from the Xu Family who is valued by the Emperor Arrow, ascending to the skies with a single leap.


After everyone looked at it, the scarlet divine light was surging, like the sun was shining, next moment, it exploded with a bang, and the people among them strode away. out.

This person, black clothed, is a middle-aged man with bright eyes and a big black iron bow on his back.

He is different from Xu Heavenly Eye, not only Divine Soul is powerful, but also fleshy body blood is terrifying.

The fleshy body and Divine Soul are powerful, and the cultivation base is also terrifying.

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