Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2040

The divine sound is like thunder, deafening and deafening, and it even penetrates into the hearts of everyone. It is called stormy waves, howling wind and torrential rain. Everyone is fiercely trembling.

I felt cold all over my body.

next moment, everyone's sight, all moved towards the direction of the split sky island, from the half of the island hidden in the void, a purple haired man strode out.

It was extremely fast and left the island in the blink of an eye.

"He, isn't dead?" Someone shouted, isn't that purple hair?

"Alive?" Lu Tianya seemed to come back to life, jumping three times high, almost dancing with excitement, staring at Su Hao, his breath bursting out.

"hmph, how is he alive, his body is covered in blood, his injuries are definitely terrifying, Bai Guan kills him, with no difficulty." Meishan Old Ancestor said coldly.

Su Hao's body was drenched with blood, and the wound was terrifying, making the corners of his mouth twitch at a glance.

In his opinion, Bai Guan severely injured Su Hao, but he didn't kill him completely. Now that he came out, it was just another addition to Bai Guan.

This is simple and easy, like pinching a chicken to death.

Everyone is nodded, and their hearts are cold again. It is also a good choice to be able to watch this guy die.

"Bai Guan..." Everyone looked towards the tenth person.

At first glance, it was an accident, Bai Guan changed color, sweat on his forehead, he seemed to be frightened, and even his body was shaking slightly.

"Bai Guan, if you can kill him once, you can kill him a second time. Besides, he is seriously injured and must be weak." Meishan's Old Ancestor frowned, said quickly.

"It's easy for the top ten." Too Profound Immortal Emperor also nodded.

"I want to kill you and kill you." Bai Guan blushed and was ashamed, almost ashamed and unable to show one's face, does he dare to go? Can you kill it?

Everyone was surprised again.

"Bai Guan, I will kill you today!" Su Hao came quickly, Bai Guan had Yuan Fengyi Dao Soul on his body, and he could not let him leave alive.


Bai Guan’s body trembled, flying violently, reaching boundless speed, and even swaying a blood mist, directly performing secret technique, fleeing forward.

"This..." The Profound Immortal Emperor and the Meishan Old Ancestor were all unexpected and shocking. What was the situation?

The eyes of everyone around also widened, and there were countless guesses in their hearts. In the end, there was only one point that made sense. Bai Guan was afraid of purple hair, very afraid!

"Could it be that it wasn't Bai Guan who crushed him on the island, but he pressed Bai Guan to fight?" Someone whispered, that's not the case, it doesn't fit the current situation.

"The ends of the earth, I will kill you, on the island, you drag out an ignoble existence, now, I want your head to fall!" Su Hao shouted again, every word like thunder!

And this also made everyone realize that it was true.

Purple hair, crush the top ten!

"Let's go!"

In shock, everyone also flew up quickly, because Zi Fa had already chased and killed Bai Guan, and they had to watch this battle.

Eight hundred miles away, they went deep into the upper reaches of Extreme Yin Church and stopped at the foot of a huge mountain, where they were about to meet.

Purple hair came from behind, with unmatched speed, chasing and killing, the sword in his hand, sword light like rainbow piercing the sun, burst out, blinding everyone's eyes.


Blood splattered, the white clothed front was completely dyed red, and a terrifying sword wound appeared on the back, making his tragic screams extremely harsh .

But he didn't dare to stop, he went faster and headed straight for the mountain.

"It's here, here it is, here it is at my mountain, enter the mountain, start the big formation, and I will be safe." Bai Guan's desire to survive is extremely strong, and he only wants to escape, Su Hao's sword will not block it .

It can also be said that I don't dare to block.

He was afraid of wasting his time. One second later, if that person caught up, he would die.

"He was really scared. He was scared to the extreme. He should have been suppressed by the purple hair and couldn't breathe. At this time, he only dared to run away." Some people were shocked.

Profound Immortal Emperor, Meishan Old Ancestor and the others, although they don't want to believe it, they are speechless. How can they refute this situation?

"didn't expect, this guy is so terrifying, no one really can stop him?" The Profound Immortal Emperor only felt a strong threat.

"Okay, okay, Elder Su really terrifying, every time it's shocking." Among the crowd, only Lu Tianya was excited.


Su Hao holds a sword, chases and kills for eight hundred miles, the sword light keeps slashing and slashing past, killing with seven swords in a row, the sword is like a rainbow running through the sun , unstoppable.

"It's here."

Unfortunately, when the sword light arrived, Bai Guan also plunged into the mountain. A terrifying stone tablet suddenly appeared on the mountain, blocking the sword light.

“bang bang!”

Seven swords in a row, the stone tablet trembled, shattered directly into a powder, and was finally invisible and formless by the wind.

But at this time, Bai Guan had already hid in a safe enough position, standing there, looking at Su Hao with a sneer.

"It's too late, you're a step too late after all, I've climbed the mountain, how can you stand me?" His eyes shot a ferocious look with evil excitement.

"Dignified in the top ten, you are actually a coward, and you are so proud. You are really amazing." Su Hao sneered, his voice harsh.

Like loud and loud mouths, ruthless fiercely slapped Bai Guan's face, making him ashamed and unable to show one's face, which is irritating and hateful.

extraordinary shame and humiliation!

"creak, creak, ah!" Bai Guan grimaced, his fists under his sleeves clenched tightly, those not sharp fingernails digging into the flesh and blood of his palms.

"You're as timid as a mouse, a useless idiot, and dare not even come out of the mountain gate. You deserve to be called Heaven's Chosen?" Su Hao continued, his words as sharp as a sword.

"You, courting death, courting death!" Bai Guan roared, his voice was like a tiger's, his expression flushed red, as if full of anger and blood, he couldn't help but burst out.

"I'm courting death, do you dare to kill me? Come down and fight?" Su Hao sneered, his voice playful, as if he was looking at a trivial ant.

"I... hum, you want to force me to go down, my cultivator, Dao Heart is like iron, what is the gain or loss, wait for my breakthrough, kill you like a dog!"

Bai Guan was almost impulsive, but thinking of Su Hao terrifying, he stepped back and endured full of anger, suffocation, and shame.

"Big Heaven's Chosen, able to bend and stretch, not worth mentioning for a moment's gain and loss, what I want is permanent, purple hair, I admit that you are indeed terrifying, I am not your opponent."

"But it's only temporarily. I'm in the top ten, and I'm not a vain name. My innate talent, my cultivation base, and my battle strength are all top notch."

"Now there are Demons. Soul is in hand, my breakthrough is imminent, and I will become the emperor in one step, what are you?"

He changed to smug, smiling happily.

Kill the purple hair, not far!

"Dao Heart is good, but if you think you'll be safe by staying on the mountain, I can't help you?" Su Hao stepped forward.

"Come here, my spirit snake breathing array is not to be trifled with." Bai Guan stepped back, his hands spread out, and the mountain suddenly trembled.

"Spirit of the snake, open!"

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