Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2033

Su Hao burst out with all his strength, immortal strength is mighty, like a galloping river, even if Bai Guan is annoyed, he can only fight and retreat.


The momentum of the two battles, boundless, approached the void cage, and Su Hao Divine Soul immediately sent a divine voice to the cage.

"Yuanfeng? There are still people calling me Yuanfeng, and people outside call me Fengmo, and they have to forget my original name, didn't expect someone to know, it's really kind, That's what the old big brother of the Demon Emperor called me back then?"

In the void cage, a man with countless scars on his body, even his legs were chopped off, and his hands were locked by black iron chains. The old man showed a trace of emotion.

I haven't heard the name Yuanfeng for a long time.

It made him think directly of the Demon Emperor's old big brother. Although he was always beaten and scolded, the feeling now made him miss him very much.

If the Demon Emperor's old big brother is here, he will be happy if he continues to beat and scold him.

"Those base and shameless guys from the Emperor Yin plotted against me back then, and set up a killing formation to lure me into the battle, only to suppress me."

" If it wasn't for me being tricked and plotted early, what is Emperor Yin? I killed him a long time ago and made a bad breath for the Demon Emperor's old big brother."

Yuan Feng said fiercely, with this tone He has been holding back for over ten thousand years.


The Divine Soul sound transmission came again, waiting for a reply.

"There are two little fellows who should be at the Immortal King level fighting outside, and this sound transmission is also a little fellow, who keeps calling me by my name."

"Thinking that I was a wind demon. If you are trapped here, you can humiliate as you like?"

"It's just courting death."

Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed. Most people really don't dare to call him by his real name, some little fellows are so frightened that they collapse to the ground when they stare at him.

A cold light shot out from his eyes, and a strange and hoarse sound came out of his throat.

Originally, his big Puppet Technique could be performed as desired with just a show of Divine Soul, but he was suppressed and most of the cultivation base was sealed, and he could only perform it with the help of a hoarse voice. Great Puppet Technique too.

In addition, there is a cage blocking, which makes the formidable power of the big Puppet Technique weaken a lot.

However, the two trifling Immortal Kings, even if he can only show a trace, can also bring influence to those little fellows.

"The name of this demon is also what you can call it, little fellow, you are too courageous, go back and ask Yin Huang to see me."

Yuanfeng The big Puppet Technique is performed with the help of a hoarse voice, and a Divine Soul is also spread out, directly impacting Su Hao.

This Divine Soul sound transmission, if Su Hao accepts it, he will be hit by the big Puppet Technique, and his body will definitely be affected.

But he didn't accept it, and he couldn't be sure whether it was the Yuanfeng deity?

"Boy, you really think I'm afraid, you want to fight, I'll accompany you, why am I afraid of Bai Guan?" Bai Guan shouted, surging up, showing terrifying immortal art.

He was also cornered by Su Hao. He was always beaten and beaten. His body could bear it, but his heart couldn't bear it.

As a top ten, he is proud and arrogant. Although the purple hair is terrifying and has broken his two magic weapons, when he really fights, he will not be suppressed and helpless.

At this time, they are fighting back wildly, desperate, and they are not afraid of opening the cage and dying together at worst.

In a hurry.

Rabbits bite.

Not to mention the generation of Heaven's Chosen?

Suddenly, Su Hao was under great pressure, but when the sound transmission came, Su Hao had to accept it.

He eagerly wanted to know if it was Yuan Feng, that kid had a very good relationship with the Demon Emperor back then, and often followed behind the Demon Emperor, cheating and cheating.

Demon Emperor's treasure and fine wine, he has tasted it, steals it if he doesn't give it, can't drive it away even if he rushes it, and can't even run over it with continuous beatings.

However, the Demon Emperor also knew that this kid was sincere to him, he was in danger, and dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety to kill him.

You don't have to be afraid of death.

"Old big brother, I'm still waiting to continue to eat and drink with you, you can't do it if you fall down, who gave me food, I can eat so much, and only good food, no one Satisfy me." Yuan Feng's words, he clearly remembered that little fellow with tears in his eyes.

A generation Immortal Sovereign, and a powerful existence that is no weaker than the Yin Emperor, tears for the Demon Emperor, which shows how deep the feelings are.


Su Hao gritted his teeth, and the big Puppet Technique didn't put it in the heart, he directly received the sound transmission, and immediately the whole person was excited.

It's really Yuanfeng!

The prisoner inside is Yuan Feng, Feng Mo Yuan Feng!


Bai Guan also killed him in this brief moment, Su Hao received the sound transmission, the big Puppet Technique acted directly on him, and his movements became stiff one cent.


Hakukan’s terrifying punch directly strikes on his fleshy body, Su Hao’s body appears countless numbers at a speed visible to naked eyes The bloodstains were strewn with all his might.

“en? ”

Bai Guan is overjoyed, Zifa’s immediate strength is extremely powerful, his attack can barely block Zifa, and strikes directly on Zifa, causing him to be severely injured, Never.

"I know, this kid has a cultivation base that is not as good as mine, but his battle strength is so terrifying, comparable to Immortal Sovereign, he must have used the secret technique."

"And the secret technique , there is a time limit, now the time for the secret technique is up, and his battle strength has also weakened."


Immediately, Bai Guan's eyes shot a With a terrifying murderous intention, the fist slammed down again, and directly displayed his most powerful Divine Ability.

"Heaven presses the fist!"

this fist, like the sky is pressing down, the force is boundless, and it acts on a person, even if it is the Immortal Sovereign of the First Layer, it will fall down.

"Isn't it dead yet?"

He drank with wicked pleasure.



Su Hao's body is bleeding, and there are countless cracks on his fleshy body, but in this brief moment, the big Puppet Technique also The effect disappears, and the entire cultivation base is restored directly.

As soon as the cultivation base recovered, his immortal strength surged out, and with the help of blood, his fist could be said to be super strong.

Tyrant Fist!

Demon Emperor Tyrant Fist, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!


Tianyaoquan exploded directly, Bai Guan’s eyes widened, and in disbelief, he flew upside down, blood spraying endlessly.

"You, your cultivation base?" He was incredible, isn't it time for the secret technique? Shouldn't it be weak? Why is it stronger again?

And, stronger than the beginning?


Su Hao shouted, surging forward, Bai Guan's body, once again received a terrifying fist, still Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

The injury to his fleshy body was suddenly much more tragic than Su Hao's.

Innumerable blood spilled.

His body also slammed into the cage fiercely.

"This is the time!"

Su Hao's eyes shined, showing off one's ability.

With one swipe, the Killing God Sword comes out, the immortal strength bursts, and the anti-fate qi is fully displayed.

The sword swings away the terrifying coercion.

This is his most terrifying sword.

A sword that unites all Su Hao.


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