Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2026

Su Hao stood in front of Old Zhao, with red mouth and white teeth, harmless to humans and animals, and the smile on his face was full of playfulness.

That's it, Old Zhao's whole person is like being in the World of Ice and Snow, and the cold breath completely wraps him.

Trembling, frightened, and weak in his lower limbs, he knelt straight in front of Su Hao, tears streaming down his eyes.

As the bald chicken said, he will cry.

"Big, my lord, I also came here under the orders of Young Master Bai, all this has nothing to do with me." Old Zhao's voice was full of pleading.

"You are Young Master Bai's dog?" Su Hao asked.

"Yes, I am a dog. I will do whatever Young Master Bai asks me to do. I will bite whoever I want to bite. I have no choice at all." Old Zhao kept kowtow.

"If a dog bites a person, then I will naturally break its teeth and smash its paws, and then go to his owner and ask for some compensation." Su Hao smiled.

Smile, cold!


The voice rang out, and Old Zhao, who was kneeling on the ground, had no time to scream, his teeth were all shattered, and blood dripped from his mouth. Spitting out violently.

Afterwards, Su Hao stepped down and walked towards the bald chicken. When he walked past Old Zhao, the kneeling Old Zhao was under tremendous pressure. .


A wave of air exploded on him, Old Zhao’s miserable howl, there was no human voice, his limbs, at the same moment, completely exploded. Open, become mud.

"Next, it's up to you." Su Hao moved towards Bald Chicken and a few people smiled, turned around, and entered Gongsun's mansion.

He said that if you want those compensations, you must get them.

Wind-Lightning Fan, Shui Ningjian, Heifengqin, and even three billion immortal jade compensation.

All of this is nothing to Su Hao. Even if it is hidden, Su Hao can be found with no difficulty.

What's more, before he left, he also took an old man from the City Lord's house. Under the terror of Su Hao, the old man naturally did not dare to hide it.

All the treasures were handed over to Su Hao. It can be said that there are many more benefits than Su Hao should get.

"Sir, don't, don't kill me, I know a big secret, there is a treasure in the City Lord's mansion." The old man knelt down immediately.

Just because Su Hao got the treasure and smiled at him, it scared him.

This look is exactly similar to the look towards Old Zhao.

The old man was afraid that he would end up the same as Old Zhao.

"oh?" Su Hao smiled playfully.

"Come with me, that thing is definitely a terrifying treasure, and the City Lord's house only knows about three people, City Lord, Young City Lord, and me." The old man trembled. The voice said, it turned out that he was the Great Elder of the City Lord's house, and his status was equivalent to the Vice-City Lord.

Follow the old man into the depths of the treasure house, where several portraits are enshrined, and those portraits are the City Lords of the past dynasties.

Also the ancestor of the Gongsun Family.

Under those portraits, there are some Spirit Fruits, among the incense burners, piled with soot.

The Great Elder pointed to the innermost and oldest portrait, and said, "That is the ancestor of my Gongsun Family, his incense burner..."

The voice has not yet fallen, Su Hao has taken a step forward, and under the oldest portrait, the incense burner is bronze, with the breath of time.

Furthermore, this breath made Su Hao look excited, this is... an incense burner of good fortune!

Creating Immortal King Supreme Treasure.

In the whole Immortal World, many people are looking for the tomb of the Immortal King, the ancient Immortal King, which is even more mysterious than the Immortal Sovereign.

And, rumor has it, he knows some secrets about God above.

"Very good." Su Hao was overjoyed, he already had six good fortune incense burners on his body, and with this one in front of him, he could collect all nine incense burners with only two missing. , clearly understood the great secret.

Without any hesitation, Su Hao put this thing away, and in the storage bag, merged with his fortune incense burner.

"Sir, I have already said everything I know. Although I don't know the exact details of the incense burner, my grade is definitely not low. I hope you can forgive me. I have never targeted your friends, I, I can abandon the cultivation base, or even... I can die, I just hope that my descendants can be safe and sound." The old man was sweating, his clothes were wet, and he was shiver coldly, for fear of Su Hao was upset and killed him.

"Let's go." Su Hao waved his hand, the other party didn't know that this thing was an incense burner of good fortune, and he didn't even threaten him at all.

"I, my cultivation base, my family..."

"It's irrelevant, with your innate talent, even for thousands of years, you can't help me at all." Su Hao waved his hand and left directly.

When he returned to the scene.

Old Zhao, Gongsun Ping, Gongsun Yu, have been tortured to such an extent that Gongsun Yu, in particular, has lost her human appearance under the torture of Lin Xiyao's four daughters.

Everything that can be scrapped has been scrapped.

It can be said that life is better than death.

It's just his appearance that made those people in the City Lord's mansion feel numb, trembling all over, and they were so frightened that their breathing was extremely light.

"Let's go, the City Lord's mansion no longer exists." Su Hao waved his hand, and the expressions of everyone at the scene changed drastically, and then suddenly fell to the ground and kowtowed to thank him.

They thought they would all be targeted, and they would be severely punished just like the City Lord father and son, didn't expect Zifa to not be held accountable.

Immediately, those people all flew up, took their families, away from this place, and evacuated from Yunyin City.

After doing all this, Su Hao waved his hand, Old Zhao, Gongsun Ping, Gongsun Yu, all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

"You go back directly, I will stay here for a few days and I will catch up with you." Su Hao looked towards Bald Chicken, he must understand what he meant.

"Can you do it alone?" Bald Chicken teased, but with a deep worry in his eyes, that was Extreme Yin Church.

"Can you help me by staying?" Su Hao rolled his eyes at him.

"Ai, I was going to help you, but unfortunately, you brat doesn't appreciate it, so you can only say goodbye, but you want to tell me how long it will take you?" asked the bald chicken.

"5 days later, the three overlords will go to the northern immortal domain together, I will go together." Su Hao said.

The bald chicken's eyes changed slightly, and said: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The three overlords went to the northern immortal domain, the purpose is self-evident, too Cangshan needs to prepare early, which is probably why Su Hao let them go back earlier.

Finally, Han Shichang, Ning Azure Bamboo, and Lin Xiyao's four daughters, under the persuasion of Su Hao, left here directly with the Bald Chicken.

The black phoenix qin that Su Hao got from the City Lord's house fell into the hands of Lin Xiyao, while the Wind-Lightning Fan was controlled by the Mo family sisters. the benefits of.

Finally, the water congealing sword fell into Qing'er's hands. This sword is good at hiding. After dispersing, it melts into the water vapor of Heaven and Earth. Thoughts move directly becomes a sharp sword, terrifying very.

Several people work together to be more terrifying!

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