Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2015

The blood-colored murderous aura surged, but the purple haired man couldn't help it, and after his voice fell, the murderous aura rushed into his body.

He devoured the murderous aura!

Murderous aura is unparalleled in the world. I thought that he had been shattered to pieces, at least he would be severely injured, causing the whole person to be sluggish and dying.

Who knows, strode out, unscathed, and even absorbed the murderous aura, and under the observation of the mind, the murderous aura entered the body, and the breath of purple hair was even more terrifying!

This is simply unimaginable.

For those who are shocked, Su Hao ignores, murderous aura is indeed terrifying, but he has twelve Ancient God decrees, Supreme Heavenly Demon Art, and it is wishful thinking to cut his way.

What's more, these murderous auras, under his constant reconciliation, have become compatible with him, but they have become his powerful nourishment.

Step by step, Su Hao looked indifferent, stared straight at the old man, and said, "My discipline, you can also move it?"

"Boy, you He's courting death, you know the identity of Old Zhao..." Gongsun Yu cut off a palm, looking hideous and annoyed.

However, Old Zhao waved his hand, interrupted him, and said in a casual tone: "He doesn't deserve to know the identity of the old man."

" I don't care who they are, I only know that their combined strikes are good, the old man likes them, so I have to take them away." He stared at Su Hao with a dignified expression.

"You saw it, it's yours?" Su Hao asked rhetorically.

Old Zhao smiled, clenched his fist, and said, "Because, my fist is big enough!"


The voice fell, Su Hao had already moved, and appeared in front of Old Zhao with the sound of wind and thunder, followed by a cold voice: "Then see how big it is!"

The sound fell, his fist fiercely smashed go out.

Old Zhao's eyes shrank, his breath rising, one after another surging immortal strength, surging out of his fist, hitting Su Hao's fist straight.


The two punches collided, simple and rude, but the momentum was absolutely huge, and the void of the collision place collapsed continuously.

As the void collapsed, dazzling blood also spilled out from it, and an old body, under shock, quickly retreated.

Old Zhao, fly upside down!

Su Hao's expression was icy cold, and while his fists were folded, he took another step to catch up. Before everyone could fully react, the foot had already reached the top of Old Zhao's head.

"How big is your fist?"

His voice boomed with the footsteps, clearly reaching everyone's ears , the same fell into the ears of Old Zhao.

“courting death, able to support both heaven and earth!”

Old Zhao flustered and exasperated, punched both fists together, like two dark Divine Dragons, going straight to Su Hao sole.

The terrifying power seems to shatter the sky.

It's just that Su Hao's feet, press forward, have boundless power, cover with one foot, do not dare not obey!

Two dark Divine Dragons, under his feet, collapsed rapidly, and more blood sprayed out.

During the spray, Old Zhao's body sank deep into the ground, and his body disappeared, and even his head sank deep into the ground.

However, the soles of Su Hao's feet, in this brief moment, also arrived, fiercely smashed the ground, the ground collapsed, and Old Zhao's body was passively ejected from the ground.

That body was extremely miserable, its arms were completely exploded, and the bright blood dyed the black robe completely red.

"It seems that your fist is not big enough!"

Su Hao scolded, in the next moment that Old Zhao bounced, his palm swept out, bang, Old Zhao's body flew sideways.

During the flight upside down, the body was constantly collapsing, and under the shocked gaze of everyone, the entire body dissipated in the void.

Su Hao's movements are simple and rough, but have an extremely powerful visual impact, punching to the flesh, making everyone's nerves highly tense and forgetting to breathe.

"Want to die or live?"

Su Hao's voice resumed, Old Zhao flew backwards and was shocked to find that the man was like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Let his body appear at his feet.

Old Zhao's only upper body, fiercely trembled, there was no arrogance in his eyes, only panic and awe.

He continued: "show mercy, I am Bai Guan, the top ten dísciple of Extreme Yin Church, the old slave of Young Master Bai..."

"I ask you, do you want to die or not? Want to live?" Su Hao interrupted coldly, what top ten, what Young Master Bai, has no place in his heart.

This made countless people below tremble. The top ten of Extreme Yin Church and the top terrifying existence on the Eastern Wilderness Dragon List are all extremely high, and the battle strength is boundless, comparable to Immortal Sovereign!

Who dares to ignore it?

Old Zhao was also shocked. He thought that carrying out his descendants would make him fearful and even frightened. Who knows, he doesn't care?

"Ask you for the third time, do you want to die, or do you want to live?" Su Hao's eyes were filled with an emotionless cold light, making the half of Old Zhao's body feel as if he was in the cold sea. middle.

There are only three things to do, the last chance.

He swallowed saliva hard, and then nodded, saying: "I want to live, I want to live."

"Treasure hand over, mine, and yours." Su Hao's The voice fell again, like magic, and plunged into Old Zhao's heart.

The whole heart was shaking, and it almost jumped out of the body. Without saying a word, Old Zhao quickly flew out of the two storage bags and went towards Su Hao.

One of them is owned by Bald Chicken.

The second one is owned by Old Zhao himself.

As an old slave of the top ten dísciple, he is also aloof and remote when he walks in the outside world. The wealth on his body can be said to be amazing terrifying.

In addition, this Old Zhao is greedy, and after years of searching, the treasure is no worse than the previous twenty dísciples.

Su Hao was satisfied, put it away, and then lifted the soles of his feet again and fell down...

"You said you wouldn't kill me..." Old Zhao was shocked.


The soles of his feet landed, smashing half of his body, blood spilled, and under the sunlight, it was extremely dazzling, making people have one's hair stand on end.

"I said I won't kill you, but just let you live. How to live is what I say! Because my big enough!" Su Hao's voice was indifferent.

Old Zhao's fairy core escaped, and there was only one, and the other one exploded along with the fleshy body.

"Young Master Bai won't let you go, you're finished!" Old Zhao's immortal core was extremely fast, and the burning essence fled towards the far sky, and the voice came from afar.

"Let him hurry up." Su Hao smiled casually, turned his eyes, and landed on Gongsun Yu, who had been trembling all the time.

Immediately, the latter trembled fiercely, his legs bent uncontrollably, and stammered: "I, I, not me... I don't want to die."

He spoke Without careful diction, I was completely frightened. Old Zhao had such a powerful existence that he couldn't stop a half move. He was completely tortured and killed.

The cultivators behind him who got on and off the dragon scales BMW all had their scalps numb at this time, looking at Su Hao as if they were looking at the most terrifying Great Demon King in the world.

I don't even dare to put a fart.

"You are the Young City Lord here?" Su Hao asked.

"Yes." Gongsun Yu kowtowed.

"Go to the City Lord's House."

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