Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2012


Deathly silence!

Everyone's eyes widened, their mouths opened, their eyes widened, and they had one's hair stand on end.

It lasted for dozens of breaths, and then there was someone, who said in a dream-like tone: "Secret Realm dísciple, dead?"

It was counted again After ten breaths of silence, the second person's tone was terrified and said, "With one punch, the Secret Realm dísciple exploded?"

There was still no response in the crowd, and everyone was dumbfounded. The excitement is too great, and what I thought, the difference between Heaven and Earth.

million miles apart!

In everyone's hearts, this ending was turned 360 degrees, and in their hearts, purple hair was the existence that should be shattered.

Silence, still a continuous silence, this time, it lasted for a few minutes before someone said in a roaring tone: "terrifying!"

To At this moment, the silent scene was turbulent and noisy, and everyone looked at Su Hao with indescribable fear.

It's too terrifying.

The Bald Chicken, Immortal King Lei, Tang Qing, Han Shichang, and Ning Azure Bamboo were all dumbfounded and sat there blankly, staring at each other for a long time.

"Hehe, I knew, this kid is awesome again." Suddenly, the bald chicken hehe laughed, and the little mouse was still a little mouse.


Han Shichang and Ning Azure Bamboo pouted, didn't you want Senior Brother Su to leave before?

However, this ending made them excited too.

In just over two months, the strength of Senior Brother Su has become unimaginable.

"Damn it!" Xue Lie's expression was fierce. This result was far beyond his expectations, it was a 360 degree turn.

In his opinion, it should be his own discipline, who swept the purple hair with a random punch.

And, in front of his face, to kill his dísciple, Zi Fa is really audacious.

Don't know his reputation for killing demons?

"Master, I'm coming!" Beside him, Xue Tao looked even more fierce, the sea of blood was his younger brother, a compatriot, blood dissolved in water.

As the angry voice fell, his body flashed away, and as he moved, the blood-colored flames roared up, he was like a blood-colored Fireball.

He, like the sea of blood, was engraved with ancient methods, just like mastering the Secret Realm.

Also, Blood Sea is ranked 18th in Blood Sword Sect, and he is 15th, he is much stronger than younger brother.

This movement, the speed is boundless, in the blink of an eye, it has reached Su Hao, and the surging blood-colored flames are about to spurt away.

Although it was just a quick sweep, at this moment, I don't know how many people were all chilled, shivered, and a bigger terror haunted their hearts.

This person is much stronger than the sea of blood.

Blood-colored flames surging.

Shroud down.

With only one point to cover Su Hao, Su Hao moved.

One kick.

Kick forward.

It's still simple and rude.



The explosion sounded like thunder, and the blood-colored flames rolled back.

30 feet up.

The sea of blood exploded here.

Xue Tao also arrived here.

"Could it be..." Someone's legs went weak in shock.

Xue Lie's expression changed greatly, loudly shouted: "Stop..."

The voice has not yet completely fallen, in the thirty-high land, the blood-colored flames "rumbled" The explosion opened, and it was another blood-colored fireworks.

Among them, the blood spilled down and landed on the central Grand Plaza, bright and dazzling.

"pu pass!"

The audience trembled, and I don't know how many people collapsed to the ground, as if they were the most frightened.

One punch kills the sea of blood.

Kicked the blood wave with one kick.

The two terrifying boundless Secret Realm dísciple can't stop the purple hair.

This terrifying is simply unimaginable.

Is he Immortal Sovereign?

"Ah..." Xue Lie let out an extremely ferocious roar. With a roar, Heaven and Earth were trembling, and his hair was full of ferocious blood.

The unparalleled slaying of demons, stepping forward, one step down, like a sea of blood churning, a terrifying scene like hell appeared in front of countless people.

Xue Lie, who is unparalleled in killing demons, has killed countless people, and has slaughtered millions of living beings.

Don't talk about fighting with him, the cultivator of the Immortal King Seventh Layer below, holding a big blade in his hand, suddenly his eyes were stunned, and he fell straight down.

Just because Xue Lie caught him, he died!

The unparalleled slaying of demons, boundless terror, one look, scared the Immortal King Seventh Layer to death!

"This seat is here, do you dare to kill my dísciple?" Xue Lie said, like a raging thunder, the murderous aura spread, and it shook the universe.

The fallen cultivator, the shivered spirit trembled, completely unable to control himself, everyone's face was pale and bloodless, too terrifying.

The breath is simply terrifying.

Even, they think hell isn't necessarily so terrifying.

Murderous aura!

"They are going to kill me, do I have to wait and stand here waiting to die?" Su Hao's expression was indifferent, and his tone did not fluctuate.

“What thing are you, can you compare with my dísciple? How about they kill you, you should be damned!” Xue Lie is boundless, regardless of the law and of natural morality.

"Unfortunately, they are too rubbish." Su Hao no longer kept a low profile, lifts the head, confronting each other with endless arrogance in his eyes.

At the same time, a vast murderous aura appeared on his body, and he even had the potential to compete with Xue Lie.

This shocked Xue Lie even more. His murderous aura was condensed after thousands of years of nurturing and killing millions of souls.

How old is this kid, how can murderous aura be so thick?

And this, to him, is a huge warning that this kid cannot stay, absolutely cannot stay.

In his eyes, the purple hair at this time is more terrifying than the top ten of Extreme Yin Church. In the future, it may reach a height that even he has to look up to.


It is impossible to kill!

"da da da!"

At this moment, the sound of horses' hooves stomping on the ground hurried, and a team of azure horses came hurriedly, and the horses were covered with azure scales .

dragon scales BMW, with a faint trace of dragon blood, is full of stamina, and can soar into the air to run hundreds of thousands of li at a rapid pace without resting for a moment.

And this kind of horse, in Yunyin City, only the City Lord's mansion is qualified to breed.

"Xue Lie senior, this place is Yunyin City, is the place where Extreme Yin Church is in charge. Could it be that Xue Lie senior will cause the Two Great Sects to hostile?"

The leader of the horse , said loudly: "Extreme Yin Church Heaven Grade Elder is coming now!"

Blood is full of anger, but his eyes are flickering, gnashing teeth, and when his body rises, endless blood light falls down.

Under this blood light, Su Hao is under endless pressure, and even blood energy wants to enter his body, destroy everything in him, and eat away his fairy core.

Although Su Hao also produces endless murderous aura, he is still a few grades worse than the cultivation base he is now.

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