Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1999

The first 20 people were silent, which made the arrogance on the face of the blood sea even more surging, and finally said loudly: "Extreme Yin Church, no one dares to fight me? This is the so-called elite?"

Someone coldly snorted, from the crowd, but did not act rashly, obviously dissatisfied with the words of the sea of blood, but did not dare to fight him.

With a simple punch, Sea of Blood has already shown enough terrifying, and there are very few people who can beat him steadily.

"Is it true that no one dares to fight?"

Xue Hai asked again, after the crowd was silent, he coldly smiled, looked towards Xue Lie and said: "Master, it seems that Extreme Yin Church disappoints you, there is not even a single person who dares to fight with me, Heaven's Chosen you call them are all timid assholes."

Xuelie smiled faintly and said: "Ai, disciple, people are just polite, they don't want to compete with you, but it can't be considered as fear."

"Extreme Yin Church inheritance has a long history, among the overlords of Eastern Wilderness, it is called the first, The elites you can accommodate are beyond your imagination.”

Eastern Wilderness Five Great Influences, Extreme Yin Church, Blood Sword Sect, Donghuangfu, Jiuyang Peak, Free and Unfettered Palace, of which Extreme Yin Church is famous The most prosperous, called the first overlord.

However, several other Great Influences don't think so. Every year, someone provokes the authority of Extreme Yin Church, hoping to cover it.

Blood Sword Sect is one of the frequent ones. In recent years, Blood Sword Sect has developed rapidly, and excellent dísciples have emerged one after another. I feel that it is expected to win the first place.

"Master, you think too highly of them, the first overlord of the Extreme Yin Church is just because of the senior of the Yin Emperor, their descendants are not enough." The sea of blood sneered, and his arrogance became more and more arrogant.

It's not just him, another youngster beside Xue Lie twitched his mouth and said, "Younger brother is right, Extreme Yin Church doesn't have a senior, what is it?"


Yin Huang, who has been famous for a long time, is known as the number one expert under the emperor, the prestige of Extreme Yin Church is indeed more than half of his reasons.

But those Heaven's Chosen Child were still very annoyed when they said so face to face. Among the top 20, some people stood up with anger and carried a seven-foot lance.

"You want to fight, I'll accompany Peng Tianyu." The man dressed in white clothed, looked cold and arrogant, and held a seven-foot bronze lance in his hand, exuding an icy edge.

He is ranked 20th in the upstream dísciple of Extreme Yin Church, and his battle strength should not be underestimated.

However, his voice just fell, the void in front of him was rippling, a silhouette appeared like a teleportation, and the bloody fist had been smashed down fiercely.

It is the sea of blood!


The bloody fist slammed down, and a huge explosion sounded. The man with the bronze lance only had time to flash his eyes, but he didn’t even scream. It burst open, and blood spilled on the ground.

"Who else is there?"

The sea of blood stood up with his fists closed, looking forward with a bland expression, as if beheading the man, just doing it casually, not worth mentioning.

All around was silent for tens of seconds. The sound of "suck in a cold breath" was roaring, and even many people felt their scalps were numb and their bodies were unstable.

In the top 20, the battle strength is absolutely terrifying, but it explodes directly under the opponent's punch.

Smashed to pieces.

The blood that spilled on the ground was bright red and dazzling.

It is conceivable that this guy burst out with all his strength, how terrifying?

Even, his fist, maybe still not full strength.

"Secret Realm controller! Xuelie, have you played enough?"

Too Profound Immortal has an ugly face, every one of the top 20 Heaven's Chosen has great potential , is extremely important to Extreme Yin Church, losing any one of them is enough to make my heart hurt.

"Tai Xuan, it's just a contest between dísciples, why are you angry?" Xue Lie was indifferent and smiled casually, as if all this was just a joke.

"hmph, you took the Secret Realm dísciple and harassed me Extreme Yin Church Heaven's Chosen, but you told me it was a joke? If I were in the Top 10 of Extreme Yin Church and swept the top 100 of your Blood Sword Sect, What do you think?" Too Profound Immortal Huang was annoyed.

In every great realm, there is the saying of Secret Realm, and the cultivation of Secret Realm's dísciple can definitely show the fifth-grade Law Power.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to cultivate Secret Realm. Among the five hegemons, under the top ten, I am afraid that no one can do it.

"Tai Xuan, you're serious, the sea of blood is in my Blood Sword Sect, definitely not in the top ten, and even in the top twenty, he is not considered powerful, so what is a trap?" Lie smiled.

Xue Haidao: "Yes, I am ranked 18th in the Blood Sword Sect, but today, anyone can fight against me under the top 10 of Extreme Yin Church!"

The sea of blood showed his identity token, which was marked with blood clotting and engraved with the words eighteen. This is the special ranking method of Blood Sword Sect. It is engraved with taboos and must not be faked.


The Profound Immortal emperor sucked in a breath of cold air, and was extremely shocked. The secret realm's dísciple was cultivated and ranked eighteenth in the Blood Sword Sect. ?

How terrifying are the first eighteen dísciples?

Blood Sword Sect is developing so fast?

It's not just him, Black Elder Bai, even Lu Tianya and the others, all have their eyes closed, and the Blood Sword Sect is developing faster than they imagined.

According to the comparison of descendants, this sea of blood is ranked eighteenth, but the battle strength shows that it is probably below the top ten in Extreme Yin Church, and no one can match.

If this continues, in the near future, the name of the first overlord of Extreme Yin Church will really be ruthlessly taken away by Blood Sea Sect.

"No one dares to fight?"

The sea of blood spoke again, the corner of his mouth twitched, and in an extremely arrogant gesture, he pointed to the top twenty, playing with his taste: "A Is this just a coward?"

This can be said to be a huge insult to those Heaven's Chosen, the other party's contemptuous eyes, like a loud slap in the face, constantly slapped on their ears on the face.

extraordinary shame and humiliation!

"It seems that I really don't dare, it's better than this, I will relax the conditions again, everyone present, anyone under the age of 300, whether it is an Elder or a dísciple, can come up, and my blood will follow. !"

The sea of blood despised the audience, arrogant and arrogant, and finally said loudly: "If you don't dare, then come together, I am the sea of blood alone!"

In the Extreme Yin Church, countless people gnashing teeth, their fists make the sound of ka beng, it is too arrogant, one person wants to fight against everyone in Extreme Yin Church?

It's just a humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

The big mouth twitched.

"Of course, I have a request. If you lose, if you lose once, then take out the inheritance Immortal Sovereign method of Extreme Yin Church as compensation."

"If I lose Now, naturally, I will come up with the Immortal Sovereign method of Blood Sword Sect, and I will bow my head and apologize."


Xue Lie smiled and said: "This method is good. , Tai Xuan, what do you think, let's play?"

The expression of Emperor Tai Profound Immortal is extremely ugly, under the age of 300, no one present has cultivated out of Secret Realm, how is this sea of blood opponent?

I'm afraid it's just one defeat in one battle, and the Immortal Sovereign method will be sent to people for nothing.

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