Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1992

Su Hao's eyes are clear and calm, and there is no fear in the face of the Profound Immortal Emperor, and of course there is a trace of respect.

It's like looking at ordinary people exactly similar.

In fact, in his capacity, it was a courtesy not to despise the Profound Immortal Emperor.

After all, the Demon Emperor of that year was a terrifying existence that would tremble and have one's hair stand on end at a glance.

Too Profound Immortal Emperor, just the Yin Emperor sits down with an Elder. If it sounds bad, it is a servant. What is the comparability between Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor?

Such eyes made the Profound Immortal emperor show a hint of surprise. In front of him, there were very few people who dared to be so neither humble nor arrogant.

Especially, the other party is still a youngster.

In the entire Extreme Yin Church, there are not many to be found.

This kid, not simple.

But so what?

Breaking his palace, injuring his dísciple, and not taking him too Profound Immortal in the eyes of the emperor is already a supreme offense and unforgivable.

No matter how great the ability, he is too Profound Immortal to say no, then it is no!

Yes, but no!

Standing up, too Profound Immortal smiled faintly, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll give you a test."

"If you In the past, the old man personally named you Earth Grade Elder."

The voice fell, he raised the old palm and moved forward a little, across several hundred li, so that in the vast Yin River, A thick jet of water rose up.

The thick water column broke through the air and arrived at the central Grand Plaza. It fell from the top and galloped up. It was turbulent and vast, like a long black river, rolling down from the sky.

At this time, too Profound Immortal slammed a little, and a golden light shot out from his fingertips, blending into the river, making the river roar louder and the water more turbulent.

After everyone looked at it, they noticed a terrifying depression. The river is the Taiyin River, which accommodates the Immortal Sovereign Road. This is already a terrifying... Road river!

"Disciple, you go." Tai Profound Immortal flicked his imperial sleeve robe, and Lin Ye immediately flew up behind him, heading straight for the galloping river.

Under the shock of everyone, Lin Ye went upstream, straight to the top of the long river, and in the process, the river water purifies the body, mind, and soul.

His body glowed as he ascended, and his already weak breath, in this brief moment, exploded at an unimaginable rate.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the long river, standing proud in the sky, the whole person is stalwart, the long hair is flying, and the lost fairy core has been regenerated.

Lin Ye, strong again!

"many thanks Master!" He cup one fist in the other hand at the top of the Changhe River, and his excited voice came down, causing countless people on the square to tremble.

"The Emperor Tai Profound Immortal really terrifying, grabbing a stream of Yin River water at will, he can turn it into a Dao River, possess the terrifying Dao meaning, nourish the body, mind and soul, and regenerate the immortal core."

"Such a method is simply against the sky, no less than resurrecting the dead. It is worthy of being the Immortal Sovereign of the older generation. It is really immeasurable."

"That's right, the Profound Immortal Emperor is even the owner of the Extreme Yin Church. I have been summoned many times, could it be simple?"

"Amazing, awesome!"

I don't know how many people are shocked, this river is really terrifying, too Profound Immortal Worthy of power!

Even Lu Tianya, Lin Xiyao and the others were stunned and stunned by this hand, and even if they were dissatisfied, they had to secretly admire it.

"It's just a pseudo-nucleus, why bother?" Only Su Hao shook his head secretly, such a small talk, it's really not worth mentioning.

Condensing a pseudo-immortal core with Taoism, it seems that all injuries have been repaired, but in fact, it is only a superficial recovery, but there is no further hope.

"This river is the Dao River, which accommodates some of the insights of the old man's enlightenment. Those who reach the top will get great good fortune." Lin Ye went back and forth, and when he landed on the square again, he shook a little and said, "You go." It made him look suddenly excited, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Tai Xian Immortal Sovereign gave him a chance?

It must be that he answered the private school before, which aroused the favor of the Profound Immortal emperor.

Thinking of this, he was even more complacent and almost laughed up to the sky.

Immortal Sovereign is of great help to him, and will play a pivotal role in ascending the throne in the future.

Cup one fist in the other hand bowed, his body was envied by everyone, he rose rapidly, rushed towards the Yin River, and went upstream like Lin Ye did.

Only, when ascending the third thousandth zhang, the river water suddenly oppression come down, like the sky is pressing down, making Immortal King's face pale instantly.

That huge oppression left him with no capital to resist at all, like a drop in the ocean, directly drowning away.

In the midst of howling, it fell straight to the central Grand Plaza, fleshy body contacted the ground, the central Grand Plaza trembled, and terrifying cracks appeared.

Worry-free Immortal King howled miserably, countless cracks appeared on his body, and bright red blood energy steamed from his body, and his injuries were extremely tragic.

Everyone was shocked.

"This river has good fortune, but there are also great dangers. If he is not enlightened enough, he will be directly drowned, or even die tragically!"

The voice of Emperor Profound Immortal sounded again.

Everyone is jealous, and those who are caring look towards Su Hao are even more pitiful, too Profound Immortal's test, definitely not simple, especially Elder and dísciple who know what Su Hao did at Supreme Profound Palace, more It was a cold smile, this kid is miserable.

"My Master is benevolent and righteous. I have never blamed you, and I have given you a chance to be fortunate. Why don't you be deeply grateful?" Lin Ye stepped forward, his expression arrogant again, and in that sneer, he brought a hint of arrogance. Complimented, he seems to have seen Su Hao's end.

"Elder Su, your age book is not enough, but you are too Profound Immortal. You must cherish this opportunity."

Lei ten thousand zhang and The others, also laughed near Su Hao, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Worry-free Immortal King climbed up from the ground, his body was embarrassed, and he was very angry. He thought he would get benefits, but who knew it was just a target.

But the other party is too Profound Immortal. No matter how bold he is, he doesn't dare to blame him. This tone can only be swallowed helplessly.

Thinking that Su Hao will suffer the same, even more miserable torture than him, he twitched the corner of his mouth and coldly said: "Good luck!"

"The chance is this time, if you succeed, this seat will reward you in person." The Emperor Tai Profound Immortal spoke again, and if he succeeded, he awarded the reward, why not?

The Emperor Profound Immortal did not say, and need not say, no, then there may be no Su Hao in this world.

Actually, once Su Hao goes, maybe this is the one.

In short, if you offend the Profound Immortal emperor, there is no good.

"Elder Su, it's better to take a step back and look for another opportunity." Lu Tianya whispered.

Lin Xiyao and several others also sound transmission: "Master, that old bastard obviously deliberately dug a hole. If he wants to harm you, let's take a step back and look for opportunities."

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