Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1990

Worry-free Immortal King's fall confirmed the end of the bet, Su Hao got 30 billion immortal jade from the deacon Elder.

And that silver light shining, contains big secrets, and is regarded as a worry-free sword that is as precious as life by the worry-free Immortal King.

In this brief moment, I don't know how many envious eyes have gathered, and at a cost of 40 billion, Su Hao has become an absolute millionaire.

In this Extreme Yin Church, the average Heaven Grade Elder is far inferior to him in terms of wealth.

To all this, Su Hao behaved indifferently and casually, 40 billion is not too much, when he opened the small Earth Palace controlled by Xie Yue, this little money was just sprinkled with water

At this time, he paid more attention to the next thing.

The grand competition in Tallinn is gradually coming to an end as the four of Lin Xiyao climbed the top 100 towers.

It was another quarter of an hour, and all the fighting in Tallinn had subsided, and each elder disciple occupied a high tower.

Also in this brief moment, each of the ten thousand towers in Tallinn has a sacred brilliance.

These brilliance, from the outside to the inside, the more the towers are in front, the thicker and more holy, making those towers become hazy and mysterious.

And the people on the tower, in the golden light, received incomparable nourishment, making the already powerful dísciple in this brief moment even more extraordinary.

This is a bonus.

dísciple participates in the grand competition, competing for the top and bottom rankings, for honor, and more importantly, for rewards and resources.

These golden lights are a kind of terrifying essence, which is continuously poured into those dísciples, making countless dísciples burst out in this brief moment, and the culture base breakthrough.

Lin Xiyao and the four of them were in the first hundred towers.

These things are absolutely beneficial to their future cultivation.

It lasted a full quarter of an hour.

The gate of Tallinn was closed, and those who entered the dísciple, after the golden light dispersed, no longer felt that they appeared on the square.

"The grand competition is over, and the ranking is determined. According to the rules of Extreme Yin Church, you can get the support of medicine pill, fairy grass, and immortal jade with different treatment from the resource hall every month. "

"weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest, strength determines everything, I hope you will make persistent efforts to reach the peak forever, and the grand competition will go further in the coming year."

Elder Bai received Picking up the chessboard, looking towards the dísciple below, the loud voice clearly entered everyone's ears.

"Let's go."

Black Elder opened his eyes and made a final summary, which is simple and direct, without any further details.

"Two seniors."

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and Lu Tianya cup one fist in the other hand stepped forward and said: "Black Elder, Elder Bai , there is one more thing, please allow the two elders."

"Tianya, you said." Elder Bai smiled, he had a good impression of Lu Tianya, if it weren't for the mistakes of the year, this person would already be Immortal Sovereign.

"The four dísciples taught by Elder Su, in one month, rushed from the middle to the top 100 in the upper reaches and became the Heaven's Chosen of Extreme Yin Church."

Lu Tianya cup one fist in the other hand said: "such an achievement, even if I wait for Earth Grade Elder, it is absolutely impossible to achieve, I think Elder Su is qualified to be promoted to Earth Grade Elder, so that he can better display his talents. , to cultivate more Heaven's Chosen for my Extreme Yin Church."

As soon as the voice fell, countless people in the crowd nodded, and most of the people were amazed at the achievements of the four of Lin Xiyao and had to admire them.

And all of this is because of Zifa's teaching, his prestige has also taken root in the hearts of everyone, and many people at the scene want to worship him.

Earth Grade Elder is indeed eligible to sit.

However, there were quite a few people who were hostile to Su Hao. As soon as Lu Tianya's voice fell, three elders came out at the same time.

One of them said: "Elder Su is indeed good at teaching dísciple, but it has only been less than two months since he joined me in Extreme Yin Church. If I was promoted to Earth Grade Elder so hastily, I am afraid of laying the groundwork for the future. "

"Yes, I am the Overlord of the Eastern Wilderness in the Extreme Yin Church, and the Earth Grade Elder is the Leader of the Extreme Yin Church. We must investigate the origin, identity, and make sure we are sincere."

" Besides, Elder Su ability is extraordinary, but at such a young age, he behaves somewhat frivolously, and he is young and vigorous, the promotion to Earth Grade Elder should wait a hundred years."

Lu Tianya's expression turned cold, Staring at the three, he said, "Elder Su's strength is obvious to all, and has surpassed many Earth Grade Elders. If you three come together, you may not be able to help him."

"Second." Lu Tianya didn't care about the livid faces of the three people, and continued: "The dísciple taught by Elder Su is ten times and a hundred times better than the dísciple you have waited for. In Tallinn, this has been proved enough."

"Thirdly, in the middle reaches, the three of you have also stated that if Elder Su's dísciple can enter the top 100 upstream, you will support him to be promoted to Earth Grade Elder, but now he is going back on one's word, he said. If so, should the right be a fart?"

"As an Earth Grade Elder, but I don't have a good example, I don't believe what I say, I'm jealous of the virtuous, and I don't think about the overall situation of the Extreme Yin Church. I think you are unworthy. Earth Grade Elder!"

The three were flushed and gnashing teeth, but they had no reason to refute.

Lu Tianya turned around again, looked directly at the black Elder Bai, and said: "The two seniors, I, Extreme Yin Church, are recruiting talents, fair and strict, according to the ability, Elder Su's ability has surpassed me, If he is not qualified to be promoted to Earth Grade Elder, then what kind of face does an old man have to act as a Leader?"

"And, since ancient times, there are not a few people who make an exception to promote Earth Grade Elder. If you are good enough, you will have a chance to climb, Elder Su why not?"

These words made the worry-free Immortal King who was going to open his mouth to stop him, and immediately closed his mouth, he was the rudder. Elder, Helicopter Earth Grade.

You are an example, how can you refute others?

Elder Bai smiled faintly, and glanced at the black Elder beside him, who looked indifferent, but at this time, he nodded slightly and agreed.

Immediately, he said with a smile: "What Tianya said is good. My Extreme Yin Church is based on ability. As long as you are good enough, you can have whatever you want."

"Elder Su young and promising, genius through the ages, must be the backbone of my Extreme Yin Church in the future, the old man approves..."

"I disagree!"

Elder Bai's The voice had not yet completely fallen, and on that day, a huge voice suddenly sounded, and a long rainbow thread came from the sky.

As he arrived, the void trembled fiercely, and everyone felt a terrifying depression under this huge tremor.

Even the two Heaven Grade Elders in black and white are irresistibly frowned.

As he looked, his indifferent expression became more dignified, moved towards the high-altitude cup one fist in the other hand, and said, "Tai Xuan senior."

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