Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1986

The battle was overwhelming. In Tallinn, the sky was rolling, the earth was cracking, and countless rocks were blasted, turning into billowing smoke.

Such terrifying momentum has attracted too many people to come, looking at the terrifying battlefield, no matter who it is, the expression is solemn.

Even if the dísciple in the depths of Tallinn was attracted, the Northern Tiger was among them, and Purple Qi was shrouded above his head, with a majestic look.

"Bu Tianjing, I hope you will lose, so that I can take down those people." The corner of Beihu's mouth twitched, and his expression was endlessly arrogant.

His and Bu Tianjing's rankings are almost the same. Between the two, it was you who competed with each other, and both hoped to suppress the other's fiercely.

If Bu Tian was shocked and he suppressed all the four women, the entire Extreme Yin Church would know that he was far superior to Bu Tian Jing.

That person has no right to fight with him.

To reach their heights, they all know the importance of Dao Heart, and every battle, every contest, will be extremely important.

Dao Heart is not injured, always in the state of Peak, creating the great belief of I Am Invincible, and have the opportunity to reach the position of Supreme.


The momentum of the battle is still spreading, and the huge sound waves that sounded are like endless Divine Lightning roaring, heaven falls and earth rends, mountains and rivers roll.

In the battle arena, Bu Tianjing held the dark Black Demon Mountain and slammed downwards in a frenzied manner, causing a continuous explosion of the void every time.

naked eye It can be seen that there are huge deep pits one after another in the sky under the black mountain peak, and the big cracks in the void spread endlessly.

Step by step, the more fights the more brave is, it is simply crazy, with a ferocious look and a surging breath, like that black robe giant, who will use the mountain in his hand to smash the entire Great World.

"Whoever stands in my way, I will kill him, crush him, I am shocked and invincible!" Bu Tianjing roared, making his imposing manner continue to strengthen.

In front of his strikes, Lin Xiyao and the four looked very solemn, constantly showing terrifying immortal art. The four brilliance gathered together at all times to collide with the dark Black Demon Territory.

The momentum is getting stronger and stronger, from the earth to the sky, playing a Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Sun and Moon lost radiance, the last few people climbed to the tower, standing on the most peak, you come and I go, In a short period of time, I do not know that it has collided tens of thousands of times.

If it weren't for the terrifying of the law here, the towers were densely covered with terrifying defensive light waves, and the whole Tallinn would collapse at this time.

The battle is still going on, and the moment is white-hot and exciting.

“terrifying, too terrifying, the four purple-haired dísciples are simply heaven-defying materials, and they can fight against the dark Young Lord.”

“I I admire it, whether it is victory or defeat, I am convinced of Zifa, and also of his dísciple, no middle-level person can reach such a terrifying level in a month, but they did it.”

"Yeah, it's a miracle. Zi Fa's teaching ability is amazing. It's a great honor to be his dísciple."

As the battle fermented, everyone was scared witless , and at the same time admire Su Hao, I don't know how many people are willing to be his dísciple.

Even those outsiders had such thoughts, and even looked at Su Hao with respect and fear.

If they can, they are willing to kneel down immediately and worship under Su Hao's door, even if it is a slave, they are all willing.

Such a teacher is simply too good.

And to all of this, Su Hao directly ignores it, doesn't pay attention to it at all, all his attention is on the place of battle, and, as his eyes are dignified, the situation of the battle seems to be different. Wonderful, the dark Black Demon Territory, seems to have changed.

As a matter of fact, when Su Hao watched, Wuyou Immortal King and the others were always paying attention, and the changes in the dark Black Demon Territory entered everyone's eyes.

"Forcing me, you forced me!" Bu Tianjing continued to smash, but he failed to occupy the mountain, which made him extremely annoyed and roared hideously.

"Force me, I'll kill you all!" He shouted frantically, the dark Black Demon Territory in his hand no longer continued to smash, but suspended again.

And, with the suspension, the entire mountain was trembling, and even more terrifying magic light burst out from the mountain.

At this time, the mountain peak was like a black sun, suspended at the top of the sky, blocking the sun, ten thousand zhang black brilliance shone down, and the sky was originally clear in the daytime, but it became pitch black.

Heaven and Earth entered the dark night, shrouded in endless gloom, and the dísciple below was all terrified, and a bad premonition was born unconsciously in my heart.

Even, those people in the outside world just look at it and feel that they have one's hair stand on end, and the day turns into night, and they always feel that a major event is about to happen.

"Sure enough!"

Suddenly, Wuyou Immortal King shouted, which made everyone's spirits tense, and then quickly looked there.

And as they looked, almost at the same moment, everyone trembled.

A portal appeared on the huge mountain peak, and a tall black shadow walked out of the portal. Just standing there, it was already exuding a surging Heavenly Demon Prestige.

"No, it's not one!"

Suddenly, someone shouted, with a trembling voice, the tall ghost appeared, and above the mountain, another three appeared. Road portals, each of which walks out of a tall silhouette.

There are four silhouettes, each of which is tall and boundless, and the breath of each silhouette is extremely evil and terrifying.

"The Black Demon Territory, known as the Demon Prison, used to imprison the wicked Great Demon, but was later turned into a terrifying magic weapon."

"didn't expect , there are still those vicious wills in it."

The discussion of the crowd was full of shock, at this moment, no one cared about the outcome of the bet, and was completely shocked by these four demon dao shadows.

“Demon Facing Earth!”

Bu Tianjing stood under the Demon Domain, exuding a terrifying aura, like a generation of monarchs, commanding the world.

As his voice fell, the four terrifying silhouettes above the mountain immediately acted, smashing the sky and descending, the waves of demonic energy, like a long black river galloping, made a rumbling sound.

They were controlled by Bu Tianjing.

"I hold this prison, I am the lord of all demons, and you, the rats, die!" Bu Tianjing's voice was majestic ten thousand zhang, at this moment, it seemed that he had truly transformed into a generation Sovereign, control all demons in the world.

"This guy..." Beihu stood in the crowd with a shocked expression, sweat dripping down his forehead, never expected, Bu Tianjing had such a terrifying move.

I have to admit that the aura emanating from these four demon dao shadows made even him tremble. It was certain that he would never get half a cent from going up.

He is no longer an opponent!

Although he is unwilling, it is a fact that he is already in shock.

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