Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1982

The scene fell silent, everyone's heart seemed to be weighed down by a big stone, and there was no more excitement and expectation.

The situation they thought was inevitable was solved by the four girls with no difficulty.

"No, we were wrong, they haven't entered the top 150 yet, my grandson hasn't played yet, there is still hope, great hope!"

Shi Qianli suddenly shouted, the bet is far from over.

His voice fell, and the nervous people were all nodded, as if they had been brought back to life, they started making noises again.

Yes, this is not the end.

They were greatly stimulated by the terrifying of the four of them, but they forgot that the outcome of the bet was in the top 150.

It's not enough now.

"Old Shi, where is your grandson, where is he, hurry up and look for him." Lei ten thousand zhang shouted, looking into the depths of Tallinn, looking for that person.

In fact, the audience was looking for Shi Qianli's grandson, Shi Changliu, in the dense Tallinn.

That kid is very powerful, and he also got the Pluto sword sleeve. The formidable power of that thing is well known to everyone, and there is a great hope for winning the four girls.

Only, I searched everywhere, on the one hundred and fifty towers, I searched carefully, three hundred and sixty degrees, but could not find that person.

"What's the matter, didn't I tell Changliu to wait there? Did he think it was too long and he went deeper?" Shi Qianli became nervous again.

Now, his grandson is his only hope. If that kid is not there, then his entire net worth will be donated.

Thinking of this, he was as anxious as an ant on a cast iron pan and couldn't help walking back and forth.

Actually, there are more people who are more impatient than him. After all, Lei ten thousand zhang and the others have more gambling money than other bets.

"Shi Qianli, you Old Dog, I have staked my entire net worth because of you. If your grandson is not here, I will kill you." Lei ten thousand zhang cursed loudly.

"If you didn't say that your grandson got the Pluto sword set on the 150th tower, how could we be assured of paying such a large price? If we lose, you must compensate us!"

More people joined in and blamed Shi Qianli.

"Damn it, if I lose, I will pay, will I get a share if I win?" Shi Qianli was also angry and cursed: "It's not your own greed!"

Those people were speechless, but they still stared at Shi Qianli viciously, looking at it like that, if there was a mistake, they would definitely piss him off.

In such a tense atmosphere, Lin Xiyao's four daughters once again walked side by side, striding deep. Because they crushed more than a dozen people at the same time, their terrifying was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. dare not fight.

As a result, they easily reached the one hundred and sixty towers.

There are also ten towers.

At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Everyone's hearts are pounding out of their mouths.


Eight seats.

Seven seats.


The four of Lin Xiyao continued to go deeper, getting closer and closer to the 150th tower. Every time they took a step forward, everyone outside looked ugly. .

"Shi Qianli, hurry up and summon your grandson, let him get out of here and block the four of them." Lei ten thousand zhang roared fiercely.

"My Thunder Great Elder, you are a dignified Earth Grade Elder, don't you know the rules in Tallinn?"

"There is no way to transmit messages in Tallinn, how can I Can you do it?" Shi Qianli cried out in agony, tears were streaming down his face.

"I don't care, anyway, if your grandson doesn't show up today, I will definitely kill you!" Lei ten thousand zhang cursed, his breath was surging, and his whole body was thunderous.

"Lei ten thousand zhang, I..." Shi Qianli couldn't bear it anymore, wasn't he in a hurry? He even mortgaged the palace, can't he be in a hurry?

However, when he was about to resist a few words, there were a few more people around Lei ten thousand zhang, all staring at him fiercely.

These people share the same enemy, and the murderous aura is icy cold, making Shi Qianli's anger reluctantly extinguished.

"Don't worry, maybe my grandson is sleeping in the tower. After all, he must have been here long ago. The waiting process is extremely boring. It is normal to find a place to rest."

Shi Qianli's tone eased.

Though the words are said, the situation does exist, but without seeing Shi Changliu for a moment, the hearts of everyone cannot be calmed down.

Especially, once again looking towards Tallinn, Lin Xiyao and the four experienced two more battles, both of which were won by crushing, and they had already reached the 152nd tower.

There are only two towers left.

Everyone felt their eyebrows were burning.

The breath of thunder ten thousand zhang has already bloomed, as long as those people climbed the one hundred and fifty towers and Shi Changliu did not appear, then he must have destroyed Shi Qianli.

One more step!

"It's here, it's over, it's over, I lost, my entire net worth." Someone shouted, seeing Lin Xiyao and several people on the 151st tower, and felt that the whole sky When it is dark, life is no longer half fun.

"Your entire net worth? Lao Tzu also borrowed a total of 1.3 billion!" Another person shouted, while talking, sweat dripped down his cheeks, crash-bang, and his face was ashen.

"I fuck your uncle, I even sold my ancestor's feng shui cemetery." The third person burst into tears, and this time he lost.

Compared to their nervousness, Lu Tianya's grandfather and grandson were extremely excited, secretly clenching his fists, staring at Tallinn, waiting for that moment to come.

The miracle happened, it really happened, Elder Su didn't lose, and there was a big harvest.

"Hurry up, hurry up, there is only one tower left." They secretly urged in their hearts, as long as they set foot on that tower, they would win.


At this moment, Lin Xiyao and the others had already stepped forward, and when they went straight to the one hundred and fifty towers, there was one more silhouette on that tower.

A little bit.

Lu Tianya's grandfather and grandson's excitement disappeared completely, and his heart seemed to be beating 360 degrees.

Here comes.


"Come on, hahaha, my precious grandson, you are finally here." Shi Qianli swept over there, and suddenly laughed.

Look at the man with white clothes lightly and condescending appearance, isn't it his grandson, Shi Changliu?

He danced with excitement and laughed like crazy, so dangerous, so dangerous!

Lei ten thousand zhang and the others, when they heard the voice, immediately looked as if they had seen their own father, and looked over, but they followed Shi Qianli's demeanor. is very different.

After hesitating for a moment, the whole person became extremely ferocious.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere spread out at the scene.

Looking at Shi Qianli, who was dancing and excited as if he was about to ascend to the sky, the anger of thunder ten thousand zhang surged out from the top of his head, and the flames were very real.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and roared fiercely: "Hit me, beat me to death!"

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