Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1976

Zi Fa's reputation is already loud in the upstream. As soon as Fang arrived, it caused a huge momentum, and with the appearance of the four dísciples behind him, the discussion reached a commanding height.

It is these four people who are going to compete for the top 100 ranking today.

Many people can't help laughing when they think of this, thinking this is a fantasy story.

"Master, we... must strive for it!" Lin Xiyao was named Eldest Senior Sister, representing the four to express their stance on Su Hao.

"I said, just do your best." Su Hao smiled, as if he didn't care about the outcome, and the outcome was not that important in his heart at all.

Lin Xiyao nodded, and looked at the other three, both eyes were apprehensive. Although they got Su Hao's law, they still couldn't guarantee it.

After all, it's only a month's time, and they haven't been fully mastered in those laws, in fact, they can't even guarantee one percent.

But today's grand competition, they had to participate, and several people had the idea of fighting for Su Hao's tone, so they were nervous.

"Let's go."

Lin Xiyao tenderly shouted, with a flick of her sleeves, she rushed out first. The Mo family sisters and Qing'er followed behind her and plunged into the tower. among.

"Come on."

In the dísciple below, someone sneered, and when the four entered, they immediately chased in.

There is also a woman, standing beside Wuyou Immortal King, under the latter's eyes, she shows a cold smile and walks away with a sword.

After everyone entered, there were still thousands of people in the outside world, and some dísciples with weak cultivation bases never entered Tallinn.

Although there is good fortune there, they know that the cultivation base is limited, and entering it is not a chance, but a death.

It's not worth losing your life for this.

However, the dísciple left outside, looking along the gate of light, can see most of Tallinn, and you can watch the competition inside.

"Look, the purple-haired dísciple is there, it seems to be surrounded." Someone looked towards it, and immediately found Lin Xiyao and a few others, and immediately sneered.

After his voice fell, most people moved towards and looked there. Lin Xiyao and four people stood under a tower, and several powerful dísciples surrounded all around.

A woman stepped forward with a sword. This person was the person next to Wuyou Immortal King, and she was not from the upper reaches, but from the middle reaches.

It's the chess player in the painting and calligraphy, Hao Lin!

"Qing'er, you are very good. Ever since you became that person's dísciple, you have become more and more intelligent. She has taken great care of you." Hao Lin stood up with a sword and sneered. Looking ahead, staring at the nervous Qing'er, said in an arrogant tone.

At the beginning, Qinger was just her maid, and she was just as humble as a dog in front of her.

Even now, when she sees Qing'er, she still has a sense of superiority, just like a master looking at a servant, with a gesture of command in every word and deed.

"little girl, these people are mine." After Hao Lin spoke, a tall man walked out of the crowd and strode forward.

He is ranked in the upper 300, and this time he is even more advanced in the cultivation base. He originally planned to make a difference in the grand competition, and the four of Lin Xiyao are now focal point of ten thousands. If you suppress them directly, you will be completely famous.

This opportunity, he will never let it go easily.

"You?" Hao Lin sneered, shaking the long sword in her hand, and before the thunder could cover her ears, a sword fiercely slashed out, and the sharp sword light flashed away.


Hao Lin retracted her sword and looked towards the front again, staring at Qing’er to play with her taste: “I’ll give you a chance, come back to me and continue to be me Your servant, listen to me, I can keep you from dying!"

As her voice fell, the tall man who stood up sprayed out a pu' sound of blood from his neck, and the man's eyes widened. , The body was stiff and fell straight down.

As he landed, his body suddenly burst open, and the fairy core in his body turned into a streamer and dispersed.



This terrifying scene made the pupils of the surrounding people shrink suddenly, and Fiercely gasped.

Although that tall man was only in the top 300, he wasn't too weak in the upper reaches.

Beheaded by a sword?

This woman from the middle reaches is too powerful.

Not simple!

Many people are afraid and stay away.

Hao Lin took all this into her eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched, making her even more arrogant. With the help of the worry-free Immortal King, she has not been what she used to be.

"My patience is limited, I immediately kneel down and submit to me." Hao Lin spoke again, her tone even colder, making Qing'er nervous and hiding her figure behind Lin Xiyao.

"Hao Lin, please be polite to me. Qing'er is my Little Junior Sister and is no longer your slave. You have no right to control her." Lin Xiyao scolded her coldly and acted as the Eldest Senior Sister. The role, like a younger sister, protects Qinger.

"If she doesn't obey, I'll kill her!" Hao Lin's attitude was very strong, holding her sword forward, her expression became more arrogant, she felt that killing Qing'er was too easy for her.

After all, Qinger was only her slave at the beginning, or she taught some rough methods to give Qinger a cultivation base. She knew clearly about Qinger's confidence.

It's only been more than a month, even if it is strong, how far can it go?

She couldn't believe that Zifa really had a Deity Hand section, which made Qinger have a huge explosion like reincarnation in a short period of time.

"Aren't you going to compete for the top 100, why don't you dare to stand up?"

I don't know how dare I boast about Haikou, and dare to claim to be competing for the top 100?

For those watching the dísciple outside, many people couldn't help laughing, and they didn't even dare to stand up. It's too spineless, right?

Some people even looked at Su Hao with frigid irony and scorching satire. It seemed that his wild words were finally slapped in the face by fiercely.

Worry-free Immortal King hands behind ones back, looks proud, his cultivation base is indeed not as good as purple hair, but in teaching dísciple, he has rich experience and is much stronger than that "hairless brat".

Lu Tianya stood beside Su Hao, along with Lu Qianqian, who never participated in the grand competition, shook his head and slept for a month, what can he do?


Only sigh.

"A slave is a slave, and it is impossible to get rid of it in this life." Hao Lin continued to move forward, the sword in her hand was glowing, and her tone became stronger and stronger.

Lin Xiyao's expression turned cold, and the fist under her sleeve was clenched fiercely. Although she was also annoyed that Qing'er was cowardly, she didn't care that it was fake to this Little Junior Sister.

She can say that Little Junior Sister is spineless, but she can't stand abuse from outsiders.

She stood up, ice-cold saying: "I will fight with you..."

"Eldest Senior Sister, I will come by myself, Master is right, I should be firmer. "

But at this moment, Qing'er, who had been silent all the time behind her, suddenly spoke up.

next moment, he stood in front of Lin Xiyao in a flash, looked directly at Hao Lin, his expression gradually became firm, and said, "My Master said, you are not as good as me!"

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