Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1972

Golden vines are no longer thick, but gradually shrink, and the speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the vines with the thickness of the thighs became the thickness of the arms, the thickness of the fists, and finally the thickness of the fingers.

Su Hao's breath has almost recovered to Peak, the vines as thick as fingers have become the thickness of chopsticks in this brief moment, making Su Hao's breath beyond Peak.

All the cultivation base he lost had returned, and he had absorbed the energy of the ivy, making his cultivation base grow a little bit.

At this moment, Su Hao took a step forward, bang, the vines the thickness of chopsticks, shattered.

"You, what the hell is going on here, the energy of the ivy was absorbed by you?" Elder Yu looked horrified, puzzled, such a terrifying thing, unheard-of, unprecedented.

The terrifying vine is extremely terrifying. Once it is entangled, the immortal strength is immediately absorbed, and this lost immortal strength cannot be recovered, and it will always be impossible.

Not even Immortal Sovereign can reverse it.

This is a special evil monster plant with Law Power.

But purple hair really did it.

How could he not be surprised?

It's just that he didn't have a chance to think about it anymore. He exploded the ivy, Su Hao raised his palm, looked directly at Elder Yu, and spit out three words: "The price, death!"

The sound fell, his palms fell at the same time, and the invincible power of the fifth gear, all burst out, under the shock of Elder Yu, fiercely suppressed it.

Although Elder Yu is an Earth Grade Elder, he can only be regarded as average. The cultivation base is much worse than that of Lu Tianya, and he is only slightly stronger than Zhi Lin Ye.

Even Lu Tianya can't stop Su Hao, what can he do?

One slap, die!

The whole person exploded.

scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

All of this is slow to say, but in fact, it only took a few breaths of time from the explosion of the fairy vine to the shattering of Elder Yu's body.

When everything was finalized, the sound of "suck in a cold breath" just came up and down from the mountain peak, rising rapidly, and there was an incomparable shock in the sound.

"You, you actually killed the Earth Grade Elder? You can't repay it by dying a hundred times." The Worry-Free Immortal King and another Earth Grade Elder shouted.

This scene also completely exceeded their expectations. In their hearts, Su Hao is the lamb to be slaughtered, and there is no chance of it.

Who would have thought that he Danger Land counterattacked and directly killed the Earth Grade Elder?

"You have only one chance. If you want to die, then continue." Su Hao glared at him coldly, and his words were simple and direct.

Who will kill who!


The worry-free Immortal King gritted his teeth.

Earth Grade Elder rages.

But under the gaze of Su Hao's icy pupils, they were so cold that they didn't dare to go forward, but took a dozen steps back to stabilize.

Elder Yu's death was enough of a warning, and they were really afraid that they would go to that point.

Two Earth Grade Elders, dare not shoot!

"Trash!" Su Hao cursed with extreme contempt.

This made Wuyou Immortal King two hot faces, as if they were fiercely slapped with a loud slap in the face, which was extraordinary shame and humiliation.

They gasped violently, the anger in their hearts was like a fire sea raging, but they couldn't let it out, they could only burn their hearts.

Aggrieved, helpless, depressed.

Looking at Lu Tianya's playful eyes, after the faint voice sounded, they almost had a mouthful of blood, fiercely spraying it out.

The gas almost exploded!

My face is as black as charcoal!

“If one can let people off, then spare them, Elder Su, as long as these two flies don’t keep buzzing, let them be spared.”

Su Hao no longer paid attention to , his eyes fixed on the front.

"Elder Su is indeed a lot of adults." Lu Tianya nodded with a smile, looked towards the two with gnashing teeth, and said, "Don't make a sound, otherwise, I really can't guarantee your Life."


Worry-free Immortal King, they directly smashed their big teeth, and the bright blood slowly flowed down the corners of their mouths.

But, from beginning to end, they really didn't dare to make a sound.

Fear of death!

They had no doubt that Su Hao really dared to kill them!

Su Hao stepped forward and stared at Lin Ye again. With the latter's eyes full of fear, he said indifferently: "The price I want, you must give."

"You, you'd better think clearly, I'm the dísciple of the Heaven Grade Elder, I, my Master, will never give up when I come back..."

Lin Ye's voice trembled as a threat, but it hadn't completely fallen. , Su Hao's palm has arrived, fiercely slap on his face.

Slapped, teeth shattered, blood splattered.

"Shut your mouth, if you dare to make a sound again, I can't guarantee what will happen to your next moment." Su Hao spit out the cold words, and the second big slap was even stronger He pulled it out, causing Lin Ye to fly out.

But only half a meter away, Su Hao caught up, grabbed his collar, pointed out his toes, ka-cha twice, and kicked his kneecap.

Then let go.

Lin Ye was covered in sweat in pain, and knelt down in front of Su Hao.


Su Hao's tone didn't carry any human emotion. his body.

However, Lin Ye knelt down in pain, but he didn't dare to make a sound. Su Hao's previous warning was still in his mind.

If you dare to speak, life is better than death!


Su Hao stepped on the opponent's head, Lin Ye's entire face was stuck to the ground under extreme humiliation, becoming distorted .

"I said, sorry!"

Lin Ye felt bitter in his heart, and transmitted Su Hao with Divine Soul sound, saying: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, please give it to me once Chances are, I'm willing to be a cow and a horse."


Su Hao's feet are stronger, Lin Ye's head has changed shape, he scolded: "Apologize Don't you need a mouth?"

Lin Ye screamed miserably, didn't you tell me to shut up?

His body was trembling and embarrassed, and he immediately said: "Elder Su, please be generous, treat me like a fart, I will only follow you in the future."

Su Hao Putting away the soles of his feet, Lin Ye let out a long sigh, but he didn't have time to relax completely, and the next words would make him fall into hell.

"I have already returned everything you asked me to do, except for the hundred grandfathers, that is what I think, you are not worthy of being my grandson."

" Now, let's calculate the price."

Su Hao laughed like a devil.

Lin Ye almost fainted and fought for a long time, not counting the price?

"Nosy, you have to pay a price, and you are too lenient, so the price is also relatively large..."

Su Hao's voice sounded, fingers With a sharp cold glow, he clicked slowly, and his target was obviously Lin Ye's dantian.

This is to destroy him.

"No, no, I have sacrificed a lot to get to where I am today, no..." Lin Ye wailed, but it didn't help.

If Su Hao fell here at this time, he would not have any mercy, therefore, Su Hao would not have any mercy towards him.

With his finger, a sharp cold glow shot out from his fingertips, and Lin Ye's immortal core exploded directly.

cultivation base half useless!

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