Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1967

Lin Ye used the Immortal Sovereign stone and was still blasted away with a punch!

It blinded everyone.

Not only that, as the tenth punch was thrown, Su Hao moved forward again, and as he took the next step, his breath surged up and became even more domineering.

He broke through!

"Immortal King Seventh Layer, mid-term!" Su Hao grinned, fighting one after another, his potential being released endlessly, all the energy accumulated in the body, all refining.

Go further!

"Earlier maybe you could block me, now... it's too late." Su Hao's voice fell, another punch, Immortal King Seventh Layer mid.

But for Su Hao, the power of this fist is absolutely invincible under Immortal Sovereign!

Even a false emperor can't stop Su Hao!


this fist, while everyone was completely stunned, the fiercely fell, Lin Ye flew upside down, and the sound of ka-cha sounded above his head .

Immortal Sovereign Stone, Blast!


Blood splattered, Lin Ye let out a miserable howl, and after the Immortal Sovereign stone exploded, his heart ached as if he wanted to bleed.

His hole card is useless!

This is the life-saving thing his Master gave him.

"You, you dare to blow up my Immortal Sovereign stone, you are finished, completely finished." Lin Ye roared, his eyes shot extremely ferocious, he was really crazy .

An Immortal Sovereign stone is too expensive, even more precious to him than an Immortal Sovereign.

After all, the terrifying of the Immortal Sovereign must fully reach the Immortal Sovereign cultivation base before it can be fully manifested.

The Immortal Sovereign stone, however, can be used at any time, so that his cultivation base will explode at any time.

"Did you know that the Immortal Sovereign stone blasted terrifying?" Lin Ye was completely mad, the scarlet stone exploded, and a ray of dive light fell.

The dive light fell between his eyebrows, and then poured in, and the Immortal Sovereign stone completely disappeared.

However, Lin Ye's breath, the water rose, and the mighty terrifying pressure far surpassed his cultivation base.


Below, Lu Tianya roared at Su Hao, looking extremely frightened. No one can stop him under Immortal Sovereign, and he can't even break out with all his strength!

However, it was too late. After his voice fell, Lin Ye shot again. The terrifying aura surged ten thousand zhang around.

In the ten thousand zhang void, everything is still.

Total block!

"The fifth gear, the Great Accomplishment!" The Elder below yelled, his eyes popping open, filled with incomparable horror.

What Lin Ye is showing at this moment is the Law Power of the fifth Great Accomplishment.

This is a method that only the top ten upstream and Heaven Grade Elder can control.

“When the Immortal Sovereign stone explodes, the law in it will pour into my body, giving me the greatest increase. Although it is short-lived like a meteor, it is gorgeous enough in the end!”

"You can be proud of using an Immortal Sovereign stone in exchange for your life."

Lin Ye's voice has become hoarse, even if he kills Su Hao, he Feeling unhappy, the loss this time is too great.

You must know that Immortal Sovereign stone is not something that can be made at will, and it is not covered by the rules of an Immortal Sovereign expert, so it can be done at will.

There is also a need for a carrier containing the law.

This kind of carrier, Heaven and Earth is rare and rare, it can be said that the entire Extreme Yin Church cannot find a second carrier that can accommodate the law.

Without such a carrier, Immortal Sovereign will always be impossible to make.

This thing is unique, and once it is lost, it will never be found again.


Under such anger, Lin Ye roared, and the Law Power of the fifth Great Accomplishment burst into full bloom, showing the most terrifying punch.

This fist, like a fallen star, opened up to the extreme brilliance, heading towards Su Hao's fiercely impact.

"die for me!"

With the punch, Lin Ye's roar also surged up, with incomparable confidence, this fist, a super powerful explosion , a sure-fire hit!


Su Hao scolded coldly, raised his fist, and smashed it out again.

It's still as simple and rude.

This made Lu Tianya's heart suddenly hang beside his mouth, and his whole face was extremely ugly.

"Too arrogant, this is the power of the fifth gear, the Great Accomplishment, he thought he could block it with one punch?"

"I think he was stunned by success. Mind, he feels that he is invincible now, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, but he doesn't know that the laws he faces are things that he can't touch far away."

"The fifth gear of Great Accomplishment Law Power, except for the top ten dísciples and Immortal Sovereign, is almost unstoppable!"

"In fact, Lin Ye's fifth gear of Great Accomplishment Law Power is still Somewhat false, Lin Ye is completely unable to burst out such terrifying energy. However, he has definitely reached the level of the top 50. Outside the top 50, no one can take his fist." An old man, his eyes Burning, gave an evaluation.

"The top fifty is enough for terrifying. Killing this kid isn't a matter of minutes?" Lin Ye's henchman sneered, his arms crossed his chest, and he looked like he was watching a play.

Even, a few people are still discussing, when the kid is suppressed and miserable like a dog, should they go up and make up a few feet?

After all, that guy is terrifying enough, and trampling on that kind of existence can make them feel evil in their hearts.

Under such discussions, they even took a few steps forward, still vying for the front and rear positions.

It seems that whoever stands in the front will be the first to take Su Hao to vent.



A thunderous sound rang out, Heaven and Earth shook violently.

The two fists collided.

The void collapsed.

The incomparably terrifying storm spreads from the collapsed land, setting off extremely violent waves, which makes people look at it and feel a sense of terrifying facing the end of the world.

I don't know how many people, even their hearts stopped beating in this brief moment.

And in this terrifying, a miserable howl also rang out from the collision place. Some people saw blood flying, and the silhouette flew upside down.

But looking carefully, the man who flew upside down made everyone stupid, especially those henchman from Lin Ye, who almost fainted from fright.

The audience was silent, so silent that a needle fell on the ground and could be heard clearly.

It is so silent that the heartbeat of the people around you can be clearly detected, as if you are listening to the drums.

dong dong dong, so "ear-shattering".

The person who flew upside down turned out to be... Lin Ye!

"No, this is absolutely impossible, the fifth gear, the power of the Great Accomplishment, how could you possibly block it?" Lin Ye was in a state of embarrassment. Shocked, completely impossible to compare.

He couldn't believe it, the fifth Great Accomplishment Law Power broke out, still not punching the enemy.

It made him feel like a fantasy story.

"You only know that your law has reached the fifth stage of the Great Accomplishment, but you don't know that my law, in the fifth stage, is... invincible!"

Standing proudly in the sky, purple long hair dancing in the wind, Su Hao's voice, like the judgment of God, let everyone experience the peerless dominance.

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