Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1959

The news spread, and the whole upstream was boiling. Of course, most of them were ridicule, contempt, ridicule, and even angry curses.

A guy who is about to flee under the palm of Bai Zhan's palm, how can he enter the top 100?

Even Master can't do it, is his dísciple possible?

This joke is really stupid.

"Do you now know what boosted shamelessly is?"

"hmph, crazy guy, he can hide for a while, but he can't hide for a lifetime, and in ten days, he will die It's over!"

"Look, Gu Yue, the demon boy Zhang Zheng is here too."

"Do you want to deal with that kid today? Let's go, let's follow."

Someone moved towards the sky and shouted. Seeing the two silhouettes passing by quickly, they immediately chased after them until they reached the foot of Lu Tianya's mountain.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered under this mountain, and the voices of discussion are extremely loud, and some people are even cursing at the mountain, coward, timid as a mouse.

Bai Zhan and the others are here.

With the arrival of the black clothed woman Gu Yue and the immature teenager Zhang Zheng, the discussion on the scene became more noisy. Three great experts came to the door at the same time, hehe, there is a good show to watch.

However, no matter how they cursed, there was no movement on the top of the mountain, and Lu Tianya never came forward to maintain it.

As a matter of fact, Lu Tianya was very anxious at this time, he already knew about Su Hao's failure, including the terrifying injuries on Su Hao's body, he had already seen it.

And this is just what Bai Zhan did.

Bai Zhan is only the top 200 in the upstream dísciple, and there is still a big gap between the top 100.

"Alas." Lu Tianya sighed, feeling that things were getting more and more troublesome, and the only luck in his heart was gone.

"grandfather, you shouldn't have any hope for him, he's just a mid-range dísciple, no matter how powerful he is, what kind of storms can he cause in the upstream?"

Lu Qianqian seems to be very concerned about all this. She had expected it long ago, but there was no surprise on her face. If Su Hao hadn't failed, she would have been surprised.


At this moment, a word was coldly dropped.

In the lounge, Su Hao strode out, looking gloomy.

The Avatar and the body have been completely integrated, and in less than one hour, he has gone one step further and stepped into the Immortal King Seventh Layer!

Also, what appeared at this time was Su Hao's body. He left a mental idea to maintain the space in the dream, allowing Lin Xiyao and the others to continue their cultivation.

The main body comes out, Su Hao wants to teach those guys how to be a man!

"Little friend Su, no, there are a lot of experts gathered outside, didn't you go to courting death?" Lu Tianya looked terrified and immediately persuaded.

"You still hide in the lounge and don't show up. Within ten days, let my grandfather find a way to send you away and hide outside."

"Otherwise , my life is about to die."

Lu Qianqian's tone was cold, and by the way, he gave Su Hao a blank look, don't think this is still in the middle, you can ignore the law and of natural morality.

However, after the two voices fell one after another, Su Hao stepped down one step at a time and rushed out of the palace like a light, looking at the vast crowd below.

"You..." Lu Qianqian's expression changed greatly, and she cursed: "act recklessly!"

"follow." Lu Tianya rushed out without saying a word, Su Hao Concerning his life, he absolutely does not allow the former to have any problems here.

Su Hao appeared, standing on the top of the mountain, with purple long hair flying, looking at the vast crowd below with an arrogant attitude.

The noisy scene was not silent, but even more piercing. Countless people yelled at them with smiles of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"coward finally dared to come out."

"Whoops, isn't this guy trying to make his dísciple into the top 100?"

"hahaha , Senior Brother Bai can crush him with one palm, but he himself can't make it into the top 100."

The piercing noise rushed up the mountain like a torrent, the more it was said, the more unpleasant it was, completely treating Su Hao as a got a clown.

Bai Zhan even twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out a finger, pointed towards the mountain peak, and said, "Kneel down immediately, apologize, self-abandon the cultivation base, I can let you live today."

What he did before made him confident and crushing Su Hao, it was as simple as eating and drinking for him, and naturally he was not polite.

"Boy, let's do it quickly, otherwise, my big brother will crush you." Bai Yunfeng agreed, with an evil smile.

Lin Qingyang and the three Alliance Leaders, with their arms folded over their chests, have no more respect for Su Hao, and some are just disdainful.

In the upstream, this kid is not that good?

"Your name is Bai Zhan?" Su Hao opened his mouth, walking towards the bottom of the mountain, his purple long hair flying in a mess, with arrogant and despotic.

"Upstream, one hundred and eighty-two, Bai Zhan!" Bai Zhan raised his head, and when he talked about his ranking, his eyes also revealed a strong sense of complacency.

In the upstream of Heaven's Chosen gathering, it is extremely extraordinary to be able to enter the top 200.


Su Hao dropped a word, speeding up, his aura rose up, and it seemed that he shot directly.

And this made Lu Tianya and Lu Qianqian on the mountain suddenly tense. Isn't this going to die?

There was a more harsh laugh at the foot of the mountain. How dare this kid dare to shoot?

He can't even stop him with a hand, what qualifications does he have?

"It seems that Coward also has a temper, but no matter how big his temper is, he's just a tortoise?" Bai Yunfeng said mystifying.


Laughing all over the place.

Bai Zhan is white clothed and handsome, with Su Hao's mighty aura, but he is calm, hands behind ones back, completely ignored.

This kind of person can be crushed with just one finger.

Outsiders only know that he suppressed Zifa with one hand, but they don't know that that hand is only 50% of his skill.

Wouldn't one finger not be enough if you burst out with all your strength?

Even, totally useless!

"Bai Zhan, why don't you give this person to me, he offended my Master." Gu Yue stood up with a stunning face, but her tone was extremely cold. As she spoke, murderous aura made the temperature of the space suddenly rise. reduce.

"It's better for me to come, Senior Brother and Senior Sister are both powerful, to deal with such weak chickens, I'll do it." The boy who looked twelve or thirteen years old stood up.

Magic boy Zhang Zheng, born with a natural phenomenon, has a terrifying talent, and in just 30 years of cultivation, he has already ranked among the top 200 upstream.

Give him time, and the top 100 of the entire Eastern Wilderness in the future will definitely be in his pocket.

His innate talent, in the entire Eastern Wilderness, is of the highest level.

"No, he hit my younger brother and took my younger brother's storage bag. I will collect this debt myself." Bai Zhan laughed and took a step forward.

Gu Yue and Zhang Zheng, refused to yield an inch, immediately followed along.

The three of you are fighting for each other, and they all regard Su Hao as an ant, and they can win at will.

Su Hao naturally saw this as well. He looked indifferent and spit out three words: "Let's go together."

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