Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1953

I do!

Su Hao's three words shocked the audience, and Lin Xiyao and the others' expressions changed suddenly, and they were not confident.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is not confident, but that it is absolutely impossible.

Although they have made a lot of progress, in a month's time, they compete for the top 100 in the upper reaches.

Number One Person in the middle reaches, far surpasses them. When they reach the upper reaches, they may not even be able to enter the top 300. How can they compete for the top 100?

"Master..." Several people with extremely ugly faces shouted softly.

"It's actually quite simple."

Su Hao dropped a few more words.


Worry-free Immortal King, etc., all laughed heartily, simple?

You are indeed powerful, but are all your dísciples also enchanting?

Have you been to the upstream?

Know the terrifying of those guys upstream?

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Worry-free Immortal King laughed and left here with Shen Bijun. Before leaving, he looked towards Su Hao with a strong look in his eyes. Strong contempt.

"One month, Elder Su, don't let us down."

remaining elders, his tone was full of teasing, followed by playful laughter , going straight to the depths.

Until they left, Jin Tianhong said anxiously: "Elder Su, you are really impulsive, those guys are obviously playing tricks on you."

"Upstream dísciple, it's Extreme Yin Among the elites of the Church elite, many are final disciples of old monsters, and even if they are placed in the entire Eastern Wilderness, they are notoriously influential figures."

Zhou Tong and the others were nodded, upstream That's where the elite dísciple of the Extreme Yin Church gathers.

"It's okay." Su Hao still looked peaceful.

"You are really too careless and too arrogant." Lu Qianqian stood up and said, "I admit, you are indeed terrifying, but you think your dísciple can be the same as yours. ?"

"I'm ranked upstream, and I can't even get into the top 400. Can your dísciple compare to mine?"

She looked towards Lin Xiyao, sisters of the Mo family , and Qing'er, who gave a weak feeling, kept shaking her head, these four people came together, and they were not necessarily her opponents.

In the end, Lu Tianya stood up and explained the interests, but he still couldn't make Su Hao change color. In desperation, he said: "Little friend Su, why don't you go upstream with me, upstream? It's also more suitable for cultivation."

He hoped that Su Hao would go and see for himself, when the time comes, he would know just how... confused the conditions he agreed on impulse.

"Alright." Su Hao wanted to go upstream, and since he had such an opportunity, he naturally wouldn't let it go.

Before leaving, Su Hao dropped some medicine pills for Jin Tianhong. These medicine pills are very good for his injury, at least it will not cause the injury to explode.

After doing all this, Su Hao and the four of them, Lin Xiyao and Lu Tianya, went straight upstream along the Taiyin River.

Extreme Yin Church dísciple doesn't have trials. It depends on your ability to enter the middle or upper reaches. If you think it's OK, then go.

No one stopped me.

But if you die, you can't blame others.

In fact, if it wasn't for Su Hao and the others following Lu Tianya, when they crossed the boundary between the middle and upper reaches, those dísciples would have already killed them.

The competition in the upstream is even fiercer, even tragic. Every dísciple in the upstream is Heaven's Chosen. If you slack off, you may be surpassed by others.

Be surpassed, it may be beheaded.

Therefore, upstream dísciple values resources more than anything else. In the case of similar innate talent, resources determine who is higher and who is lower.

Generally, a dísciple from the middle reaches will be stripped of its resources the moment it enters the upper reaches.

For example, Number One Person Lin Qingyang, the three Alliance Leaders, they all entered the upstream, and they also suffered from being looted.

This also led to those people getting angry when they saw that Su Hao was intact.

"Senior Brother, that is Elder Su in the middle reaches. He is very powerful and proud of himself. He made a bet with Earth Grade Elders such as Wuyou Immortal King to enter the top 100 in the upper dísciple. ."

Lin Qingyang looked at the man beside him and said with a smile.

"The top 100? He?" The white clothed man sneered said, "The downstream leader would not dare to say that he can rank in the top 100 upstream."

His name is Bai Yunfeng, and he doesn't rank in the top 300 in the upper reaches, but he treats the middle reaches dísciple and Elder with contempt.

"Senior Brother Bai, it's not that he made it into the top 100, but the four women behind him. That's his dísciple, and he wants them to make it into the top 100."

Three Alliance Leaders fan the flames.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, he can't even get in, and he let her dísciple go in? However, his four dísciples are pretty good looking. I've heard of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Bai Yunfeng is sneered, his contempt is even stronger, and the existence in the top 100 is well-known in the battle dragon list.

The Battle Dragon List is a ranking of young cultivators by Eastern Wilderness. It is very authoritative, and it is extremely difficult for the upstream dísciple to make the list.

The top 100 dísciples, on the Dragon War List, are all terrifying existences within the 1000s, and that kind of person is completely a monster.

"Let's go."

Bai Yunfeng twitched his lips and followed behind Su Hao and the others. When Lu Tianya's grandfather and grandson finally left, they accelerated to catch up.

"Boy, I heard that you are going to challenge the upper dísciple?" Bai Yunfeng raised his neck and strode forward, his demeanor showing boundless arrogance.

It's a pity that he was completely aloof and remote in the air, Su Hao didn't even look at him, he just ignored it.


Bai Yunfeng is furious, the trash Elder in the middle of trifling, is he qualified to show off in front of him?

With a raised palm, a white light burst out from the palm, with extremely powerful destructive power, it went straight to Su Hao strikes.

Su Hao remained indifferent, hands behind ones back, standing under the mountain.

However, the complexion greatly changed for the four Lin Xiyao.

The four women joined forces, and the momentum created was not small, but under the white light of Baiyun Peak, like the mud, it disintegrated instantly.

"Good terrifying."

The color of the four people changed greatly, they exerted all their strength and made a joint shot, but they couldn't stop the random blows.

Fortunately, the white light broke the defense of the four and did not continue to move forward.

“I am ranked 307th in the upstream. What I used before was only 5 successes. Do you think you are qualified to enter the top 100?”

Bai Yunfeng smiled playfully.

Lin Xiyao's four daughters had extremely ugly faces, and at the same time they were extremely shocked. The upstream dísciple was indeed terrifying.

More terrifying than expected.

Those who are outside the top 300 can suppress the combined force of the four with only five successes.

How can you compete for the top 100?

It's a fool's errand!

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