Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1948

Silent scene, needle drop can be heard.

Everyone's heart hangs in their mouths, it's incredible, it's really incredible.

dumbfounded, chills all over, as if seeing the most fantasy story in the world, more terrifying than the sun rising from the west.

The first heroic spirit, with Zi Fa's words, knelt down directly!

Even Mu Xuankun himself was stunned for more than ten seconds, and a thick inconceivable color burst out in his eyes.

"How can this happen, how can this happen?" He roared loudly, trying his best to control the First Heroic Spirit, asking it to stand up and kill the person in front of him.

It's a pity that the huge body of the one-horned ox, although it is one with him, has its own will, and it strongly resists his control at this time.

More than that, it looked into Su Hao's pupils, revealing even more terrifying horror, as if seeing its greatest nemesis.

"Roll over."

Su Hao spoke again.

Suddenly, the body of the underworld cow trembled fiercely, with a low whine, kneeling on the ground, and crawling towards Su Hao, it was a minion to the extreme.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, this is absolutely impossible!" Mu Xuankun was completely unable to dominate all of this, only roaring in anger and unwillingness.

It's not just him, the whole audience is like this, this first heroic spirit is the Demon Emperor's mount, so terrifying, how can he be so afraid of the guy in front of him?

"I know, I know, he must have something to do with the ancient beast clan. It is said that the people from that ancient race are very good at controlling beasts, even Divine Beast can be enslaved!" The old man shouted.

Suddenly, it aroused the approval of the audience. This is absolutely the case, and there is only such a reasonable explanation.

Mu Xuankun also believed this statement, and immediately became fearful to the limit. If so, he restrained him.

If he was not human and beast one, there might still be a way to survive, but now it is absolutely impossible.

He is equivalent to sending himself to death!

Su Hao sneered, and did not reply to the speculation of the crowd. He did not intend to reveal his identity, and it was not the time to reveal it yet.

The one-horned ox crawled in front of Su Hao, lowered its huge head, and let out a whimper.

But Su Hao has no mercy. He used to backlash Demon Emperor in the past, and now he is going to devour him, this beast, die without regret.

"Since he's dead, just go in peace."

He stretched out his palm and touched the sharp horn of the ox, and suddenly, the uni-horned ox let out a painful groan. Howling, but did not dare to move half a minute.

As can be seen by the naked eyes of the people around, the body of the ox is shrinking rapidly, and the black mist, like a stream of water, enters Su Hao's body along the single horn.


Everyone's heart jumped fiercely, he was devouring!

"No, I don't want it, I don't want it!" Mu Xuankun's voice was even more mournful, he was one with the ox, and Su Hao devoured the ox, which was equivalent to devouring him.

Unfortunately, all of this didn't work in the slightest. Su Hao's palm absorbed endlessly, and the huge ox quickly shrank.

Three thousand zhang, two thousand zhang, one thousand zhang.

It's just a few breaths, it's already shrunk by a factor of three.

And Su Hao's breath, after absorbing the black mist, gradually became stronger and more stalwart.

"Eight hundred zhang, five hundred zhang, three hundred zhang..."

The ox shrinks without any hesitation. , Su Hao is a little bit more powerful.


At this moment, the sound of a void explosion sounded, Shen Bijun looked extremely cold, and the white python whip in his hand came fiercely.

Su Hao is absorbing, which is equivalent to cultivation. At this time, he is the weakest, and it is the best time to kill him.

If he waits until he completely absorbs the ox, it will be more powerful, then it will be a Supreme catastrophe for her, and it will be difficult for her to hide in the upper reaches.

However, he really underestimated Su Hao. After the white python whip came, Su Hao's left hand slammed out.

With unparalleled precision, grab the white python whip.

That huge power made his palms not tremble at all.

"Impossible, even if you can do two things at the same time, but in the case of absorbing the huge ox, you can still block my attack with all your strength."

Shen Bijun Once again, unexpectedly, the purple hair showed extraordinary everywhere.

In fact, this extraordinary is just the beginning. While grabbing the white python whip, Su Hao fiercely flicked the palm of his hand, and Shen Bijun's body flew upside down.

That huge power is much stronger than the previous purple hair, so that she has no power to fight back at all.

As her body flew upside down, Su Hao's fingers lifted, and a black lightning shot out, with the terrifying Death Aura, rushing towards him.

The terrifying in this black light is enough to cut off Shen Bijun's vitality.

"Not good!"

Worry-free Immortal King complexion greatly changed, step down, with a monstrous roar, a terrifying sword light quickly cut down.

Worry-free sword!

Worry-free Immortal King's cultivation base has reached the Immortal King Ninth Layer Peak, plus this terrifying Sword Art, which is much more terrifying than Zhi Mu Xuankun.

Suddenly, the lightning of black exploded, and the sharp sword light, inexhaustible, continued to move forward and went straight to Su Hao to kill.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Su Hao can block Mu Xuankun, most of which is due to the demon seal engraved in the first British Spirit Physique, the real battle strength is still a little worse.

Not to mention the terrifying sword.

A real threat to him.


A heavy shouting sounded, and under the shocked gaze of everyone, an old man rushed out, covered his palm, and firmly fixed that sword light .

Then his palm smashed in the void like a grinding disc, and the sword light was completely shattered.

Worry-free Immortal King's eyes froze, and he looked away, but after he really saw the person who came, the coldness disappeared quickly and turned into fear.

"Dignified Earth Grade Elder, are you so rude?" Lu Tianya's voice, with a strong question, his eyes with the majesty of Supreme, stared straight at Wuyou Immortal King .

"Old Lu, you should know the identity of this woman. If something goes wrong with her, I can't explain it to the top." Wuyou Immortal King's eyes flashed, and she took out Shen Bijun as a shield.

"It's okay to take her away, but it shouldn't be a sneak attack." Lu Tianya's tone softened a little, the Queen Biluo was reincarnated, and the executives of Extreme Yin Church attached great importance to it.


Worry-free Immortal King bowed his head in humility.

Those upstream elders shouldn't say too much, Lu Tianya is upstream, but apart from the Heaven Grade Elder, he is one of the most noble and one of the three most powerful cultivation bases.

How dare they make trouble?

However, after everyone calmed down, there was an extremely angry shout from the far west: "Extreme Yin Church, give my younger brother the life!"

The voice sounded , everyone immediately looked, in the west, a bloody sun quickly lifted off!

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