Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1944

"Only the poor will be rewarded!"

Su Hao's words are powerful!

The audience was silent.

After a while, have a big laughter, surging up, I don't know how many people, tears of laughter are about to flow down, they seem to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

The mediocrity is rewarded?

This is really strange.

This kid won't be scared stupid, right?

"He must have been afraid or jealous to say such a brainless thing."

"Unfortunately, he has reached a dead end, and now he is acting stupid and stunned. , it doesn't play a half-point role at all."

"Hehe, I just quietly watched him pretend to be aggressive, looked at him, how could I play myself to death."

In the crowd, countless sarcasm and ridicule sounded.

Everyone thought that Su Hao was pretending, or that he was stimulated to the point of insanity.

Even Jin Tianhong, Lin Xiyao and the others had this idea.

Even the upstream Earth Grade Elder Lu Tianya also frowned, and these words should not have come out of this person's mouth.

In his heart, Su Hao is terrifying, extraordinary, and wise.

The words at this time are too confusing, and the three-year-old child will not say it.

Summon Daomen, empowered by the Great Way, this is a great honor of Supreme, it is a monstruous talent genius with extremely high innate talent, and only Supreme treatment can be obtained.


It's ridiculous.

"You and I stand at different heights, so naturally you have different perspectives. What I can see is not what you can achieve." Su Hao's words were calm, but with a hint of uncertainty. Share the breath of the superior, if he is standing on the Peak, all living beings are at his feet.

These words naturally caused contempt from more people, and more harsh laughter rose into the sky. This kid is crazy, completely crazy, he is afraid he doesn't know who he is. Who is it?

Especially the upstream Elder, and the worry-free Immortal King, all showed extremely contemptuous smiles, it was simply boiled shamelessly!

Do you really think of yourself as a character?

Su Hao stepped forward and went straight to the 9th floor of Life and Death. The ridicule and abuse around him were automatically ignored by him and did not affect him in the slightest.

Three steps forward, he was still 100 meters away from the 9th floor, and the faint voice just came out of his mouth again.

One sentence, the audience fell silent.

"From ancient times to the present, who has ever seen an emperor be rewarded?"

Among the common people, the emperor is the sky and controls the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles. Who dares to tell him a reward, why does he need a reward?

Many people looked thoughtful.

"The reward is only a servant, and a mediocrity!" Su Hao's pace was neither fast nor slow, another three steps, a step of ten meters, and seventy meters away from the 9th floor.

The dangerous atmosphere belonging to the 9th layer of life and death has already enveloped him.

But Su Hao ignored it, and his voice, with a hint of mist, continued to enter the ears of everyone: "The emperor rewards the General, and the General cannot have too much credit."

"After all, if he is good enough and his merit is high, the emperor will not reward him, but he is afraid and will try his best to kill him!"

Su Hao's words, as he approached the 50th floor of the 9th floor The meter range sounded again, making the audience silent.

Many have been frowned and lost in thought.

"Heavenly Dao is the same, it will only reward mediocre talents."

The voice fell, and the audience roared, especially upstream Elders such as Wuyou Immortal King, experienced and knowledgeable, righteous Comprehension is profound.

Su Hao's words are simple.

The two were rewarded for not threatening Heavenly Dao.

In other words, Heavenly Dao, look down on them.

This also left them speechless.

Thinking about it, it seems to be the case.

"Real talent is not rewarded, only hindered!"

"Because...he can threaten God!"

Su Hao's voice , loud and deafening, I don't know how many people trembled, moved towards him and looked at him.

While everyone was watching, Su Hao appeared thirty meters away from the 9th layer of Life and Death, and in this brief moment, his soles stepped fiercely on the ground.

The ground cracked open the terrifying ravine, and his body shot into the sky.

Accurately speaking, it shoots into the sky!

Like a bolt of lightning!

Everyone quickly lifts the head and their eyes follow.

And after looking at it, the audience trembled.

"Pu Thong! Pfft!"

I don't know how many people, after looking at them, they collapsed to the ground with a look of incomparable astonishment.

Even, still shiver coldly.

I can't help it.

The scene I saw was really exciting.

Even the worry-free Immortal King, the upstream Elder, is fiercely trembling at this moment.

Su Hao turned into a flash of lightning, which was extremely fast, disappeared in the blink of an eye, reappeared, it turned out to be... Ninth Layer Building!

Lightning exploded, a black clothed man with purple hair, standing on the pinnacle, hands behind ones back, like a peerless Sovereign, controlling the world and leading the world.

It is unattainable.

One step to the top!

On the 9th floor, just one step!

Until this time, the test below was gradually emerging, and the roaring sound rose to the sky, but unfortunately, Su Hao was completely unable to do anything.

The audience was silent.


Even Shen Bijun and Mu Xuankun, who were upstairs with him on the Ninth Layer, were stunned, as if they were in a dream.

Why is this scene so unreal?

In the next moment, with Su Hao appearing, as they were shocked to the extreme, the huge roar sounded again, and the void churned.

There was a boom.

The door... exploded!

Su Hao just stood here, and the door to Dao exploded instantly.

Daoguang quickly disappeared.

Don't dare to appear.

Seems to be apprehensive.

I dare not give him a reward, for fear of helping him go further.

At this time, the sky is rolling, the wind is howling, the rain is like a waterfall, the thunder is deafening, and the lightning is vast.

Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, falling from the sky at the same time.

Like, God perceives the danger and displays the most terrifying attack, to immediately kill the one who can threaten him.

"He, was punished?"

Someone muttered to himself like a dream.

Heavenly Dao, be afraid!

He can threaten the sky!

"Wind, rain, thunder, electricity!" Su Hao smiled, stepping down, banging loudly, like a giant dragon stepping on the sky, Megatron Heaven and Earth, sweeping the world!

He pierced the wind with his fists, swallowed rain from the sky, resisted thunder with his body, and controlled electricity with his law.


This scene made the elders and dísciples below all stunned, and all the ridicule and ridicule towards Su Hao turned into fear and awe.

I have seen something extraordinary, but I have never seen something so extraordinary.

Compared with this person, Mu Xuankun and the mysterious woman are really a lot worse.

murderous aura is rolling, domineering, Su Hao ignores everything, and has a vicious and ferocious aura, like an ancient Demon God, invincible and indestructible!

At the end, the four heavenly punishments, moving around his body, were unable to cause any damage.


Accurately speaking, the four heavenly punishments, dancing around him, were actually controlled by him and turned into their own power.

He controls Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning.

More stalwart!

In this brief moment, Su Hao turned his head, his eyes blazing like flames, looking at Shen Bijun and Mu Xuankun, his voice was like wandering avenues, mighty Heaven and Earth: "Come, fight!"

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