Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1939

Su Hao's words, like in the dark night of despair, lit a beacon for the old man, and the hope that had been extinguished once again appeared a little spark.

"Little friend, can you recommend me? After this is done, the old man will be very grateful."

"I, Lu Tianya, are in the upper reaches, and I still have a little authority. If you have any requests, feel free to mention, the old man must go through water and tread on fire."

Lu Tianya looked at Su Hao expectantly, with a deep excitement in his eyes, this was very important to him. Said, is the last straw, must be firmly grasped.

“However, the blood moon is a sin, and the world cannot tolerate it. I heard that Eastern Wilderness rejects it even more, especially the Extreme Yin Church, who even threatened to destroy it completely.”

Su Hao stared at the old man with a playful corner of his mouth.

"I don't want to pay attention to all that old man. If my little friend is willing to introduce me, I will be tight-lipped and will never reveal the identity and whereabouts of Blood Moon." Lu Tianya immediately assured.

Although Lu Qianqian is cunning and arrogant, her character is straight-forward and she said, "I don't know how much I have done for Extreme Yin Church. In the end, my grandfather was seriously injured. Who paid for him?"

Speaking of this, there is still some resentment in Lu Qianqian's eyes. Back then, his grandfather was injured. If the Sovereign of Extreme Yin Church is willing to make some sacrifices, it will not fall to the current level.

And they were afraid that Blade Qi would implicate them and affect their future, and they were ruthless and cold-blooded to his grandfather, which made them cold.

Su Hao smiled playfully, it seems that this grandson also has a lot of resentment towards Extreme Yin Church.

He said: "Alright, I promise to introduce you, but the time is uncertain, you can wait for my summary at any time."

"However, my grandfather's injury cannot be delayed at all. His vitality is now fading uncontrollably." Lu Qianqian said immediately.

"It's easy to say that although I can't treat him, I can still suppress him for some time. Come on." Su Hao looked towards Lu Tianya.

After hesitating, the latter stepped forward, and before he could get close to Su Hao, the latter's palm had already reached lightning like sharp eagle claws.

And the goal is the heart.

Even after getting close, Immortal Qi's sharp edge, five fingers like steel needles, pierced straight into it, and blood immediately poured out.


Lu Tianya was injured, and Su Hao's shot was so decisive and fast that he couldn't react, allowing Su Hao to succeed.

"Boy, you are courting death!" Lu Qianqian's expression changed greatly, the silver sword in his hand trembled suddenly, and a sharp cold glow burst out.

This kid is going to dig his grandfather's heart!

"Girl, don't move!"

But at this moment, the old man hurriedly shouting loudly, his eyes were no longer pain, but intense excitement.

"grandfather, he wants to dig your heart!" Lu Qianqian's eyes were cold, and he strode forward, the silver sword in his hand, the third sword spike exploded, opening it with all his strength.

"No, little friend is saving me, you step back." Lu Tianya said loudly, his voice was loud, at least he seemed more powerful than before.

Even, his sluggish breath has eased a lot in this brief moment, and it can be felt that his cultivation base has been filled up again.

Su Hao's fingers pierced into his heart, and a terrifying swallowing force emerged, which actually absorbed a lot of the Blade Qi of Thunder Fire in his body.

This kid is not hurting him, but saving him!

This scene also made Lu Qianqian realize that in the big black eyes, the coldness weakened, and there was a thick inconceivable.

This way of saving people is really unheard-of, unprecedented.

"His injury has penetrated deep into the body, and it has reached a critical moment. Without some special means, it is impossible to suppress it."

"If his body is not too weak, I will His fleshy body exploded, leaving only his immortal core. In this case, it can be extended for at least a hundred days."

"And now, there are only fifty days."

Su Hao's voice was unemotional, but his heart was extremely excited.

His fingers penetrated deep into the old man's heart, absorbing the Thunder Fire dual swords in his body, which was a great tonic to him.

apart from this, this old man has eaten Ice Dragon gallbladder, and the level is not low, and even a real purebred gentian, it can be said that the benefits are endless.

Su Hao absorbs as much as he can, and at the same time, absorbs Yin Qi in the spring, making the cultivation base rapidly powerful.

On the other hand, the old man's injury was gradually suppressed, and his breath became stronger.

This is a win-win!

This scene lasted for two days and two nights. In the evening of the third day, Su Hao's palm left the old man's heart.

At this moment, the old man's breath has reached the peak, although it is temporary, it makes him experience an unprecedented joy.

"Very good, very good!" He almost burst out laughing, not knowing how many years, he hadn't felt so happy.

He looked at Su Hao, and what he said to him was even more certain, this is a very person!

"Go on, I'll contact you when the time comes." Su Hao dropped a jade slip and closed his eyes quickly.

Until the old man and the young girl retreated, a black lustre appeared on his body, and a mysterious ancient talisman flickered on his chest.

Under the simultaneous action of Supreme Heavenly Demon Art and twelve Ancient God orders, the Thunder Fire double Blade Qi and Ice Dragon guts absorbed by the body rapidly refining.

Su Hao's cultivation base, rising step by step, keeps sprinting, although it failed to enter the middle stage of Immortal King Sixth Layer, it is also much stronger.

He has absolute certainty that he can control the Sealing Demon Seal!

"Mu Xuankun, I'm here!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, with a ray of black light flashing, Su Hao twitched the corners of his mouth and stood up , the whole person exudes a domineering air.

At this time, the sky has reached noon, and the battle with Mu Xuankun is today!

Su Hao stepped on the soles of his feet, rose from the mountain peak, and stepped into the sky at the same time, his peripheral vision swept toward the dark place, faintly shook the head.

"People are unpredictable." Su Hao hurriedly spit out four words.

After he left, one old and one young walked out. It turned out that Lu Tianya and Lu Qianqian did not leave, they had been hiding here.

"Let's follow him, this person can definitely save me, but I want to know more about him." Lu Tianya narrowed his eyes and led Lu Qianqian to chase after him.

Su Hao walked forward for several hundred li, just in time to meet Jin Tianhong, Zhuo Feng, Zhou Tong, Lin Xiyao and the others who came quickly.

The expressions of everyone were even more ugly than those three days ago.

As a matter of fact, they have had trouble sleeping and eating for the past three days. With the strength of Mu Xuankun, their hopes for Su Hao are already minimal.

Especially, today, Mu Xuankun chose the place of Life and Death Battle, which made several people feel uneasy, and despair has occupied most of them.

"Mu Xuankun is in...the 9th floor of Life and Death!"

Jin Tianhong looked at Su Hao with a solemn voice.


Su Hao laughed, he also heard Lin Xiyao mention that place.

If Yinshan is the first place of good fortune in the middle reaches, then the 9th floor of Life and Death is the first dangerous place in the middle reaches.

That place is indeed suitable for Life and Death Battle!

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