Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1930

Su Hao's standing up has not been recognized by everyone, and it has attracted countless contempt, contempt, and cursed him for overestimate one's capabilities, cannot tell good from bad.

How could he be able to settle this situation?

Even Lin Qingyang, who was as miserable as a dog, glanced at Su Hao with a look of extreme disdain. If it weren't for the serious injury, he would have already scolded him.

In his mind, Su Hao was not even close to him by an unknown number of grades, and he could crush it with one hand, like crushing an ant.

Not to mention the battle against Blood Peak, who even he can't do anything about.

There are not enough ants.

"It's just grandstanding!" he coldly said.

But under such discussions, Su Hao's pace did not stop, he continued to move forward, staring straight at Blood Peak, and said, "I'm here to challenge you."

"Are you worthy?"

Blood Peak twitched the corner of his mouth and asked in a rhetorical tone with complete disdain. In his eyes, Su Hao was an ant that could be crushed with one hand.

Such a person has no interest in fighting.

It's not worth his shot at all.

“Extreme Yin Church is really rubbish. At this level, it’s really eye-opening that I can only send such a rubbish to masquerade as having an ability.”

He glanced at the audience and stimulated it again, causing more people to clench their fists, wishing to smash their teeth into pieces.

And in such annoyance, the eyes of those people looked towards Su Hao again, wishing to spit out flames, some angry guys pointed at Su Hao and cursed, all because of you. so much shame.

"Do you think that when you stand up at this time, everyone will admire you? Tell you, it's just grandstanding, people are more important than they are to be well-known!"

"Go down immediately and look for Don't lose face of my Extreme Yin Church." The leader, even sharper, stared at Su Hao coldly.

However, Su Hao didn't give a reply, he just thought he was air, he looked at Blood Peak, lightly said with a smile: "Actually, you are nothing."


The voice just fell, and Blood Peak's eyes were like two sharp swords stabbed fiercely. If eyes can kill, Su Hao will definitely be shattered.

Blood Peak crushed Lin Qingyang, and it was when he was proud that he felt that he had reached his Peak, that he was complacent, high-spirited and vigorous, at this time, how could he be despised?

What's more, Su Hao's words are equivalent to an insult to him.

what are you?

Teach me how to behave?

Dare to say it?

"You want to die, I'll give you a ride!" Under the irritation, he strode down, his sword qi whistled, and rushed towards Su Hao.

In an instant, the temperature here dropped again, and the angry dísciple and Elder, almost in an instant, retreated sharply.

“Cannot tell good from bad, die without regret!”

“He wants to die, let him die!”

Those people yelled angrily.

Of course, there were also people who showed cold smiles, such as the three Alliance Leaders, Su Hao, which was a big surprise for them.

After all, they decided that Su Hao was inferior to Blood Peak, and that standing up was just a death sentence.

They want purple hair, die!

“bang! ”

sword qi is turbulent, rolling and rolling, and the great waves in the void emit a vast roar, unmatched in momentum, like ten thousand horses galloping, breaking through mountains and rivers hundreds of thousands li.


In the sword qi, there seems to be a shout of killing, this is a general trend, using the momentum to suppress people, sword qi has not arrived, imposing manner to oppress the enemy's courage.

Actually, it was indeed very terrifying. Many people turned pale, their bodies were cold, and their bodies couldn't help shaking.

The fallen Lin Qingyang felt terrifying even more.

This sword is no weaker than when he fought against him.

"You won't die if you don't do it!"

He secretly spit out four words and stopped watching.

Of course!


One word fell, decisive!

As the sound sounded, Su Hao's fist was also punched out fiercely, causing the space to tremble violently, and the wind howled like a desolate dragon roar.

And in this mighty dragon roar, the blood-colored sword qi, under the crushing force of the fist light, shattered and exploded, turning into a blood-colored cloud of smoke.

The time is short, just a few breaths, the scene is silent, completely silent.

Not only the disappearance of sword qi, the calmness of the void, the noisy discussions of those around, and the vicious curses, but also the complete disappearance.

Everyone shivered, dumbfounded.

Lin Qingyang, who fell to the ground, opened his eyes even more, his eyes filled with unspeakable shock.


He couldn't block that sword, but this kid actually blocked it?

How is this possible?


Blood Peak, the party involved, was even more astonished to the extreme. Could it be that sword qi has reached its limit and has completely lost its formidable power?

His sword qi, the Royal Heavenly God sword from the blood emperor soft blue silk, is not his own cultivation base, it belongs to borrowing, has a limit, and is impossible to use for a long time.


Su Hao's tone is casual, his smile is flat, and he looks harmless to humans and animals, but at this time, the feeling for Blood Peak is a deep contempt.

His eyes were fierce, blood-colored brilliance shot out, and his anger reached boundless, shouted: "Boy, do you think I really can't help you?"

"Blood Sword The sea!"

His voice was almost roaring, the blood-colored sword qi roared and galloped, reaching the Peak, and countless blood-colored sword qi rushed away.

This space has once again turned into an ocean of sword qi.

Even, even more terrifying than the pinnacle sword against Lin Qingyang.

Those people stepped back even more, for fear of suffering the calamity of Chiyu.

Jin Tianhong, Lin Xiyao and the others have not had time to express their excitement because of Su Hao's success, and they have been deeply worried again.

They looked extremely nervous, the fists under their sleeves were clenched tightly, and their palms were full of sweat. This sword was no weaker than the Leader.

"There is no doubt of death!"

The half-crippled Lin Qingyang moved back with his heavy body. From this sword, he felt the terrifying death threat.

Absolutely irresistible!

"Then teach you how to be human."

Lin Qingyang's voice entered Su Hao's ears, and when he was caught by him, he evoked a playful smile. , take a step forward.

It is this step that makes everyone shivered.

Under such circumstances, he dared to move forward?

"Immortal nod

He also performed immortal nodding.

Everyone was shocked, he also knew this terrifying immortal art?

However, Lin Qingyang shook his head violently, unable to stop him.

He has been nodding his cultivation immortal for decades. Under the guidance of Almighty, he has just reached the point where he is today.

Su Hao's age is not as good as his, and his cultivation base is not as good as his. Is it possible for his achievements to surpass him?

His immortal nod p, can't stop Blood Peak, how can the purple hair stop it?

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