Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1922

Scarlet long spear, showing off one's ability, imposing manner is unparalleled, less than a blink of an eye, has already arrived in front of Lin Qingyang, very ruthless, going straight to the head and blasting away.


It hasn’t arrived yet, where Lin Qingyang is, the void has completely exploded, and the black gap is flickering above the void.

The people below were all tense to the extreme, and their bodies were soaked with sweat. This kind of attack was really too terrifying.

Zhao Yin, Mu Jiansheng, Zhou Yan, all of them are cold, shiver coldly, if Blood Peak uses this move against them, they will all be shattered by now.

Several people were trembling and trembling with fear.

It's equivalent to shutting down Ghost Sect for a while.

"Can Lin Qingyang stop it?"

Compared with dísciple's panic and astonishment, those elders care more about Lin Qingyang's safety. He represents Extreme Yin Church. It's too much damage to their reputation.

Both are the overlords of the Central Wilderness, and their battles with each other are turbulent. Face is in their hearts, and they look at it very seriously, and there is no room for any loss.

"Look, he's here!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, with a strong excitement and surprise in the voice.

With the sound, everyone looked again and saw that under the terrifying a spear thrust, the void completely exploded, but Lin Qingyang was not actually assassinated.

In front of Lin Qingyang, a terrifying light wave condensed, which looked extremely hard and radiant, and firmly blocked the blood-colored long spear.

The blood-colored cold glow shot from the tip of the gun collided with the light waves and exploded with each other.

"Yes, in the world under my control, within the realm, you can still display such terrifying power, I am really impressed." Blood Peak was also shocked, but quickly sneered : "However, this is just the beginning, watch it!"

The last word fell, and Blood Peak's imposing manner was raised again, with a frantic look on his face, in the land shrouded by the Nine Suns , a terrifying breath surged out.

As the breath appeared, thousands of cold lights gushed out in that space, and when I looked around, I didn't know how many blood-colored long shots emerged.

Those long spears, boundless coercion, sharp cold glow, not much weaker than the first one, how terrifying they would be to attack and kill together?

"pu pass!"

Several Elders collapsed to the ground with despair in their eyes. It was extremely difficult to block a long grab. block?

This guy can't be resisted by dísciple at all. Maybe only six leaders in the middle are qualified to compete with him.


Blood Peak flicked his sleeve robe and shouted loudly. I don't know how many long spears, like blood-colored lightning, kept stabbing towards Lin Qingyang. go with.

That kind of terrifying momentum makes people look at it, and their hearts turn to ashes, and they feel that they will die.

Impossible to block at all!

"Divine Lightning from the sky, protect my true body!" Under such a terrifying offensive, Lin Qingyang couldn't calm down again, and the sound of explosive shouts roared out.

The voice fell, and he pointed to the sky, exuding the terrifying domineering of a peerless king.

Following that instruction, the nine-wheeled, blood-colored sun seemed to pause for a short while, and in this instant, outside the shrouded space, terrifying silver thunders appeared one after another. Dive down quickly from the sky.

Those silver thunders, with the ultimate destructive power, swooped down from the sky, directly breaking the blockade of the nine-round sun and entering the shrouded void.

Furthermore, it became a terrifying thunder wave, protecting Lin Qingyang firmly in it.

The blood-colored long spear collided with the thunder wave, causing a monstrous roar, but in the end, no one penetrated it, causing half damage to Lin Qingyang.

"You're..." Blood Peak's eyes widened.

>"Immortal nod Immortal nobility,

immortal means, a method of terrifying that really exerts its full strength, is the boundless terrifying of Immortal Emperor Level.

Not only the Elder knows, the dísciple below, many people have heard of this terrifying method.

Lin Xiyao's four daughters' eyes were completely dull, and the shock in their eyes was beyond words.

Two Heaven's Chosen, no simple existence.

Only Su Hao is very calm, immortal, Demon Emperor controls the Great Accomplishment, and he can display the profound mystery, compared to Lin Qingyang, I don't know how much higher level.

In fact, Lin Qingyang's immortal candidacy can only be regarded as an entry, and he is still a million miles apart from mastering the profound mystery in it.

Judging by Su Hao's standards, it's no exaggeration to say, rubbish!

"Since you are dead and alive, then fight with all your strength!" Lin Qingyang counterattacked, making the imposing manner even more terrifying. He pointed to the sky again, and said aggressively: "Immortal nominate, the sky opens!"


Heaven and Earth trembled for it, and the area shrouded in the blood-colored sun was irradiated by the terrifying light waves from the sky, which opened a gap.

Lin Qingyang's body, under the shroud of light waves from the sky, disappeared along the gap in an instant, standing above the bloody sun.

The holy light of the sky shrouded his whole body, hair, and even shoes and socks, all wrapped in brilliance, making him look divine to the extreme.

He gives the impression that he is like a Supreme War God from ancient times. With every move, he can decide the situation and control all things.


“Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, all magic gathers the Heavenly Wheel!”

To get rid of the bloody void completely, Lin Qingyang also spare no effort, immortal nod to cast again, borrowing Come to Heaven and Earth vigorously, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.

five streams of divine light rumbled down from the sky, like five gods dragon-like, quickly condensed together and turned into a huge five-color disc.

"Break up!"

He held the five-colored Sky Wheel with one palm up, and then looked very ruthless, moved towards the fiercely below.

The five-colored sky wheel spins down, and the void where it passes explodes continuously, churning up terrifying void waves.

And after the five-colored sky wheel met a piece of void intercepted by the blood-colored sun, a huge boom rose into the sky, and the nine-colored sun was crushed by the five-color disc and exploded one after another.

Rumbling, booming...

The sun followed, the void was unstable, and as the disk was completely shrouded, it completely disintegrated under the horrified gaze of everyone.

Blood Peak in there, his expression suddenly pale, blood spurting wildly from his mouth, and at the same time as the void collapsed, he flew away in embarrassment.

"Okay, very good!" The Elder below shouted, flushing with excitement, Lin Qingyang was extremely terrifying, protecting Extreme Yin Church's face.

"This child is extraordinary, it must be a generation of Sovereign!" Some people even shouted at the sky and praised him. The future Lin Qingyang must be a generation of Immortal Sovereign.

His future is already bright!

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