Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1913

Su Hao entered the Hukou Cave, and the light suddenly dimmed. Even the light from the outside world seemed to be sucked in by mysterious things, so that the place could not be flooded with light anyway.

Even Su Hao took out a Spirit Bead and let it radiate bright brilliance, but it can only illuminate the whole body at a distance of one meter. If it is further away, the light will be absorbed.

Fortunately, Su Hao's immortal strength has not disappeared, and the light from both eyes can still see a farther distance.

With the help of Divine Pupil, he went deeper and deeper, and found that the ancient terrifying here is full of ancient desolation.

Also, the hole is not deep, Su Hao walked a hundred meters before reaching the end and saw the statue standing in front of him.

It really is a tiger's head!

Moreover, behind this statue, there is a special fluctuation, as if there is a void seal, once opened, it can connect to another world.

"Tiger-headed person, one of the twelve Ancient Gods, I don't know how much my cultivation speed can reach if I absorb it."

Su Hao is also looking forward to it.

next moment, he stepped forward quickly, and the twelve Ancient God Tokens on his chest glowed, linking with the tiger-headed person.

Suddenly, the statue with the tiger's head and human body trembled violently, causing the tiger's mouth to shake violently.

While shaking here, the outside world, under the river, and in the void, all those Innate Lifeforms appeared, full of dozens, exuding a terrifying breath.

These breaths made the four of Lin Xiyao panic. They gathered together, each grabbed a corner of the map and waited.

Fortunately, those Innate Lifeforms didn't act rashly, and they didn't even look towards them. They just stared at Hukou Cave, and their expectations were even stronger.

This situation lasted for a full quarter of an hour, and the spirit of the four girls just relaxed a little, those things did not threaten them.

Confirmed this, they just ate the Immortal Sovereign grass given by Su Hao, surrounded the four corners of the map, and began to cultivate.

Su Hao also started his cultivation when they were here.

He communicated with the statue, entered the mysterious world again, and saw the huge statue, pointing to the sky with one hand and touching the ground with the other hand, which was boundless and domineering.

The vast voice resounded in my mind: All the immortals come to worship me!

But this voice came out, and twelve statues appeared all around, exuding various terrifying suppressing powers, causing the huge statues to be suppressed again while struggling.

Su Hao had seen this scene when he absorbed the first ape-headed human statue, and was not surprised at this time.

However, there is a trace of distress.

After all, that huge statue, connected with his breath, is probably related to the Destiny Family, and the Twelve Ancient Gods are suppressing the Destiny Family.

Nowadays, he has to need twelve Ancient Gods, temporarily save his life, and act as a great cultivator.

At the end, when the Twelve Ancient Gods are gathered, his cultivation base is boundless, and his cultivation speed surpasses everything. At that time, will the Twelve Ancient Gods completely suppress the domineering statues?

He is connected to the domineering statue, and it is very likely that he will be completely suppressed the moment he reaches Peak, and there will be no day to turn over.

Going to the limit is a dead end!

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much. Now absorbing the twelve Ancient God orders is my only way. If I don't absorb it, my life can't be guaranteed. If I die, there is really no hope. "

"As long as I am alive, there are infinite possibilities. I believe that I, Su Hao, can definitely break all obstacles, climb to the top of the pinnacle, and transcend the gods!"

Su Hao throws away The doubts in his mind began to be integrated wholeheartedly. From the statue of the tiger-headed human body, black air flow shot out and merged into Su Hao's chest.

With the previous experience, Su Hao is not afraid of absorbing the tiger head, and it starts to run smoothly.



While absorbing the black qi flow, a huge roar suddenly sounded in Su Hao’s chest, and a terrifying pain spread rapidly from his chest.

It's like, his chest is cracking open, spreading to the whole body, so that his whole body is completely exploded.

This pain is huge, this feeling is terrifying, it seems like a life-or-death crisis, and you may step onto Yellow Springs Road at any time.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, they will absolutely be in chaos, and even under the pain and torture, they will lose all courage to resist, resulting in a mental breakdown.

Even Su Hao uttered a groan by surprise, and almost fainted from the pain.

But he reacted quickly and had a strong will for a moment, then fiercely bit the tip of his tongue, and at the moment when his consciousness was restored to sobriety and calmness, he fiercely slapped his storage bag, and countless essences flew out of it. The material, exploded, became billowing essence.


At the same time as the energy is rolling, Su Hao's Supreme Heavenly Demon Art runs rapidly, and the terrifying power of swallowing makes the energy in all directions Desperately pouring into the mouth, pouring into the limbs and bones, making him have temporarily reached the limit of cultivation base, begin to stir again.


Accompanied by a bang in the body, Su Hao's cultivation base, under the crisis, forced a breakthrough...Immortal King Sixth Layer!

In this way, the sense of tearing has just weakened a little.

"Good risk!"

Su Hao is also a long-winded breath.

"It seems that the absorption of Ancient God statues is also connected to the cultivation base. My current cultivation base is somewhat unsatisfactory to absorb the 4th statue."

"Fortunately, my The fleshy body is strong enough, and the cultivation base is not far from the Immortal King Sixth Layer, coupled with the terrifying magic support of Supreme Heavenly Demon Art, it goes a step further at critical moments, otherwise, it may really explode.”

The alarm bell sounded in Su Hao's heart. If he absorbs the essence of the Ancient God statue in the future, he must make the cultivation base as strong as possible and be fully prepared.

At the same time when the crisis was lifted, Su Hao also woke up and left the mysterious world,

experienced pain, which led to the complete containment of the 4th statue, Su Hao could feel, Twelve Ancient God made even more terrifying.

His cultivation speed has skyrocketed again!

Lifts the head again, and the statue of the tiger-headed human body disperses little by little, becoming a trail of flying ashes.

Half a quarter of an hour is completely invisible.

After the statue disappeared, the mysterious aura spread out, but it conveyed a terrifying wave, like a gust of wind swept away, making the Hukou Cave rumbling and collapsing completely.

Fortunately, Su Hao had already left a moment before the collapse, but at this time his mood was not calm, he looked forward and saw the gap in the void.

It wasn't just him, Lin Xiyao's four daughters woke up from the cultivation, and their eyes widened as they looked.

This void crack is different!

Compared to them, the excitement of those Innate Lifeforms is boundless.

The look in their eyes is crazy!

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