Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1911

Su Hao's movements were so fast that even the three Alliance Leaders didn't react for a while, until his voice sounded, and those people were surprised.

There is a deep anger in Zhao Yin's eyes. With his strength, he has not been able to catch a nameless junior?

This is an insult to him.

But from this he also concluded that there is indeed a terrifying method on this purple hair.

Otherwise, the speed would not be so terrifying.

With a cold look in his eyes, he ice-cold saying: "You think I really don't dare to enter the dark gorge, you dare to go, will I be afraid?"

The voice fell. , he stepped on the soles of his feet in the void, and his body quickly emerged, plunged into the mysterious yin stream, and chased Su Hao straight away.

After him, Zhou Yan and Mu Jiansheng also acted. They were very interested in Su Hao's map. According to the report of his subordinates, that map was related to great fortune.

Also, the speed that Su Hao showed before is definitely a terrifying method, perhaps the Immortal Sovereign method, which makes them extremely greedy in their hearts.

No one wants to give up this opportunity.

However, when they entered it, went 30,000 meters deep, and found the silhouette of Su Hao's far away, when the three of them were about to speed up to catch up, they felt a terrifying aura quickly surging.

The breath spread out from the gap in the void, and as it spread, a dark and huge claw suddenly protruded from there.

The huge pitch-black claws are so oppressive that the three Alliance Leaders are also afraid.

At this time, in the turbulent river below, there seemed to be a pair of blood-colored pupils, like a poisonous snake, staring at them coldly from the bottom of the water, waiting for an opportunity.

The faces of the three of them changed at the same time, Zhou Yan's Heavenly Flame, immediately enveloped the whole body, and at the same time retreated three kilometers, dodging the huge and dark monster beast claws.

Mu Jiansheng's whole body was surging with purple sword qi, as if he was wearing sword qi armor. Anyone who approached him within 100 meters was immediately cut by sword qi.

Even so, he retreated with Zhou Yan, and the hidden danger made him unsure.

Finally, after Zhao disappeared, a vicissitudes and ancient stone gate appeared. The stone gate was connected to the unknown place in the void. He could enter his mysterious Small World at any time at the place where the stone gate was connected to the outside world. invincible position.

However, at this time, my heart is also cold, Xuanyinjian is known as a forbidden area of life, and the real terrifying thing can even shatter his Small World.

After weighing it, he dodged back three kilometers, coldly said: "We can't get in, and he can't get in either. Look, he will be forced to quit soon. ."

The three agreed, and then their eyes glowed, looking at Su Hao who was far away, but at a glance, they were all stunned.

In the front, Su Hao took the four daughters and rushed forward, terrifying monster beast claws and heads, protruding from the gap in the void, but after hesitating, he did not launch an attack.

Even, the river below is turbulent, and there is a terrifying Monster Qi transpiring. I don't know why, there is no next action for a long time.

The three of them were extremely surprised. In their hearts, any of the three of them was much stronger than Zifa when they went out. Besides, they were threatened by monster beast and almost attacked when they went out together.

Why is Zifa safe and sound?

"Map, is it possible that the map can find a safe passage and go deep into the mysterious yin stream?" Mu Jiansheng narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

This was the only possibility he could think of, and it was also recognized by Zhou Yan and Zhao Yin.

"Have the ability, come!"

Front, Su Hao seemed to notice that they were watching Divine Pupil, moved towards the grin behind him, red lips, white teeth, harmless to humans and animals.

But this look made the three of them feel boundless anger, especially Su Hao's question, which made them want to bite their teeth.

The three of them are in the middle reaches, they are considered the top of the dísciple, and even the general Elder, they all have to look at their faces and do things. How can they ever be teased like this?

"I will kill you!" Zhou Yan said, the terrifying flames on his body surged, and the fiery temperature made the whole body sound like shuaa~.

Those void cracks, closed quickly, it seems that the monster beast is afraid of the terrifying temperature, and closed its door.

The river below churned and steamed up boundless steam.

Amid the water vapor, a huge monster beast protruded its claws from it, and the three of them fiercely moved towards the sky and grabbed it.


Zhou Yan's flame temperature terrifying, surging downward.

Mu Jiansheng was full of sword qi breath, ten thousand sword lights of purple, with a terrifying edge, madly bombarded towards the bottom.

Zhao Yin's fist, with the assistance of the stone gate behind him, was like an instant killing technique, and in less than a blink of an eye, it had already struck the huge claws.

His stone gate is connected to a Small World, he controls the Small World law, and can make his fists hit from any Small World.

And Small World, shrouded the void, with no difficulty shrouds the area where monster beast claws are located.

The three people's full strength shot, the claws suddenly shattered, a terrifying roar came from the bottom of the river, and then the river rolled, as if a huge monster, fled away.


The three of them looked at each other and left quickly. When they arrived outside the Xuanyin Stream, Chang Qingyun had disappeared without a trace.

However, the three of them did not leave, but each found an open space, sat on a plate, and fixed their eyes on the mysterious yin stream.

There is only one entrance to this place. Zifa enters from this place, and it must come out from here. As long as he appears, it is... death!


Su Hao didn't care about this, holding the map and continuing to go deeper.

Those three guessed right, this map has the majesty of terrifying here, so that those monster beasts dare not attack Su Hao.

This is a pleasant surprise.

Originally, Su Hao also planned to use the infinite universe to sprint forward at the fastest speed, even if he encountered some danger, there would be no life-threatening.

Now it seems that he came here, holding a map, just like a walk in a garden, without needing to rely on speed to avoid danger.

It's very easy.

This scene also made Lin Xiyao's four daughters look incredible. When they entered this place, the pores all over their bodies exploded.

After all, this is a forbidden area for life. Even the Elder of the Immortal King Ninth Layer once fell here. Who dares to be careless?

But along the way, it is intact, let alone encountering danger, just never encountered any obstacles.

It was beyond their imagination.

They have already penetrated 300,000 meters.

The length of this stream is unknown, but the distance of 300,000 meters, as far as they know, has never been heard of anyone doing it.


Suddenly, Su Hao's voice entered the ears of the four girls, and several of them followed his eyes and looked down, next moment, at the same time stunned for a moment .

As they were stunned, their eyes were full of excitement.


They were about to yell.


Su Hao's voice made the four girls scream, and they choked in their mouths. They breathed deeply, and the excitement in their eyes became more and more intense. Surging, sound transmission asked Su Hao: "Master, what should we do, this thing is extremely rare."

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