Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1901

"Ah... boy, you're finished, I promise that you would rather die than die, and I want you to regret coming to this world."

Chunan couldn't bear the pain of broken fingers. He roared, and the blood in his eyes was as ferocious as the Great Desolate Strange Beast.

Even, his face is distorted, and he can no longer look like a human being.

It is conceivable how terrifying the anger has become.

It's almost crazy.

After his voice fell, the sound of breaking the air in the distance quickly sounded, and a black Changhong shot towards the place.

That speed made the void tremble.

Chunan swept away, looking more ferocious, looking towards Su Hao again and yelling: "little bastard, my big brother is here, you are ready to die..."

"bang! "

Before the words were finished, Su Hao's fist had already arrived, and the terrifying force directly smashed Chunan's teeth to strike.

The blood, accompanied by the shattered bits of the teeth, was continuously spitting out, and it was so miserable that it made the scalp tingle at a glance.

"If a dog bites someone, I'll break his paw, break his dog's teeth, and continue to be arrogant. I'll kill him... a dog!" Su Hao's voice also became cold.

And such a voice made the ferocious Chunan tremble suddenly, especially the purple-haired eyes that made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body cold.

He had no doubt that this guy dared to kill him immediately.

Immediately, he didn't even dare to let out the slightest scream.

The people around were even more shocked. Chu Bei had already arrived, and this kid actually dared to be arrogant. This time things really happened, and there will definitely be a big drama today.

Jian Shaofeng and Zhuang Yan, after being stunned for a moment, their faces became more thoughtful.

This kid, Interesting.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, Chu Bei's big brother, your younger brother is about to be killed." Xu Yuan sat on the seat and moved towards the sky loudly said.

He was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, and that the scene would not be exciting enough.

The most important thing is, lest the purple hair is not bad enough!

The elder who hosted was even more proud. He was not afraid of Su Hao's arrogance. The more arrogant the better, the more the better offended.

When the time comes, he profiting from somebody's misfortune, the more benefits he gets.

black Changhong came through the sky.

As a gust of wind swept away, the silhouette was finally completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

It's Chu Bei!

At this time, his face was extremely ugly, and his body was covered with sweat. The sweat flowed downwards with him, and the ground was wet.

And his performance immediately made everyone think that the anger had reached the limitless level, and the next step was to howling wind and torrential rain, and the thunder was surging.

"Looking at the appearance of Senior Brother Bei, I'm going to go crazy. This kid is miserable, definitely miserable." Someone whispered, his tone trembling.

"Sure, don't you know, Chu Nan was beaten a few days ago, and Chu Senior Brother Bei came to the door with a knife and chopped the man alive into 9 by 9, 81 sections. A tragic scene, once you see it, you will never forget it, like the hell of Asura." Another added, his body trembling.

"Hide away, Chu Senior Brother Bei will break out for a while, it must be extremely terrifying, but don't affect us." The third person said, and retreated sharply.

At the same time, it also reminded the people around, those people immediately retreated quickly, for fear of suffering from Chiyu.

Even that Jian Shaofeng, Majestic, and even Xu Yuan, who was sitting on the seat, all retreated a little. Chu Bei's outbreak was absolutely fierce.

"big brother, I was almost killed by him, you must avenge me!" Chu Nan also spoke loudly, with extreme grievance and tears in his eyes.

Chu Bei moved.

Step down.

The ground trembled.

Everyone's hearts are suspended.

But no one noticed that the trembling of the ground was not a force, but a resonance caused by the violent shaking of Chu Bei's legs.

At this moment, Chu Bei kept lying in his heart, and the fear in his heart had reached an indescribable level.

Although I only saw a profile.

But he can be absolutely sure that that person is purple hair.

One punch kills Lang Kong's terrifying existence!

After his voice fell, Chu Bei's Second Step stepped down, this huge step appeared directly in front of Chu Nan, and also approached Zifa.

In this brief moment, a violent aura was already exuding from Chu Nan.

The spirit of everyone is even more tense.

It's time to shoot.

The drama is about to be staged!

Chun Nan was also proud of himself, big brother made a move, that kid must be miserable, and he added fuel to jealousy at the end: "big brother, he cheated me for 500 million, beat me, and insulted you. , insulting the Alliance Leader, insulting ASEAN, is simply an unforgivable sin..."

"pa!" It rang impatiently.

The sound was extremely harsh, and as it sounded, there was a silhouette that flew upside down rapidly, spraying blood in the air.

Wherever he went, the void was dyed bright red.

And this scene made everyone stunned there.

The person who flew upside down turned out to be Chu Nan!

Chu Bei's terrifying anger was vented on his beloved younger brother?

He, crazy?

Or, is it a crooked one?

Everyone was stunned.

"big brother, you..." Chu Nan flew out from a distance, blood sprayed from his face, and after landing on the ground, the whole person felt like the world was spinning.

But all this was nothing compared to the confusion in his heart.

What happened to big brother?

Did you take the wrong medicine?


In his accident, Chu Bei's Third Step stepped down and appeared in front of him again, and at the same time stepped on Chu Nan fiercely 's chest.

With a click, there was a sound of broken bones.

But this is not the end. With one step, Chu Bei slammed down again, causing Chu Nan's entire body to be embedded under the ground.

ka-cha, ka-cha, the sound of broken bones resounded like fried beans.

The harsh sound made everyone slap fiercely. Just listening to the sound made people feel extremely painful.

It's just that everyone has more doubts and confusion.

Even, many people have a bad premonition.

Reminiscent of Zifa's previous words.

Is it true?

Jian Shaofeng, Zhuang Yan, even Xu Yuan, and even the Elder, all frowned at this time, and the bad premonition was extremely strong.

The first time, Chu Bei may have been confused and hit crookedly. The second time can be said to be an accident, but what about the third time?

You can't make mistakes all the time, right?

Probably, he did it on purpose.

Do this, in order to show Zifa!

He's afraid of purple hair?

Actually, no need to guess, Chu Bei was already trembling and walked up to Su Hao when they were frowned.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, they bent their knees and knelt down.

He lowered his head and his body trembled.

Like a slave, admit your mistake!

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