Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1879

The girl in the light green dress, but only forty years old, with a faint smile on her face, led Su Hao and the others forward quite kindly.

Four of them are equally famous for their piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Three of them are here. This girl feels that her master will definitely want them to come.

Before, she was blamed by Che Lin for neglecting important guests.

This time, he led people up directly.

"My family's lady is over there, please come with me." The girl's voice was light, which matched her indifferent temperament, giving people a feeling of pure kindness.

"What's your name?" Su Hao stared at the girl and asked with a light smile.

"A maid, I'm not qualified to have a name, my family's lady takes pity on me and gives me the name Qinger." The girl smiled faintly, knowingly.

“You are not simple, and your cultivation base is not weak. Sooner or later, you will become a master.” Su Hao said with a smile.

It's not a compliment either.

It is true.

This girl's aptitude is not simple, it's no worse than the three behind her, or even stronger.

Being a slave here is really a condescension.

"Elder's words are serious, I have no ability, it's just that my family's lady is pitiful and just taught me some laws." Qinger lightly said with a smile.

In the smile, what Su Hao sees is low self-esteem. After being a slave for a long time, this girl has long lost her self-confidence and the heart to make progress.

Soon, several people arrived ahead.

Qing'er stepped forward, moved towards Che Lin in front of her, bowed respectfully, and said with great respect, "Miss, these..."


Before the voice fell, a loud slap in the face had already sounded, and Qing'er's delicate face had already swelled up, and the dazzling five finger prints looked hideous.

She froze for a moment, not knowing why.

But just for a moment, he hurriedly fell to the ground and said, "Miss, Qinger is guilty, Qinger is guilty, please punish."

"What's the crime?" Che Lin asked coldly.

"I, I...I don't know." Qing'er lowered her head, she didn't know what she did wrong at all, but when the lady was angry, it was her fault.

Being a slave, you are not qualified to ask the reason, the master is not happy, no matter what the reason is, right and wrong, it is your responsibility.


Che Lin cursed, not satisfied with this answer, under angry roar, she threw her hand and slapped Qinger out.

The girl's body flew out, blood sprayed from her mouth, and her delicate face looked so miserable that she could no longer see her original appearance.

She fell at the feet of Su Hao, with tears in her eyes, pitiful, and with infinite grievances.

But the next moment quickly put away the grievances in his eyes, knelt down in front of Che Lin, and begged: "Please also make it clear, Miss Qinger, that there will be no next time."


"Next time, do you still have a chance?" Che Lin stepped on her foot, and Qing'er collapsed to the ground. Che Lin stepped on her head and let out a painful wailing sound.

"A lowly minion, I will kill you whenever I want."

"Sister Che Senior, I remember she has been with you for thirty years. Well, even if there is no credit, there is still hard work, is that the case?"

Lin Xiyao couldn't see it, and stood up and said, even if she is a minion, isn't there any feeling of getting along with her for several decades?

"My own servant, I can do whatever I want! It has something to do with you? And her life is mine, so what if I kill her?" Che Lin coldly said.

While she was speaking, her feet were more powerful, and with a fiercely step, you could clearly see that Qing'er's head went deep into the ground.

From there, blood kept pouring out, and if she continued, her head would explode.

"If one can let people off, then spare them, not to mention, she has followed you for several decades." Mo Xiu and Mo Yun couldn't see it either, loudly said.

This Che Lin looks as beautiful as a flower, but her heart is like a snake, even more terrifying than a snake. She is also narrow-minded and jealous, seeking revenge for the slightest grievance.

"What's the matter, all three of you took the wrong medicine today? I punished my servant, what does it have to do with you? This servant is not secretly taking refuge with you and leaking my secret, right? ?"

Che Lin's eyes flashed coldly, stepping on Qing'er's head while looking down at her, and said, "Slut, did you betray me, ah?"

"Miss, Qinger dare not, Qinger is loyal to you, I just led them up the mountain without saying a few words, let alone mentioning the matter of the lady, I take my responsibility I swear."

Qing'er said immediately.

She really didn't say anything.

"Your fate is worthless in my eyes, it is not as good as a weed on my mountain!"

"You think I will believe you? You bastards, even the humble ones are inferior to ants, how could they have pity on you, why should they plead for you?" Che Lin gloomily said: "Also, without my permission, who would give you the courage to bring anyone on board. Climbing to my mountain, do you want to be the master for me?"

Qing'er burst into tears, unable to argue, and under Che Lin's more forceful stamping, her head was in great pain, and the pain was unbearable.

"She is very loyal to you, you should give her the respect she deserves." Su Hao couldn't help but speak.

"hahaha." Che Lin said with a big smile: "What qualifications do you have to take care of my affairs, she is my slave and my item, I will punish you how I want, I You can humiliate as much as you want."

As she spoke, she stepped on the soles of her feet one by one, saying, "If you don't talk about it, I might let her go. The more you talk about it, the more I will The more you want to torture her."

She had a wicked smile on her face, stepping on the soles of her feet at will, constantly stepping on her, allowing Qing'er below to mourn and be indifferent.

"How's it going? Are you upset, my mountain, is it your turn to speak?"

She stepped on Qing'er with her feet, and stared at Su Hao coldly. Said: "I heard that you are planning to accept me as a dísciple? I really don't know what qualifications you have?"

"I did have this idea at first, but now, you ruined the opportunity with your own hands." Su Hao The voice became cold, and this person was not worthy of being his dísciple.

"Opportunity? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. You want to be my Che Lin's Master? You say it's a chance? I'm not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue."

"Don't talk about being my Master, a waste like you, even if you kneel down and beg me to be my slave, this Miss will look down on you."

Che Lin said with arrogance and arrogance. : "Get out of here immediately!"

Elder Liu let out a smug laugh, scolded: "Boy, don't you understand human language? They told you to get out, like a dog."

After he finished speaking, he laughed heartily, and even recorded the scene, intending to go back and laugh for Elder Mu.

This purple hair is nothing special.

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