Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1876

Moyun stood with a pen, his imposing manner became extremely sharp, the murderous intention in his eyes was as cold as a knife, it was hard to imagine that such a peerless person would be so terrifying after turning his face.

"Senior Sister Yun, Master, he is not simple. I am thousands of miles away from him. To be precise, in front of him, I don't even have the qualifications to do it, so you..." Lin Xi Yao reminded immediately.

Su Hao's ability completely convinced him, and all the way to the peak, all the organs were suppressed. It is foreseeable that Su Hao simply ignored the means of Mo Yun and Mo Xiu.

It's just that when she said this, Mo Yun's eyes are more sharp, ice-cold saying: "You think that making you the leader of this piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is really your strongest ability. , we are not as good as you?"

"receive my move!"

Moyun scolded, the paintbrush in his hand, dancing quickly, in the dance, Immortal Qi of this mountain peak , even quickly gathered to the tip of the pen.

Take the soul as a guide.

With spirit as ink.

Using the Immortal King pen as the carrier, the ink cloud quickly paints in the void. With a few strokes, a purple fairy vine appears, piercing like a spear.

It's sharp and fast.

Blink has come.


When they arrived in front of Su Hao, the area on that side, under Su Hao's finger, turned extremely cold and snowed.

The swirling snowflakes rippled with a terrifying cold air, which was enough to freeze everything, and the purple fairy vines lost their vitality in an instant.

More than that, the snowflakes fell, with Su Hao as the center and a radius of 100 meters, everything withered, and the stream froze instantly.


The fairy vines withered completely, and Su Hao just spit out a word.

And it was this word that made Mo Yun's complexion change suddenly. Her brush can paint tangible objects, and even endow it with short-lived spiritual wisdom.

But it is absolutely impossible to change the seasons in an instant, and let the seasons show to the extreme, such as that snow, but it is infinitely cold.

She was shocked, but it didn't stop there. The black-rod golden brush danced quickly again, and a Willow Tree appeared, with ten thousand green silk ribbons hanging down.

Those silk sashes danced fast, and the willow branches stabbed like a broken Heavenly God sword, and the void trembled quickly, as if it was about to explode.


Su Hao swayed his fingers, the snowflakes gradually changed, the autumn climate showed all around, the autumn wind was bleak, and the wicker quickly turned yellow.

When Su Hao put it down casually, the yellow willow branches broke apart and fell to the ground one after another.

"You, who the hell are you?" Mo Yun was shocked, purple hair can really change the season, and that makes the characteristics of the season show to the extreme.

The key is that the smile on the guy's face is faint, and when he shot, there is no change in the slightest. It seems that all this is just what he did at will.

This is a bit terrifying.

"Senior Sister Yun, Master, he is really different. Why don't you surrender. He is willing to accept you as a dísciple." Lin Xiyao said quickly.

Mo Yun was really frightened, Su Hao was too terrifying, and terrifying made her feel that no matter what, she couldn't struggle under his hands.

But at this moment, a colder voice sounded: "Continue!"

This voice appeared, and from the height of the mountain, a black clothed woman fell, and Mo The clouds are seven-point similar, and in her hand, she also holds a pen.

Her pen, golden's barrel, and black's bristles, as they appeared, quickly wrote a word in the void: Ice!

This person is the book, Mo Xiu!

Mo Yun's eyes flashed, and the word "ice" appeared there, the temperature all around changed greatly, while Immortal Qi condensed the ice, she shot again.

Her pen uses ice as ink, gathering all her spirit, and painting quickly, the tip of the pen dances like a misty cloud, and at a very fast speed, she completes a masterpiece.

It turned out to be an Azure Dragon!

"go! ”

Finally, the ice giant dragon roared out, passing by like a blizzard, whimpering, like the vastness of the Azure Dragon from ancient times Sound, shaking Heaven and Earth.

Mo Xiu and Mo Yun made a joint effort, combining calligraphy and painting, murderous intention terrifying, even Immortal King Seventh Layer could hardly resist this move.

Lin Xiyao also showed a hint of shock in her eyes. Under this terrifying attack, she would be instantly defeated, and she didn't even have time to resist.

She turned her head slightly and looked at Su Hao, only to find that he was indifferent and his smile remained the same.

next moment, that Azure Dragon arrived quickly, like a real giant beast, with an extremely terrifying ferocious air, and the cold air spitting at will, freezing everything and killing everything.


In this brief moment, Su Hao just opened his mouth lightly, and his fingers danced again, all around him, unaffected by the ice, fierce as summer, hot Bake everything.

The Ice Dragon seemed to be afraid, hovering three meters away from Su Hao, the huge dragon head, the ferocious dragon eyes, and the sharp dragon teeth were terrifying everywhere.

But I didn't dare to go forward.

Su Hao's whole body shows the terrifying of summer, the temperature is violent, scorching everything, burning everything.

Mo Xiu and Mo Yun looked at each other with deep fear in their eyes, this person is really terrifying, unimaginable terrifying.

They could not get close to him even with a combined blow.

But in the end, the stubbornness in my heart overcame the fear, and Mo Xiu shot again, spitting out a mouthful of blood, using the blood as ink, and wrote: Kill!

The killing character moved forward and landed directly on the body of Ice Dragon. The Ice Dragon, which was originally shining, changed immediately, and the whole became bloody.

A terrifying murderous aura spread out from Ice Dragon.

Ice Dragon's ferocious, even more violent, roared, and went straight to Su Hao to devour.

The blood dragon rushes to kill!

"Come on!"

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, without hesitation, he pointed to the sky and let out an extremely domineering roar.

As the roar sounded, the expressions of Mo Xiu and Mo Yun changed drastically. The fear in their eyes could not be described in words, as if mortals saw a ghost.

Lin Xiyao, who was beside him, was also trembling with fright.

Su Hao pointed to the sky with one hand, and as he pointed to the sky, the next big sun actually descended on the sky.

From a distance, it was as if he reached out and grabbed a big sun from the sky.

How domineering?

The big sun came down, the pressure was boundless, the temperature was terrifying, the mountain peaks were like a fire sea in an instant, the mountains, rocks and vegetation, under the terrifying temperature, hu hu burned up.


After Su Hao uttered a word again, the big sun descended faster, and it seemed that Su Hao was completely caught in the palm of his hand.

next moment, he held the big sun and pressed down fiercely with a domineering posture, and below it was Ice Dragon.


The mountain peaks trembled violently, and the flames roared into the sky, rolling like a tidal wave, and the Ice Dragon, under the suppression of the big sun, has completely ……disappear!

The fierce sun presses Azure Dragon and blows it up!

"deng deng deng!"

Mo Xiu and Mo Yun sisters, trembling in unison, their expressions were extremely frightened, their bodies uncontrollably retreated backwards, and they were almost paralyzed. fell to the ground.

But that's not the end, while they dodge, the big sun blows up the Azure Dragon, heading straight for their cover.

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